Without a sign that you have "Long" Covid, according to a new study

A new study has identified the most common signs of PASC.

Every day, researchers learn more about long-term long syndrome, officially called CVIV-19 post-acute sequela (Peak) with the hope of possibly treating it. "Emerging data suggest that the effects of SARS-COV-2 infection reach far beyond those with severe acute illness," explains the authors of a new pre-printed pre-printed .Study published this week."More specifically, the presence of persistent symptoms after an apparent resolution ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Have frequently been reported throughout the pandemic by individuals labeled as "length lengths". "Using the University of California Covid Data Set, they identified the most common symptoms reported by those who identify with the disease, 61 days after their initial infection. Read to find out what they are, classified here at least common to the most common - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.



Conjunctivitis, aka ocular rose, was related to Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic. SpeakMAYO ClinicIt is defined as an inflammation or an infection of the transparent membrane that indicates your eyelid and covers the white part of your ocular globe. They add that it is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection.



Sweating woman wearing sweater

While you may not know the term medical hyperhidrosis, theMAYO ClinicExplains that this is characterized by an abnormal and excessive sweating unrelated to heat or exercise. Due to the fact that many lengths have reported temperature irregularities, ranging from chills to fever, it is more surprising than strong perspiration could be a PASC manifestation.


Chronic rhinitis

Sick woman blowing nose on her sofa.

The rhinitis is defined as chronic sneezing or a crowded Drippy nose, by theMAYO clinic.According to the study, it was a relatively common complaint of long carriers.


Malfunction of the Eustache tube

Asian men use hands to close their ears.

On ato studyThe malfunction of the Eustache tube can occur when the tube mucosa is swollen or does not open or closes properly. "If the tube is dysfunctional, symptoms such as suffocated hearing, pain, tinnitus, reduced hearing, a feeling of fullness in the ear or equilibrium problems can occur," explain-T- he. All these symptoms have been linked to PASC.



Man's hand with tremor

According toNational Library of the United States, A tremor is an involuntary "rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic movement that occurs because of the muscular contractions. Due to the COVID capacity to attack the neurological system, this could explain why some people experience these types of shakes.



Sick woman trying to sense smell of half fresh orange, has symptoms of Covid-19, corona virus infection - loss of smell and taste

Ansomnia, or loss of sense of smell, is one of the most specific symptoms for covidation. While the majority of people infected with the virus have sense of smell, others have trouble feeling for several months. "Some patients still have not completely recovered their sense of smell of months after their loss during initial infection"F. Perry Wilson, a medical medicine of Yale and Clinical Researcher and Associate Professor of Medicine at Yale Medicine School, previously explained toEat this, not that! Health. "Many people might not recognize how serious it is, but without odor, people can not eat too, can expose inadvertence to contaminated foods and, more broadly, life feels less colorful. Although we did not think about it often, the smell is extremely important for our well-being. "




Hypotension, or low blood pressure, may result in vertigo or fainting, by theMAYO Clinic. His causes? They can go dehydration to serious medical disorders. According to this study, Covid is part of it.


Sore throat or throat pain

woman with throat pain

ThroughThe CDC, viruses and infections can cause sore throat. While the painful or radiated throat has been established as an initial symptom of the virus, some long carriers claim that it persists long after their initial infection.



Closeup side profile sick young woman having ear pain touching her painful head temple

TheThe Mayo clinic definesTinutus like "ring or buzz of noise in one or two ears that can be constant or coming, often associated with auditory loss". Ato studyfound that 40% of those who had symptoms of COVID-19 reported an aggravation of their existing tinnitus, the binder to PASC. "The conclusions of this study emphasize the complexities associated with tinnitus experience and how internal factors, such as increased anxiety and feelings of loneliness, as well as external factors, such as changes to routines. Daily, "explained Eldre Beukes author. "The poor treatment of tinnitus in the early stages often leads to severe cases, and severe tinnitus can have a considerable impact on mental health," added the co-author of David Stockdale, Director General of the British Association of Tinnitus.


Skin lesions

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

A number of dermatological events have been linked to PASC, including rashes and lesions. The morbillriform resembling skin rashes "lasted a seven-day and four-day median, respectively, for patients with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, with a maximum duration of 28 days, according to the authors of ato study.



Tired mature woman take off glasses suffering from headache

Due to the fact that Covid-19 can attack the neurological system, it is not surprising that some lengths have reported a loss of memory as a symptom.



female cook standing at the hob in her apron tasting her food in the saucepan with a grimace as she finds it distasteful and unpalatable

As mentioned earlier, a loss of taste goes usually with a loss of smell for some elderly COVID-19 and continues in the long version of the virus.


Stomach pains

Woman having chest pain and coughing while lying down on sofa at home.

Gastrointestinal problems are not rare for those infected with COVID. "Stomach burns occurs when the stomach acid sudes in the tube that carries the food of your mouth to your stomach (esophagus)", "The Mayo ClinicExplain. For some, this symptom continues in the longest form of the virus.

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Woman hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness with motion

Syncope (pronounced "Sin Ko Pea") is the medical term for fainting or going out. "It is caused by a temporary drop in the amount of blood flowing to the brain",Cleveland ClinicExplain. "The syncope can occur if you have a sudden drop in blood pressure, a heart rate drop or changes in the amount of blood in the areas of your body." Since many lengths report fatigue, dizziness and equilibrium problems, it is not surprising that this leads to this condition.


Heart palpitations

Woman in grey clothes is holding hands on her chest.

TheMAYO ClinicExplains that heart palpitations are "feelings of having a fast, floating or flying heart" that can be triggered by "stress, exercise, drugs or, rarely, a medical condition". Astudy published inJama CardiologyDiscovered that on 100 Covid-19 patients recovered, 78 reported that 60% had an inflammation of the current myocardium. And even those who initially suffered from lightweight to moderate infections, reported ongoing heart problems, such as palpitations.



young woman sitting on a couch having a strong headache

Although a fever is a mark symptom of an initial COVID-19 infection, many lengths reported a recurring or persistent temperature peak of more than 100.4 ° O.



losing hair

Alopecia, aka hair loss, is one of the most common visual symptoms reported by those who suffer from PASC. SpeakNational Foundation Alopecie AreataIt is considered in the autoimmune disorder. In other words, the immune system attacks the hair follicle.


Muscle pain

Side view of a frowned young man suffering from pain in loin while sitting on white bedding

The muscles can be a sign that you fight an infection, as well as that of your body already. "One of the more common long-transport symptoms, muscle pain, especially after exercise - can limit activity," says Dr. Wilson.



Patient complains of heart pain to a cardiologist doctor

TheMAYO ClinicExplains that tachycardia is the medical term for heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute. Many lengths reported irregularities in their heart rate.




Feeling uncomfortably nauseous is not an unusual complaint of long carriers. "Some patients report gastrointestinal symptoms after Covid, such as nausea and diarrhea," explains Dr. Wilson.



Mature man with bad headache at home

A headache is a common complaint for those who suffer from many types of various infection. However, for long carriers, they become a regular part of life. Acase reportFocuses on a woman whose post-Covid headaches lasted several months. "The new persistent daily headache (NVPH) is another chronic headache that can be triggered by viral diseases," says researchers.


Articular pain

Senior woman suffering from pain in hand at home.

SpeakMAYO Clinic, articular pain and inflammation often go from hand. And, as we know that CIVID-19 infections cause inflammation, it is not surprising that people are left with joint pain for several months. "Inflammation attacking articular tissues, causing fluid in your joints, swelling, muscle damage, etc.to explainOrthopedic surgeon of Penn Medicine,Christopher S. Cross, MD.



upset woman in toilet by diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, piles

Constipation, diarrhea and nausea are just some of the gastrointestinal symptoms reported by long carriers. "Many patients with persistent symptoms report constipation or diarrhea that persist for a few days, then resolves, again again," said Dr. Wilson previously explained toEat this, not that! Health.



hispanic woman at home bedroom lying in bed late at night trying to sleep suffering insomnia sleeping disorder or scared on nightmares looking sad worried and stressed

Sleep disturbances are common for people with the long form of CVIV-19. According to a survey of more than 1,500 people in theFacebook Group of Survivor Corp, half of the patients recover from the reported insomnia of COVID-19. Some experts believe that Post-Covid insomnia could be the result of anxiety and stress created by the disease.



A woman laying on sofa holding phone.

One of the key signs you have PASC is extreme exhaustion or fatigue. On aNatureStudy, 53% of 143 people with COVID-19 discharged from a hospital in Rome reported fatigue two months after experiencing their first symptoms. And oneNEW SYSTEMIC ANALYSIS AND DATA ANALYSISIdentifies it as the most common symptom, experienced by 58% of long carriers through research. "It is present even after 100 days of the first symptom of acute Covid-19", explains researchers. Symptoms observed in post-Covid-19 patients, resemble chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), "which includes the presence of severe incapacitating fatigue, pain, neurocognitive disability, compromised sleep, symptoms suggesting a malfunction autonomous and aggravation of the following global symptoms increases in physical and / or cognitive activity. "


Low back pain

Beautiful young woman suffering from backache at home

Pain and back pain, particularly in the lower region, constitute another of the most common complaints of long carriers. The smooth muscles are a sign that your body fights against an infection. "One of the more common long-transport symptoms, muscle pain, especially after exercise - can limit activity," says Dr. Wilson.



Sick woman with flu at home

The dry cough is one of the defined symptoms of an initial COVID-19 infection and can last several months according to long lengths. SpeakAmerican Pulmonary AssociationThis could mean permanent damage to the lungs, which can in turn affect the body's ability to operate normally. However, they note that some long carriers feel symptoms such as dry cough ", without apparent damage to vital organs".


Abdominal pain

Middle aged woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed at home

Abdominal pain is a common gastrointestinal problem reported by many long lengths.

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Woman looking into distance.

Anxiety is one of the many stuffed mental health issues long carriers. And, although it may have to do with the stress of being sick, it is probably associated with nervous damage following the virus. Tessa Miller, author of the bookWhat does'nt kill youExplains that anxiety is often linked to chronic disease. "This is such a common symptom of the chronic disease I dedicated to an entire annex (on existing writing in the chapters) in the book. The thing that transports you to the world (your body) has become wild, unpredictable, unrecognizable. Of course you are worried! You feel irritable and exhausted, as your mind is turning and you can not focus. You can not sleep, or when you do it You have nightmares. You are insulating your support systems. You try to distract you all the time to avoid getting at the root of what makes you feel that way. More seriously, you could have attacks of panic, which speaking of experience, feel a literal death. "



Woman suffering an anxiety attack alone in the night

Difficulty or the difficulty of breathing breathing or dyspnea breathing is one of the most reported symptoms of these PASC sufferings. ThroughJohn Hopkins MedicineDefines breath breathing as can not have enough air or tightening in the chest. While normal after a workout or a post-covid effusion period can occur at any time, even if it rests in bed or sitting on the couch.

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Chest pain

african woman feeling menstrual cyclic breast pain, touching her chest,

The chest pain or tightening of the chest is the most common long prolonged transport symptom. "Thoracic symptoms like coughing, congestion, trache, may persist in some patients", Dr. Wilson has. If you feel this or any of the symptoms mentioned above, contact a health professional. Although there is no "remedy" for Long Covid, they may be able to treat your symptoms. Lengths are also encouraged toto get vaccinated when it is available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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