10 ways to have a summer time is good for your health

Losing an hour is difficult, but there are real health benefits at daylight saving time.

Summer time, also called this horrible night in the spring when we lose an hour of sleep, was the subject of praiseand criticism Since it was proposed for the first time in 1895. While rising slightly underormi after the clock jump 2 AM is barely the biggest idea of ​​most people a good time, there is Has a lot of evidence suggesting that daylight can be a good thing in the long run. . The change of time is much more than to make us miserable than one morning in March. In fact, there are many advantages for the health of daylight science. In this spirit, we have rounded 10 reasons why you will want to adopt the change of time this year.

You will relieve these tired eyes.

Tired Stressed Man Rubbing His Eyes Silent Health Symptoms

Stressed eyes can take a very needed break during summer time. Exposure to fluorescent light - the genre that is always widespread in many older houses and offices - has been linked to an increase in ocular stress rates and disease by a 2011 study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health. Fortunately, DST means that you can turn off these dark bulbs and count on a good sunlight with old fashioned old.

You will be safer on the road.

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There is no doubt that driving when it's lightweight is easier. Fortunately, the sunlight we appreciate during the day, one summer time could mean that we are also safer on the roads. According to a pivotal study of 2004 inAccident Analysis and PreventionIf the DST has been adopted all year round, the lives of 366 motorists and pedestrians would be saved every year.

You will walk more.

taking a walk can help couples relax

The increase in daylight does not only make driving easier and safer - it also makes people want to walk more, too. A 2017 study published in theEnvironmental Psychology Journalhave found that the additional daylight awarded by the change of time accounted for a 62% increase in pedestrians - without mentioning a 38% increase in cyclists. It's good news for the environment, but it's also good news for us, given the manyBenefits for the health of walking.

You give up these unwanted books.

losing weight in your 40s woman stretching on a beach best body

Believe it or not, to get an extra solar light during the DST can also be the key to lose these last 10 pounds once and for all and not only because of a higher step. Research conducted atFred Hutchinson Cancer Cancer Cancer Research Center In 2014, it reveals that overweight women increased their vitamin D-bioavailable vitamin through sunlight - at sufficient levelslost more weight only those who only settled and exercise.

You will go out more.

white woman and latino man with young daughter having a picnic outside

The sunlight is great, and so it is outside in general. These long sunny evenings we appreciate during the day, it's easier to find time to spend time outdoors - and this can improve our mood. In fact, a 2015 study published in theJournal of epidemiology and community health reveals that pregnant women with access to green space have suffered fewer incidents of depression than those without. So go ahead toned picnic!

You will appreciate the mood-boosting sunrise.

Man staring at sunrise, grateful

The last sunset is an obvious advantage of the change of time, but a sunrise later! During a summer day, you do not need to be a very fast elevator to catch the sunrise, which could have serious health benefits. A significant study of 2003 in thePsychosomatic Research Journalfound that the awakening compared to sunrise decreases the chance of a person's depression. With regard to the authors of the study, we should take advantage of DST all year round.

You will feel your seasonal lifting depression.

sad woman standing alone

Overall, summer time can give you a leg when it comes toKit at these winter blues. A 2017 study published inEpidemiology reveals that depression incidents increase by 11% when the clock turns in November, suggesting that the spring can help reduce depressive episodes. It's becauseseasonal emotional disorder(Sad) is probably caused by a "biochemical change of the brain, triggered by shorter days and reduces the sunlight in winter", according toHISAHO Blair toNational Alliance on Mental Illness. For those who suffer from seasonal depression specifically, this time of sun can make a world of good.

You will undergo an increase in vitamin levels.

couple outside in sunlight, ways to feel amazing

Still not convinced benefits for the health of daylight and all that extra sunlight? Try this one. A major study of 2008 inEnvironmental Health Outlookargues that there are countless benefits for UV exposure that we refer due to injury caused by excessive exposure. It does not suggest you to skip sunscreen, but that says there are very real reasons to appreciate the sun, especially its role in theVitamin D production, whoPromotes healthy bones, Reduces blood pressure and generally allows you to stay healthier overall.

You will sleep better.

gay male couple cuddling together in bed

TheDisturbance caused by summer time Can be a shock of your system, but it can enjoy your sleep in the long run. Like the 2008Environmental Health OutlookStudy notes, an increased exposure to sunlight can increase the production of melatonin of your body, a hormone that makes you feel drowsy. When you have more sun in the day, you can find easier to hit the hay at a reasonable time.

You will drink less.

Young woman drinking red wine at bar
iStock / Satoshi-k

Long cold winter days can host anyone tribute to a hot glass or glass glass when they come home. Fortunately, research byBacter In 2014 suggests that people tend to drink more from December to March than any other time of the year. Whether it is because it is warming up or because the increase in daylight naturally stimulates your mood, you might find that you have once easier to skip this glass of Chardonnay. And given all theBenefits of drinking less, It's good news.

Categories: Health
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