7 signs that you have a "deadly" blood coagulator inside you
Here are the symptoms that people live, according to the CDC.

You can have a serious headache

You may have a headache, and it will be "serious" -CE can "go headaches in clusters such as the appearance, the worst headache of life, the headache of migraine type, explosive headaches, chronic tension headaches, chronic daily headaches and thunder headaches, "according to ato study.
You can have new neurological symptoms

"If you have cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: respond quickly to symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, fainting, loss of control of a part of your body and conversation attacks. If you have The above symptoms, ask someone to immediately take you to the emergency room or call 911 for help, "saysJohns Hopkins.
You can have severe abdominal pain

A cerebral venous thrombosis of the patient-independent sinus to the vaccines - had a "mood disorder, an infrequent migraine without aura, Gerd and a ulcerative colitis presented at the service of emergencies with four weeks of abdominal pain, hematosezia and d 'an unintentional weight loss of 28 pounds on these four weeks. "
You can have a swelling of the legs

"If a blood clot is formed in a deep vein, it can block the flow of blood, which prevents tissues from draining properly. This causes excessive accumulation of fluid, swelling, heat and embarrassment in the leg. A blood clot in a deep vein may also break and return to the heart and in the lungs, "saysLifebridge Health.
You can have tiny red spots on the skin (petechee)

"The Pechee are key points, round stains that appear on the skin following bleeding. The bleeding causes petechee to appear red, brown or purple. Pechee (Puh Tee-Kee-EE) appear in clusters and can look like a rash. Usually flat to the touch, petechee does not lose color when you press them, "says theMAYO Clinic. This problem "can start as ischemic neuronal damage, péchee merge it later in large hematomas," says ato study.
You can have new or easy bruises

"Easy bruise sometimes indicates a serious underlying disease, such as a blood coagulation problem or blood disease," says theMAYO Clinic. "Consult your doctor if you:
- Have frequently bruising, especially if your bruises appear on your trunk, your back or your face or seem to grow for any known reason
- Have easy bruises and a history of significant bleeding, such as during a surgical procedure
- Suddenly start the bruise, especially if you recently started a new medicine
- Have family history of easy bruising or bleeding "
You can have a shortness of breath

The shortness of breath "usually appears suddenly and is still worsening with the effort," says the Mayo clinic. This can also include breathing difficulties.
You can have a back pain

CDC recommends that doctors search for "severe headache, headache, headache, new neurological symptoms, severe abdominal pain, breathing shortness, swelling of the legs, petechiae (small red spots on the skin), or New or easy bruises "and exhortize" number of platelets and proof screen of immune thrombocytopenia. "
RELATED:Without a sign that you can have dementia, according to the CDC
What if you feel these symptoms

If you feel one of them, "contact your health care provider and consult any emergency medical treatment."
The risk of developing the disease is higher in the first three weeks after getting the vaccine and decreases over time. "If you have received the vaccine more than three weeks ago, the risk of developing a blood clot is probably very low right now," they explain. "If you have received the vaccine over the last three weeks, your risk of developing a blood clot is also very low and the risk will decrease over time." So get vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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