13 tips for an instant energy boost
And one of these hacks effortless includes a jolt of caffeine.

Sometimes you really need to buckle andto do things. But there is a hitch in the plan: you are beaten. You have worked your tail yesterday, you started and turned up to 3:00, and your commute went all over the punch game. But all is not lost. You can recover that the energy resembling Lark felt earlier in the week and you do not even need to get down to Redbull to do it. Just follow these 13 tips for an instantaneous adrenaline substitute and you will be ready to solve everything that the HUMP day should start. And for greater tips on the life of your best life, do not miss the32 Secrets of an anti-stress life.
1 Do not think. Blinking.

This is the way of modern office worker: eyes glued to a computer screen, focused on your work - or, let's be honest, an idiotic video on animal babies. Cornaccording to theActs of the National Academy of SciencesThis has attracted the attention of your brain. Without realizing, there is a good chance, you do not blink. Each blinking causes the visual and somatosensory cortex of your brain take a "mini-nip" that allows essential recharge and an increase in later energy.
2 Stop skipping breakfast.
According to the NDP group, a food31 million Americans jump breakfast every day - most often because they are "too busy or current late". So, if you are one of the 10% of the country that jumps the most essential meal, literally take five minutes each morning and stop jumping. Breakfast has been shown that time and again to revive your body's functions and give you the energy reserves you need for lunch.
3 Breath of beats.

There is a reason why optimistic music is played at gyms - it prevents people from causing a low energy cliff and calling it on a mid-way workout.According to American scientistFast music grants an increase in instant energy into "primer" to "replace" the signals of our brain for fatigue. However, the benefits of early high on 145 ppm. So you get the same advantages by listening to "Shake it" withTaylor Swift (160 ppm) As you listen to "born to run" byBruce Springsteen (147 BPM).
4 Make your feet move.

While you listen to these tunes at the fast pace, there is another thing you can do to geteven more energy out of the music. But be warned: this technique can irritate adjacent office drones. According toresearch in theJournal of Music TherapyBy tapping your feet and your fingers on optimistic music will provide an instant remedy for all fatigue. (And yes, sing with your favorite songs attenuates fatigue as well-but we will never learn it.) And for more good advice on the photoity of your energy levels, do not miss the15 ways to be a senior energy person immediately.
5 Take the stairs.

Researchers in the Kinesiology Department of the University of Georgia have found that, when it comes to powering through your midday crash, a visit to your Stairwell office will make better kilometers than another cup of Joe . Walking stairs up and down for about 10 minutes - it's about 30 stories - offers the same level of energy as about 4 ounces of coffee or 1 oz espresso. And as a bonus added, you will also have a quick workout. There is a reason it'sThe first way to get an afternoon boost.
6 Tap your "thymus".
Yes, the "thymus" is a real thing, and it is located at the top of your chest, a few inches under your collarbone. Its main function is to produce T lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that, depending on energycoaches andpractitioners Chinese medicine can increase your energy levels. Press the thymus correctly, breathe slowly and deeply in and out while gently pressing this area for 20 seconds. Do it up to five times a day for instant energy boosts.
7 Snooze for a few.
Hang for a moment to sleep at some point of the day - between 10 and 30 minutes, and before 16:00, so as not to disrupt your night sleep - Abeen shownincrease memory, cognitive function and alertness. And if you cut a nap before 30 minutes you do not suffer what is called "sleep inertia," or this feeling dizzy and confused you feel betweento wake up and fullyawake.
8 Do not be dehydrated.

On ato study inThe Journal of NutritionA 2% dehydration level does not set before starting to feelHey, I'm thirsty. The same study indicates that 1.5% dehydration level sufficient for the significant fatigue is important. The solution? Make sure you drink enough water so that younevercrave hydration. For women, representing about eight cups eight ounces a day; For men, it's ten.
9 Take a cold shower.

No, you do not have to go to the challenge of the ice bucket. Cornresearch inBehavioral and cerebral functions Suggests that three minutes spent in cold water can stop a sudden fatigue in its tracks. And better yet, if you do it every day, you will do wonders against chronic fatigue.
10 Leave the office for a quick jog.
Of course, if you want to perch and maximize productivity, it may seem cons-intuitive to leave your desk. But asresearch in theJournal of professional and environmental medicine Showed dedicated to only half an hour per day of week to exercise provides an immediate and lasting duration, if you adopt the practice as usual an import. It's as simple as leaving your desk, running one kilometer stretch, and you might just fit in a typical lunch.
11 Eating oats.

Do not listen to what they say: carbohydrates are not all maize and they will not hurt you both that you eat the right. Instead of simple carbohydrates (like white bread, most cereals, or just about anything with processed sugar), spring for complex carbohydrates. They are proven to give you a burst of immediate and sustainable energy. (A bowl of oatmeal or a slice of wheat bread will do.)
12 Chewing gum.

Yes, the chewing gum can be Verboten in your office. (Or, you students out there are just not permitted in your conference rooms.) But it is time that you take issue with your boss, especially if you are a regular crisis hit during the day. According to a study inNutritional neuroscience, Chewing a piece of gum will increase alertness by 10% and also contribute to a "recovery of semantic memory" - in other words, you're more likely to remember the minutes from there 2:00 p.m. powwow.
13 On a shot of espresso.
Duh. But if you really want to maximize your energy ratio to caffeine,Take it from us and try a coffee nap.
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