19 the strangest foods of your childhood that you totally forgotten
If you had a wonder in your lunch box, you were a king.

The 80s and the 90s were weird, with trends such as frightened tips on your hair, any denim and a purple ketchup for hot dogs. Although some of the strange foods once, there is no so long - there are no shelves at the grocery store, we could not stop you from making a memory path. We have rounded 19 of thethe strangest foods of your childhood you have totally forgotten, then make a trip in the past and remember some of these strange food offers of yesteryear.
And for even more nostalgia, do not miss these33 super popular snacks of your childhood that are interrupted.
This bizarre candy 90s was supposed to be inspired by candy tablets but in gel. It was presented in a tube that seemed similar to toothpaste and was super acidic. The only thing that robbed them in the category Sour Candy was the head of war. Most children have just tight goo candy directly in the mouth just at a time, but the more civilized children in the 90s knew the best way to eat it was to get a little bit on both the candies last longer.
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Jell-o Jigglers

Jell-o was all rabies in the 90s, especially as mussels or jigglands. Jigglers Jell-O had each separate recipe on how to return them to the back of the boxes. If you were a 90-year-old child really cool, your parents had fun mussels sold in groceries around the holidays, like snowflakes and Santa Claus for Christmas and Easter beans to look like Jellybeans. Honestly, these are always good and deserve a place at any case of summer cooking.
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EZ Ketchup Color Giclee

The late 90s and early 2000s was once strange for food. Everything was brilliant or had some kind of animal mascot. And an element really corresponds to the invoice about it: EZ Ketchup color squirt. The condiment came into a purple of Barney or Hulk-like green.
Most of the time, this weird food has appeared at scout or swimming celebration meetings, and children would tighten all hot hot dogs and baked fries for lunch. Having the green or purple ketchup made most of the children of the 90s has the impression of living over luxury.
And to keep nostalgia going, here's11 ice cream treats you have totally forgotten.
Balls of wonders
The alley of candies at the coculator of the grocery store was a treasure waiting to be explored. A candy concoction that children have begged from a bullet of wonder. The packaging had a theme, whether princesses, animals or superheroes. Once inside the box, a chocolate ball was wrapped in a sheet and inside this chocolate ball, limestone candies form like the theme of the wonder ball. There was also a kind of price, like a sticker or temporary tattoo that your parents have usually ended up.
Kid Kitchen TV Dinners
Television dinners were all the rages in the 90s and go back to the late house after the practice of football sometimes meaning that your parents did not want to cook. This is where these frozen cuisine children have entered to save the day. Every child knew that the best was the chicken nugget with corn, macaroni and cheese, and this brownie with nuggets. In one way or another, your parents have always looked at you as you have eaten the television dinner to make sure you eat all the chicken and corn before diving into this sweet chocolate brownie (but too cooked).
And for more good memories, do not miss these35 snacks of your childhood you forgot that you liked.
Pop Melody
Melody Pops were the plague of parents, teachers and almost anyone who was to be around children. These strange lollipops look a bit like a recorder but had a stick inside who could go up and down to create a different tone instead of using your fingers to cover holes. The sounds that came out of the so-called melody pops were anything but delicious. They were generally acute and acute piercing scratches that the children of the 90s usually thought, but never.
Pops have lost the interest of most children after the sugar started to disintegrate where you have blown to make noise or stick completely out of pop.
Bubble Jug Bubble Gum
It's already odd that the gum is in any way in a small pitcher, but the fact that he was out like a powder was even fierce. Then, as you finally got the powder in your mouth and started chewing, it magically turned into a real chewing gum, which has always been a strange feeling to experiment. Usually, your parents did not buy it for you because it was messy, and the thought of swallowing an entire gum collision without chewing it seemed dangerous. But if you had an aunt or a fresh uncle or if you could convince a grandparent to buy it for you, it was a good day!
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PUDDING JEll-O bites

These strange Jell-o chewy collations were never a shot but still have groups of people who want them on shelves in the grocery store. The Gummies Jell-O came to three flavors: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. The pudding bites had almost no flavor and were so soft that it was a challenge for even less than finishing an entire parcel. It's a snack that we are happy to stay in the 90s without hope of coming back.
Potato Smileys

The children who loved Tater Totts loved smileys of potatoes even more. The strange small drives of the potato were baked and placed at lunch and dinner plates across the country. The best part about it was that there were cut eyes and a just smile on the disc! Children try to take the ketchup from each other to make more unique features such as eyebrows, nose or mustache on these before devouring. Even if they have been left for a long time, we also wish that they would make a return.
Dinosaur nuggets

Dinosaurs have always been cool, but after the beginnings ofJurassic Park In 1993, dinosaurs became even cooler with children in America. When the dinner time rolled, the only thing that is worth getting, it was dinosaur nuggets so that you can act in the movie scenes, with Jeff Goldblum and the massive T-Rex just at the Dinner table. Dino's nuggets have even made a resurgence in recent years in Big-box stores.
Chicken fries

Chicken fries were one of the most interesting selections of the freezer alley (and King Burger King menu) in the day. The thin chicken strips have been coated, fries and frozen to look like French fries. Then, when you greeted them at home, they were baked to warm them up before falling into ketchup and eating. The shape might have fooled children to eat them, but after this first bite, everything is usually descended. These are always on sale in stores, but they should have stayed in the past.
Alphabet soup

There was nothing like going home with a cold day after playing outside with other neighborhood children to discover that your mother had heated a can of alphabet soup for you. The tomato soup was filled with 26 letters of the alphabet. The best part of this soup has not been the taste, but the spelling of words, names or places.
Alphabet Soup gave a whole new meaning to the term playing with your food. And usually, because you speap, your mother did not die for not eating your lunch.
Shark bites
If the name "Shark Bittes" has not been fired like a child, get an entire packet of white gummy sharks. These gummy snacks that have faded in many school lunches were all shaped as different types of sharks, which automatically cooled them. Apart from the form, the flavor of each shark was not great, and these were generally spent for a better gummy snack as game games if you could persuade a parent to buy them at the grocery store.
Ouch gum

As if a jug of gum was not bizarre enough, put the gum sticks in a tin box that looked like a Bandaid box was even foreter. The packaging of each of the gum sticks even looked like dressings. This gum was not going to cure the erafs you went out of the play yard, though.
The gum came into three melon aromas of water, grape and strawberry - but the flavor lasted only a few minutes before disappearing completely. This gum is always sold in specialized candy stores, but the tin can no longer produce. It is not the nostalgic gum that we remember our childhood.
Doritos 3D

Chips have always been a favorite crunchy snack, but it was one of theVarieties of smart fleasGet out of the 90s. The chip was almost as if Dorito flavor dust had been sprayed on a bugle. The chips are entered in a plastic tube that the lid is gone and could be used as a service ship. This lid was the only real victory of the chip, because most of the hands of the population could not get into the opening of the container for even taking out the chips. Alas, these chips were interrupted in the early 2000s, but only to stay a distant food memory.
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Mickey's Parade Ice Pops

These seemed so cool outside the box, with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy all have a popsicle made in their resemblance. Once pop were out of the box, they never looked like the Disney Pals we all know.
Each of the popsex had a different flavor and fighting on the best (hello, orange) with your friends was always the worst part to eat it.
Hi-c ecto cooler juice boxes

Call Ghostbusters because Hi-C ecto coolers juice boxes must return our dietary dreams from our childhood. The juice drink was made to help promoteghost hunters, which was created in 1984. The real flavor was orange and mandarin, but thanks to a food coloring, the drink was brilliant green to match the color of the film movie. Drinking that HI-C juice boxes made it feel that we could join Egon, Ray, Peter and Winston at their next adventure.

It was a fruit gum looked like a rope that was turned around a roller of fruit on a plastic tray. These usually dropped into lunch boxes but were never as big at the end. The gummy rope was hard to cross if you wanted to eat it a bite at a time. Even eating everything at a time was difficult because of the hiding place of the snack. The fruit strings came in all kinds of imaginable flavors, but we have always tried to exchange them for lunch.
WWE ice cream bars

The ultra-cool ice cream bars of the WWE, which looked more like an ice cream sandwich on a stick, made their debut on the Grocery's freezing shelves in 1987. Each of the bars was printed with a Star fighting in the day, like macho the man, Roman reign, Becky Lynch and John Cena. Even if the ice cream bars have been cited with boys, little girls who watched the struggle with their parents would do it from the freezer whenever the fighting came.
And when you cook at home, do not miss these52 hacks of changing cooking of life that will be happy to cook again.

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