10 best breeds of dogs to have if you are over 55 years old, the veterinarian said

From graders to mastiffs, they are the best pets for the elderly.

Have the Dog company Can enrich your gold years considerably, improve both your mental and physical health. Actually, AARP remarks That dogs can reduce stress, loneliness and depression, while increasing physical form, improving heart health and increasing overall quality of life.

That is why Embred pet insurance speak with Jacqueline Brister , DVM, a recorded veterinarian and an expert in pet, to find out which dog breeds are the best as you age. "Future senior owners should look for a breed to ensure that maintenance, exercise and grooming needs correspond to their lifestyle," explains Brister. However, she notes that 10 breeds are distinguished as large pets for many people aged 55 and over.

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English Bulldog

Portrait of English Bulldog on white sofa looking quizzically into camera.
Philaire / Istock

"Gential but courageous, friendly but worthy", BrISTER describes the English Bulldogs as a "docile and faithful race". Together, these qualities make it an excellent match for the elderly aged 55 and over. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

However, it is important to note that English bulldogs are not particularly well suited to hot climates - which means that your location can determine if this breed is well suited to your home.

Basset Dog

Basset Hound
Siberian spring / Shutterstock

With their large drooping ears and their caricatural proportions, it is difficult to withstand the charm of Basset Dogs. Brist says that their calm and warm attacks make them ideal companions for the elderly.

"Known to be relaxed with an affectionate nature, this breed likes nothing more than snuggle with their human," explains the veterinarian.

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Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard Asleep on Dock
Pavel Shlykov / Shutterstock

Saint Bernards has the reputation of being large family dogs because of their endless patience and their great affection. However, these same qualities also make it an excellent match for the elderly interested in the biggest dogs.

"This sweet, often shy breed is the ultimate sweet giant," notes Brist.

Doggy style

greyhound resting on bed and looking up at owner
Elena Vasilchenko / Shutterstock

When you think of a greyhound, you probably think of a racing dog moving a mile per minute. However, BrISTER notes that "despite their thin stature, this breed is known for their lazy personality" at home.

Although they like concentrated physical activity episodes, they are likely to spend the rest of the day sleeping, which makes them surprisingly easy to take care of.

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English Mastiff dog in green summer grass
Volodymyr Burdiak / Shutterstock

A mastiff is a large race with a muscle framework, but their generally docile personalities make them large pets for the elderly.

"As a powerful but characteristic mild race, they are patient and adorable companions who take the best training in gentle training," said Brister.


dachshund resting on owner's knees
Leka Sergeeva / Shutterstock

By switching to smaller breed dogs, BrISTER recommends considering a Teckel if you are 55 years old or more. "This small but ferocious race loves the human company and socialization with others," she said.

Although they are full of pep and personality, their small frame and their short legs prevent them from doing prolonged physical activity. This makes it a good match for seniors who could be ready to make several shorter walks throughout the day.

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Yorkshire Terrier

yorkie on a log outside
McCann Michelle / Shutterstock

While some elders may prefer relaxed breeds, others like a dog with a great personality that they can shower with attention. The Yorkshire Terriers falls in this last camp, being daring, energetic and generally very connected to their goalkeepers.

"Described as tenacious, fiery and authoritarian, this breed makes great companions for those who live alone," explains Brist.

Ravalier King Charles Spaniel

king charles spaniel puppy on couch
Shutterstock / Fotyma

With royal looks and relaxed behavior, the rider King Charles Spaniel is another large small breed option for people over 55.

"With their gentle and melting expression, this breed is a companion in an extremely affectionate and intelligent way," explains Brister.

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A beagle sleeping on his back on the couch.
Przemek ICAIK / Shutterstock

Then the veterinarian suggests considering a beagle, which she describes as an "adaptable and versatile race". She says that their loving and curious nature - without mentioning their uniform temperament - makes them an ideal pet for the elderly.


cute red-haired pekingese dog with big eyes
Anna Stadnik / Shutterstock

Finally and above all, BrISTER recommends Pékinais as an excellent option for people over 55. It is a "sophisticated race, known for their eternal loyalty and their love of hugs", she notes. A breed the size of a toy, they are easy to bring wherever you go to the company 24 hours a day.

However, the veterinarian also notes that the adoption of a senior mixed breed dog from a refuge can offer an excellent alternative to a pure breed pet. Many rescues offer discounts for "seniors adopting the elderly" and are often an excellent match, she notes.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Over 50 / Pets
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