15 health problems to check immediately, say experts

Do you look healthy and you feel healthy, but could you be sick inside? Discover now.

You surely know the old horror movie cliche: the murderer calls his victim to redee him and she soon realizes that the call iscoming from the inside of the house! An invasion at home is everyone's worst nightmare. What is frightening that this one: a silent killer hiding inside your body.

The deciduous inside all we could be something seriously false, a hidden health hazard that is camouflaged, melting as a more benign or unbeaking out at all. Could you have one? This special guide shines a light on some of the most sneaky conditions, minor diseases with serious stuff. Read it to see if, next time, the call coming from your home should be towards the doctor.

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Mature woman inspecting her skin in front of the bathroom mirror.

Although it is the most common sexually transmissible infection, herpes is safe is shy. Most people with viruses have no symptoms of all-but they are always contagious. That's why proceeding so easily. (A strain called HSV1 is typically herpes that causes sores of fever and HSV2 usually causes genital wounds ... .But the lower version can cause wounds upstairs and vice versa.)

On12% of Americans have genital herpesAlthough the number can be higher since so many infected people have no symptoms. Each year, about 776,000 people in the United States will get a new genital infection from genital herpes.

So, what can you do? Although there is no cure, antiviral drugs can prevent or shorten epidemics. These drugs can also reduce the probability of transmission to the partners. Also, look for signs of symptoms, which include small ammames and gross red spots around your genitals or anal region, often accompanied by itching or tingling.

Recommendation: Intelligent sex is a safe sex. While the only way to avoid sexually transmitted infections is not at all sexual relations, using latex condomsThe right way Whenever you have sex, can go a long way to make you and your partners safely.


Low vitamin D

Sunglasses, inscription vitamin D and shape of sun made of amber stones at beach, concept of vacation time and prevention of vitamin D deficiency

Vital to maintaining healthy bones, vitamin D is crucial for the absorption of calcium, which is why weak levels can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and low bones. It is estimated that at least40% of US adults are vitamin D deficient And many could not even know it. Under ng / ml is considered low, while less than 20 ng / ml is deficient.

Recommendation: The most natural way and the most effective so that your body to make vitamin D is via the sun on the skin, although the taking of supplements can also help.According to the vitamin council, Vitamin D3 is the best form of vitamin D supplementation to take.



Normal blood pressure 120/80 on an LCD screen

Hypertension affects almost an American adult in threeBut of them in five do not know it. It is often called the "silent killer" because there are no symptoms. Here's why this question: high blood pressure is the leading cause of line - and only about half under control. With numbers this top, it is likely that you or your mother, brother or friend could have it too. What to do? Do not wait for your next check-up to find out what your numbers are; Get playback made in a pharmacy or buy a monitor to use at home.

Recommendation: Note your blood pressure numbers so you can get an idea of ​​your average. Our blood pressure fluctuates naturally, so you can see where you are. You pull for 120/80.

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Lyme disease

A person, leg bitten by a deer tick

In the glory of quiet summer days and long-standing holidays, there is a tiny enemy that causes massive blood-blood concerns, ticks on the spread of diseases. Black deer ticks infected with Lyme disease make Mayhem in the northeastern states of the North Central and the West Coast, particularly more temperate from Northern California. While about 70 to 80% of infected people develop a cutaneous rash "Bullseye" of Tell-Tale, 20 to 30% do not detect all the more difficult. (Yolanda Hadid, an oldTrue housewives from the Beverly Hills Star, called his bookBelieve me: my battle with the invalidity invisible to Lyme disease.)

According toDisease control centers, other early symptoms may include fever, headaches and fatigue. If diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics, the Lyme can almost always be cured. If the Lyme is not caught early, the infection can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

Recommendation: Tick ​​bite prevention is the name of the game:

  • Use anti-insect insects with debt, permethrin or picaridine.
  • Wear clear color clothes that fully covers your arms and legs.
  • Store your pants legs in your socks.
  • Avoid areas infested with ticks.
  • Make sure to check yourself, your children and your pets every day for ticks - and (very) thoroughly delete everything you might find.

Sleep Apnea

Woman (age 30) suffers from her male partner (age 40) snoring in bed

A dormant health threat may result in high blood pressure, cardiovascular damage and diabetes, sleep apnea is often misdiagnosed. In fact, arecent study Noted that 83% of menopausal women with insomnia actually have sleep apnea. This sleep disorder is characterized by a breath that stops and starts repeatedly. If you snore strong (think: Buzzsaw) and be tired even after a full night's sleep, you could have a sleep apnea.

Recommendation: Ask your doctor asleep If you wake up frequently at night, you risk falling asleep, feeling depressed and exhausted exhausted during the day. Sleep studies facilitate the diagnosis of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, agitated leg syndrome and narcolepsy. Be proactive about your sleeping health; It's vital for your well-being.

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Rheumatology Consultation Senior

You have heard ofosteoporosis, a Greek word that means porous bones - a potentially dangerous health problem that decreases the strength of the bones and increases the risk of fracture. This "silent disease"Is without a symptom, weakening your bones without knowing that a fracture will occur. And sometimes even a fracture can happen without knowing, only onethird of vertebral fractures are in fact clinically diagnosed, which is why be tested for this disease is so crucial, especially if you are a woman. The chances of developing an increase in osteoporosis when a woman reaches menopause.

"When we get older, we are no longer wearing anymore, we breaks", director of Stamford Hospital's integrative medicine and assistant professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University, says it. Health. Prevention package A powerful punch. Start early to keep the bone loss at the bay.

Recommendation: The best way to affect your bone health consists of getting enough vitamin D and calcium, saysHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. Another intelligent movement? To move. Lift exercises such as walking, jogging or jump rope are also bone strengthening!



Woman getting thyroid exam

Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is low on the front of your neck. Its main role is to regulate your metabolism. With a sub-active thyroid, you do not produce enough thyroid hormone so that your body works well. But the hypothyroidy warning signs are notoriously sneaky, with common symptoms such as fatigue, cold sensitivity and overall slowness easy to miss as they are subtle and can be explained by other things.

Dr. Feerstein takes a further step by projecting for subclinical hypothyroidism - which is when your "levels are always in a normal beach, but your thyroid was maintaining." He says, "The way we find that it is in high levels of tsh-thyroid stimulating hormone-hormone in the pituitary gland of your brain. TSH levels begin to mount and mount, a sign that your body compensates for the thyroid that does not work properly. "

Getting questions to be tested: The low thyroid can result in weight gain, cardiovascular disease, fertility problems, depression and more. Ask your doctor if you could have a subclinical or standard hypothyroidism.

Recommendation: One in 20 has a hypothyroidism in the United StatesThat's why getting laboratory results is so important, especially if you have a family history of thyroid conditions. If you are found weak, it can be easily corrected with medications!



Man with diabetes

The statistics are sufficiently evacuated to stitch your heart rate, otherwise your blood sugar: according to the disease control centers,More than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes-And up to a third do not even know it. Four to 95% of these cases are type 2 diabetes, which is discharged. Diabetes often develops gradually because insulin production in the pancreas slows down. You could have the disease for years and not know-how to spell a danger for your eyes, heart, kidneys and nervous systems. If you have a family history of diabetes, make sure you are checked for the first time at the age of 45, especially if you are overweight.

Recommendation: Much of this is reversible with changes in diet and lifestyle. Following a hypothemical or cotogenic regime is very useful for managing type 2. CheckThe 50 best foods for diabetes For healthy food inspiration.

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Young woman is very upset because of hair loss

"The youngest women, many are anemic and they have no idea of ​​that. And it is so easy to treat - but you must know that you have it," Shared Dr. Feerstein. "I had a patient who came to see me because she lost her hair and felt a little tired. She came for hair loss and discovered that she was anemic."

Feel tired or weak? Have heavy or frequent periods? It might beanemia, a condition where you do not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen into the tissues of your body, making you feel tired and weak. At first, anemia may be so light that it goes unnoticed - but the symptoms become more pronounced than anemia worsen.

Recommendation: Eating healthy foods can help you avoid iron anemia and vitamin deficiency. Foods have eating comprise those with:

  • High levels of iron: dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, raw nuts, beef
  • Vitamin B-12: meat and dairy
  • Folic acid: dark green leafy vegetables, citrus juice, legumes and fortified cereals

Your doctor can also easily check anemia with a blood test that examines the full number of blood.


High cholesterol levels

Cholesterol test

Too much is not good: whether due to an unhealthy diet or bum genes, high levels of "bad" or LDL cholesterol can obstruct your arteries and lead to heart disease and a stroke . Those who have high cholesterol have almosttwice the risk Cardiovascular diseases like those with lower levels. This silent harness can only be detected by a blood test, so make sure to make laboratories every five years if your levels are normal, more often if they are not. If your blood work rises showing a high cholesterol level, your doctor will likely recommend exercise and diet changes to the first treatment period. If lifestyle changes are not enough, you can prescribe a drug like lipitor that blocks the enzymes needed to produce cholesterol.

Recommendation: Living your best healthy life for the heart can be simple with these8 hacks easy to lower your cholesterol in 10 seconds.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCO)

Doctor or teacher points of ballpoint pen on ovaries on anatomical model of internal female sex organs

Characterized by long intervals between the periods,Pkos is a hormonal disorder that is common in women, which prevents ovulation. It is frequently missed among younger women because their menstrual cycles are not yet regular. In fact, many women do not notice any problem before trying to conceive - and not to do it. In addition to the challenges of fertility, PCOs can lead to ovarian cysts, high cholesterol, insulin resistance and diabetes, among others. Some hormonal symptoms told for some include hirsutism (Yup, abnormal hair growth on your face and body) and your body.

Recommendation: The signs and symptoms of PCO are often more serious if you are obese, but lose weight can help. Eating a herbal diet is a great way to get more nutrition and books books. Check these15 easy ways of transition to a more-based diet on the plant For delicious tips inside.



Tired woman feeling neck pain, massaging tense muscles, suffering from chronic shoulder back ache after long work on laptop computer at home, sedentary work, incorrect posture problems, fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is difficult for the benefits of identifying - in fact, it's one of20 Diseases Frequently misunderstood doctors-EYET The symptoms are not difficult to feel: a widespread chronic pain from the head to small toe. Regular bodily sensations become interpreted as a pain because the brain pain receptors become more sensitive and excessively react to the signals of pain. Yet there is no test for trouble, so doctors can not reach a diagnosis by excluding other possible diseases, which means it can take years to learn what is the problem.

Fibromyalgia affects more than 3.7 million Americans- Women aged 40 to 75 and men, young women and children can also be affected. Many people with this disease also have an irritable intestine syndrome, migraines and headaches, anxiety and depression and often wake up tired, even if they slept a long time. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are several lifestyle medications and tactics that help

Recommendation: If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to see if you could have fibromyalgia. If you are diagnosed, you can take theFollowing steps To live your best life:

  • Sleep enough sleep: aim for seven to eight hours of sleep one night.
  • Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Do not drink caffeine, alcohol or eating spicy meals before going to bed
  • Stress
  • Get regular physical activity

Celiac disease

Young girl refuses to eat white bread

Withceliac disease, your body reacts negatively to gluten protein, found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye and attacks the mucous membraner of your small intestine, finally damaging your body's ability to properly absorb nutrients. For some, with this potentially severe condition, gastrointestinal symptoms are impossible to ignore, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. Others may not notice significant digestive symptoms, but have other complaints such as irritability, depression or fatigue. And some have no symptoms at all.

These differences make it very difficult to diagnose celiac disease83% of people with celiac disease are not diagnosed (or misdiagnosed) with other conditions. If you do not leave untreated, complications can develop malnutrition, osteoporosis, thyroid disorders and certain cancers. SS Consciousness Grows, more people are correctly diagnosed.

Recommendation: The cure for celiac disease? Adhesion to a strict gluten-free regime. When we say strict, we think it: even ingest small quantities of gluten, as crumbs of a toaster, can trigger small intestinal damage. But the good news is that it goes G.F. has become tasty, thanks to the popularity of the Keto regime. Even road trips can be fun.The ultimate guide of the best Fast FOAST Gluten Free Menu Elements!

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Stomach cancer andH.pyri infection

Helicobacter pylori bacterium

Heliobacter pylori, WhereH.pyri, is a type of bacteria that you can recover from food, water or utensils - and it is more common in places that lack clean water or good sewer systems. Once yours, he can live in your digestive tract and you will not feel any pain. But at some point, after many years, they can cause wounds or ulcers. And for some, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.

Two-thirds of the world's population have aH.pyri Infection, andabout 30 to 40% of Americans will get it.

Recommendation: Prevention is possible. SinceH. Pylori It is probably extending via unclean food and water, you can help protect yourself safely:

  • Wash hands before eating and after you go to the bathroom
  • Eating properly prepared foods
  • Drinking water from a clean and reliable source

For most people, it does not lead to ulcers or other symptoms, but if you have symptoms, some medications can kill bacteria and help ulcers heal.

RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers.


Vitamin B-12 deficiency

Tired stressed woman rubbing eyes

Vitamin B12 deficiency is probably the most common nutrition deficiency in the United States, which affects up to 39% of the population, according to onerecent study. Vegans are particularly affected because they do not consume meat or dairy (the main sources of B12). The symptoms can be sneaky because the B vitamins have several functions in the body, ranging from energy metabolism, nervous function and the creation of mood neurotransmitters to govern. In fact, "research shows that those who are deficient are more likely to have mood disorders," says Dr. Feerstein.

It adds that "a B12 deficiency, a conventional condition for the elderly, is a reversible cause of dementia; before a doctor does not have a diagnosis of Alzheimer, be sure to check the B12 levels. Granny could be deficient because 'She does not eat tea and cookies. "

Recommendation: For most people, deficiency B12 can be prevented. If you are strictly vegetative or vegetarian, make sure to eat B12's bread, grains and fortified cereals and consider taking a daily vitamin supplement containing vitamin B12.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss: This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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