20 signs that you should call your doctor, according to doctors

In the coronavirus era, here is essential to consult a doctor.

During theCOVID-19 [Feminine Pandemic, the question of when obtaining medical care can be a little confusing. Some health offices are still closed, many doctors work remotely and we are encouraged to stay at home if you think you have Covid before you pass a test. However, this does not mean that you should refrain from calling your doctor. There are many situations, both linked to the coronavirus as to know that the advice of a health professional are absolutely essential. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You have been exposed to Coronavirus

two girls wearing protective masks during coronavirus quarantine

Because the prevention of the propagation of the new coronavirus is crucial, if you have been exposed to a person who is positive about CIVID-19, you must act. "It's important for yourself in quarantine and connect with your doctor via telephone or visiting telehealth to discuss how you feel and if you should be tested and that, especially if you develop symptoms of Covid -19 ", saysSharon Chekidian, MD, MPH, Medical Director of Patient Experience, Emergency Medicine in Yale Medicine.

Although you still do not need to be tested, your doctor will want to spend for other medical problems to determine if you are highly high enough to be seen at the office or ED. "Unless your symptoms are serious, it's always a good idea to call your doctor instead of continuing directly to the Department of Emergencies," said Chekidian.


You have bluish lips or a face

Dark purplish lips color in congenital cyanotic heart disease girl patient.

Bluish discoloration is a sign that you may not receive enough oxygen and that some coronavirus patients have been reported. "If you notice that, it's important to look for immediate medical care," says Chekidian.


You have pink eyes

Dark purplish lips color in congenital cyanotic heart disease girl patient

Although vision problems are usually not a symptom of Covid-19, Rose Eye, A.K.A. Conjunctivitis can be. "Visual problems require immediate medical attention because they can be a sign of serious illness," says Chekidian. "Pink eyes (conjunctivitis), on the other hand, is an infection and inflammation of the membrane in the eye (the conjunctive) which can be a symptom of Covid-19 or another viral or bacterial infection".


You have suicide thoughts

elderly Man suffering from headache migraine pain at home on sofa

Although we all have a day from time to time now and again, social distancing can make life more difficult, isolating a lot of us from our closest friends and our families. "If you have suicidal thoughts, calls 211 immediately to talk about it or go to the emergency room or compose 911," says Chekian. "Health professionals can help determine if you need to be seen for depression or suicidal ideation."


You have lost the sense of smell or taste

health problem and people concept - indian man rubbing nose over grey background

Loss of smell and taste, A.K.A. Anosmia, is a symptom that has been reported by many patients with Novel Coronavirus. Chekidian says it's important to tell your doctor if you feel that.


You have abdominal pain

Senior man with stomach pain

A less known symptom of COVID-19 is an abdominal pain, says Chekidian. "It's always important to handle your symptoms by your doctor if the pain is persistent or associated with fever," she says.


You touch blood

Man coughing covering mouth with a tissue

Leann Poston, MD, a doctor with InvigorDical.com, explains that "an irritation of the lungs and cough for force can cause to bleed a small blood vessel in the respiratory tract". According toResearch and testimonials of patients, a small percentage of Victims of Covid-19 has lived the cough of blood, also called hemoptysis. Although it is not threatening life, it justifies a phone call to the doctor.


You have a fever

Sick young woman at home on the sofa, she is covering with a blanket, taking temperature and blowing her nose with a tissue

A fever does not necessarily mean that you have coronaviruses or you need to test, but you have to call your doctor so that you can watch your symptoms, says Maria Vila, do, specialist in family medicine in Morristown, New Jersey and medical advisor forEMEDIHEALTH. "Fever is your body's response to infection, both viral and bacterial. This is the normal answer and means that your immune system does what it should do to fight against infection," says Vila. One of the functions of a fever is to kill viruses and bacteria by increasing the temperature of your body.

Because it's one of the main symptoms of COVID-19, you have to register with your MD if you have a fever, especially if you know any of other symptoms, including dry cough and shortness of breath. Poston says that any fever that does not respond to treatment or is greater than 103 degrees Fahrenheit (or more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit rectal in a child under two months) guarantees a phone call to your doctor. "Fever in an infant should always be studied," she says. "Check with your doctor if you have a fever that does not respond to treatment or persisting at any age."


You have a dry cough

male coughs in his elbow

Coughs can be very common this period of the year, caused by viruses or bacteria or allergies. But a dry cough is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus. "If you have a dry cough associated with fever, it's a reason to consult your doctor," says Vila.


You have a shortness of breath

Asian woman having difficulty breathing in bedroom at night

Shortness of breath may be due to the effort of exercise, asthma or disease. This is one of the scary symptoms of COVID-19. "The most common triad of the symptoms we find in patients infected with COVID-19 are fever, coughing and shortness of breath," says Vila. "The shortness of breath does not always mean that you have to go to the hospital, but you should definitely call your doctor to discuss what you feel." The vast majority of people struck with coronavirus have minimal symptoms, addsMatthew Mintz, MD, FACPP."However, what we learned is that several days after becoming sick, some people can start out of breathing, and that's when things can really take a look for the worst," he says. If you have fever, coughing and shortness of breath, call your doctor right away. If you can not get in touch with your doctor, go to the emergency room.


You have a sore throat sore throat

Woman sore throat with glass of water in her bed

A sore throat can be caused by many things, including viruses and bacteria, a post-nasal reflux drop, acid reflux, a streptose groove and even speaking hard for long times, explains Vila. Associated with fever, this can also be a symptom of Covid-19. Although sore throat can be easily managed at home with overhead products such as loopengers and home remedies such as honey, "a sore throat associated with fever or sore throat worsen and does not solve one to two days is something you need to contact your doctor, "she says.


You meet a thoracic oppression or pain

Young woman feeling sick and holding her chest in pain at home.

The tightness of the chest and pain can be a symptom of many things, including a heart attack, pneumonia, asthma, anxiety and even CVIV-19."It's a symptom you need to chat with your doctor so that it can ask additional questions about associated symptoms to help determine the cause," says Vila. "Chest seal in COVID-19 infected patients is generally associated with shortness of breath and / or cough, but some ICIV-19 patients also suffer from cardiac crises and other heart problems, it is So important to discuss this with a doctor with a doctor. "


You have body evils

Asian women and stiff shoulders

Body ills can be caused by exercise, physical activities such as strong lifting, bad posture during sleep, mediocre mattress support, fever, influenza and of course, Covid-19. "It's important to see if your body pain are associated with other symptoms," says Vila. "The key for Covid-19 or the flu is fever." Whatever the cause, body pain can generally be managed at home with medications such as acetaminophen oribuprofenor remedies like heated buffers, hot showers and epsom salt baths.


You have excessive fatigue

Close up black african man taking off glasses feels unhealthy suffering from eye strain after long working on computer

Fatigue does not indicate that you have COVID-19 or flu. However, when associated with fever and body pain, it may be a sign of the disease and invite a call to your doctor, says Vila. Follow their instructions, which will probably include a lot of fluids and rest. "When you are sick, your body will require more sleep. This will help fatigue but is also beneficial for a proper function of the immune system to help you fight against infections," she says.


You have diarrhea

upset woman in toilet by diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, piles

Diarrhea is another very common symptom and can be caused by contaminated foods, viral infections, food sensitivity, conditions such as irritable intestine syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease, or even a side effect of drugs. . "The key to know when to call your doctor are the other symptoms associated with diarrhea, as well as gravity and duration," explains Vila. It can also be an initial symptom of Patients with COVID-19, which will then progress towards fever, coughing or shortness of breath. Other warning signs that you should call your doctor about: dehydration, severe diarrhea, blood in stool, abdominal pain and fever.


You are not sure how to take care of someone else

Sick woman in medical mask lying on the bed is given glass of water to take pills. Family care for the sick concept

At any time during the pandemic coronavirus, if you do not know how to worry about yourself or a loved one who is sick - or just need advice on how to stay safe, call your doctor! "We should all stay at home and get out of emergencies or necessities," says Mintz."We should all be social distances and do not come less than six feet others." There are still certain circumstances where additional precautions may need to be taken, such as "people living with those who are more at risk, such as seniors or chronically ill," he adds. "If you are not clear, how to protect yourself or others, you must contact your doctor."


There is blood in your stool

woman hand flush toilet after using

Finding blood in your stool can be scary, but it's not always an emergency. "Bright red blood can come from a hemorrhoid, polyps, constipation that can result from inflammation and a lack of minerals and suitable fibers in your diet," saysDr. Daryl Gioffre, an anti-inflammation expert and a nutritionist. "The black blood in the stool is more and more worrying, because it is digested in the digested blood plusplement of the digestive tract that can result from chronic reflux ulcers and even certain types of cancer such as stomach or esophagus . " Anyway, all persistent signs of blood in the stool, lively or dark, a call or a visit to your doctor.


Your blood pressure increases

Woman Checking Blood Pressure At Home

Do not ignore the rise in blood pressure numbers, saysJill Grimes, MD, a family doctor certified by the board and author ofThe Ultimate Student Student Health Manual. "Increased stress, lack of physical activity and upper salt consumption (think of canned foods and processed meats) are particularly common in the quarantine of the pandemic," she says. "If you are on medicines against blood pressure and you see your pressures, do not wait for symptoms such as headaches, chest pain or blurry vision to call your doctor."


Your legs or arms swell

Mature athletic man getting out of breath while feeling pain during morning run in nature.

If you develop an arm or a unilateral, inflated, soft or red leg, this could indicate a blood clot called deep vein thrombosis, says Grimes and you should call your doctor as soon as possible. "These are particularly dangerous, because the clot can go to your lungs (a pulmonary embolism), causing a potentially fatal emergency."


You vomit

Woman touching stomach painful suffering from stomachache causes of menstruation period, gastric ulcer, appendicitis or gastrointestinal system disease

Vomiting are generally generally not dangerous. But so uncontrolled, it can lead to dehydration. "A variety of health conditions can cause vomiting," says Chekidian. "It's an important symptom to note because it can indicate influenza, virus, food poisoning or even cancer."And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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