The head of the CDC warns where "the virus could strike"

"There are pockets of places that have not been vaccinated, large communities."

There are reasons to be optimistic:COVID-19 [Femininethe cases fall, people getvaccinatedAnd some states reassure without overvoltages. But everything is not well everywhere. Oregon must close the indoor dining room due to an increase in cases. The pockets of the country are not yet vaccinated and can not be, given the hesitation. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) appeared yesterday onHello Americaand onSIRIUS XM RADIODiscuss these questions and warned that we are not yet out of the wood. Read 5 key points that can save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you may have had Covid and unknown.


Dr. Walensky was optimistic we're going to make a corner but warns us that the virus could "hit"

Patient refuses to take vaccination.

Mr. Walensky was asked if she still had the feeling of "unfortunate unhappy". "I have a feeling of cautious optimism now," she replied. "We saw business climb. We saw people relaxing their measurements and I was really worried that we are still another overvoltage. I will say that we have flat cases. The cases were starting to go down. We think that This is associated. to increase vaccination, increases people, taking caution. And so I am cautiously optimistic with that. We turn the corner. A quick point though, and it is not necessarily to look at the whole of the country as a whole because we know that this virus is an opportunist. And so what we really have to pay attention, as ifThere are pockets of places that have not been vaccinated, big communities, this is where the virus will hit. And so we really have to make sure we have a uniform coverage of vaccination across the country. " Read more about the new mask guidance.


Dr. Walensky said that here's what you need to know about the last guidelines of the mask

Woman removing face mask from her face outdoors.

The CDC has published new mask guidelines this week, allowing people to go free mask outside when the people they are home, for example. "I think the most important thing: people want the vaccine to protect themselves from hospitalizations and deaths, but what people are really interested, who have not been affected by this disease, it's really going back to life to normal. And then a lot of people's spirits, that is to say to get rid of this mask. And so we are really excited to say for, if you are vaccinated, we are able to To say that it is prudent to remove your mask when you are in the outdoor settings. "Keep reading to see where she says he's careful to go after your vaccination.


Dr. Walensky said that if you are vaccinated, you can go to houses of worship or exercise class

A young couple in face masks praying in a church during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Walensky also appeared on the radio of Siriusxm doctor "Doctor radio reports"With Dr. Marc Siegel, and added more color on the masks. Should not bring not to wear an incentive to be vaccinated?" What I really want to be clear is the reason for being vaccinated is because it prevents disease, it prevents hospitalizations and prevent deaths. This should therefore be sufficiently incentive, "said Dr. Walenski." It's an incredible advantage of these vaccinations that we still see and still they work to do all these things. What we could do now, this is Given these things and since they also prevent infections, we are able to say that people outside who have been vaccinated no longer need to wear a mask. And I think this ability to pay the Mask is actually so that liberator for people who may be a motivation to get vaccinated. We always recommend hiding in interior environments for vaccinated people. And part of this is really just because only 34% of the adult population right now is vaccinated. It's really extraordinary at the time we had vaccines, but we still have more work to go on the ladder. What we know is that S I are vaccinated and that you are inside, you wear a mask, you are quite sure and you can come back to all these activities that had been worried before us before, to gather in homes of worship and your ability to make a class of interior exercises. All vaccinated people with masks are safe activities. "


Dr. Walensky stated that vaccinated grandparents can see their unvaccinated children inside

Grandparents Relaxing On Sofa At Home With Granddaughters

Dr. Walensky said that the initial guidelines on the masks said: "The vaccinated grandparents can be with their unvaccinated children, as long as there is anyone who is seriously immunosuppresse." She added that they can take the mask.

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Dr. Walensky stated that more updated mask tips can be coming

Doctor disinfects skin of patient before vaccination

She said there could be a greater decrease in future mask restrictions. "As we have more data, because more people become vaccinated - as the number of cases lowering, we have more and more data on the effectiveness of vaccination, not just in the prevention of serious illnesses, but preventing it also transmission. And we will seek to update these guidelines again. "So do you vaccinate when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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