"Disney World is empty": the park park describes a strangely vacant park

The visitor's position echoes the ongoing reports of smaller crowds in Florida parks.

This summer, the reports circulated on drop in presence In Disney Parks, mainly in Disney World in Orlando, Florida. These parks are generally flooded with visitors at this time of year - when the weather is warmer and the children left school. But now another guest says that this is just not the case and "Disney World is empty". Read the rest to know why some people believe that attendance drops.

In relation: People turn away from Disney parks: "absolutely dead" the old peak days .

There have been several reports on Disney Videes parks this summer.

A Walt Disney World arch gate on the road in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Earlier this month, visitors quickly pointed out that Disney World's waiting times were surprisingly low. This was particularly notable during the vacation weekend on July 4, when the guests said that Hollywood Studios was " A ghost town , "And Epcot was" empty ".

According to strong sensation data, shared on a Reddit wire , the waiting times in the Magic Kingdom were 30% lower compared to the same time in 2022 and 2019.

"Normally, we avoid the weekend of July 4 like the plague, so I was surprised to see how low waiting time to [Maging Kingdom] today," wrote the Redder. "Especially if we consider that it is historically one of the busiest periods of the year at [Walt Disney World]."

Offering a different opinion, travel travel writer Tarah Chieffi written in a recent article For the point guy that the parks were "far from a ghost town this summer". In the article, she noted that even if some parks were not as excited, the waiting times of Magic Kingdom exceeded 60 minutes for popular rides.

However, smaller crowd stories continued this weekend, giving more weight to the idea that there can be more important problems at Disney World.

In relation: Why the Disney parks seem really empty this summer, say the experts .

Last weekend was a similar situation.

empty disney park
Copyright @innovenueeast / Twitter

In a tweet published on Friday, July 21, the user @innenvereast shared four photos taken in Epcot and Magic Kingdom, where the crowds were particularly sparse.

"Despite what [Disney CEO] Bob iger wants us to believe, Walt Disney World is empty , "The tweet reads

In a subsequent tweet, the user noted that even if the journeys had waiting times, the park trails were not " dense at all . "The user followed the next day, by publishing four other photos of Epcot Saturday , July 22, again on the "empty" park.

Some wondered if the lack of crowds had something to do with the time of the day (@InNoVaveast Notes The photos of July 21 were taken between 11 a.m. and noon ), while others responded and suggested the extreme heat And inflation pressures probably play an important role.

Meanwhile, other guests argue that they had a different experience and that the parks were "Packed" during the weekend . A Twitter user rang to say that he had gone to the parks recently and found Magic Kingdom " Busy beyond belief , "But" not as alive as it was. ""

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Disney CEO rejected complaints concerning attending attendance earlier this month.

bob iger disney ceo
Silvia Elizabeth Pangaro / Shutterstock

Apparently empty photos of parks were published after Iger Appearance of July 13 On CNBC Squawk box . Speak with David Faber Iger said that weaker figures were probably due to heat and humidity in Florida at the moment, and said that the measurement of numbers in 2023 against those of previous years is not a fair comparison.

"Florida opened early during Cavid and created a huge demand, and had no competition because there were a number of other places, states, which were not yet opened," the CEO said. "If you look at the figures in Florida in 2023 ... against 2022, where not as much opening and Florida was the only match in town, there is much more competition today."

Iger also refuted the allegations according to which the decline has something to do with the pricing of the tickets or the quarrel in Disney with the governor of Florida Ron Desantis . In fact, the CEO said he was not at all worried about the parks.

Disney World "is the place where the Disney brand lives in its most sublime form" and "it's very successful," said Iger. He added later: "We have no long -term concerns about this company."

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There is no answer to explain why the parks are less congested.


Like the Disney travel blog inside magic reports, there is no solid explanation For the vacuum to Disney World. However, the Popular Park is not the only one to see a drop in attendance - Unional Orlando has also recorded part of its The lowest numbers During the vacation of July 4, according to Thrill data. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Offering his point of view, a resident of Orlando and a frequent parkgoer Mast Roseboom Holder told guys that even if the parks are not necessarily "little frequented", fewer visitors could be assigned to less new attractions.

Echoing Iger's statements, Roseboom also said that there was an apparent change in demand, and travelers who seek to scratch their post-comfortable "Disney Itch" have probably already done so.

"I think that the wave of people waiting for their vacation in Orlando has passed and that they go elsewhere," said the Outboom, who is also an editor of the Attracts magazine. "Many people will always make Orlando their vacation, but during and just after the pandemic, Orlando was an easy visit for most Americans."

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