This simple blood test could determine if you have dementia

The researchers have discovered levels of a protein called neurofilament light chain (NFL) in the blood.

And if you could just test your blood and determine if you have, or maybe get, dementia? Or Parkinson's? Or down syndrome? Researchers, in a new study just published inNature Communications, say it may be possible. They studied the levels of a protein called neurofilament light chain (NFL) in the blood and found that they could be predictive of the disease, even if the patient shows no symptoms. The promise of the study could have broad effects.Read on to find out if this test can be for you - and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

The simple blood test can be "clinically useful" in the identification of diseases, including dementia

"We demonstrate that NFL plasma is clinically useful for identifying atypical Parkinsonian disorders in patients with parkinsonism, dementia in people with down syndrome, dementia in psychiatric disorders and frontal dementia in patients With cognitive impairment ", say the authors have been partially funded by the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Center.

"For the first time, we have shown through a number of disorders that a single biomarker can indicate the presence of underlying neurodegeneration with excellent accuracy," said Dr. Abdul Hye's study author. "Although it is not specific for no disorder, this could help services such as memory clinics than a quick screening tool for determining whether memory, thought or psychiatric problems result from neurodegeneration."

"For neurodegenerative diseases such as the disease of the Neuron of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or motorcycle engine, a blood test to allow early diagnosis and help us monitor the progression of the disease and the Response to treatment would be very helpful, "said Professor Co-author Ammar al-Chalabi from King's College London and co-direct the research theme into psychosis and neuropsychiatry at Nihr Maudsley BRC. "The Neurofilament light chain is a promising biomarker that could accelerate the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and shorten clinical trials."

Those with dementia had higher levels than those who do not have

For their research, the authors studied the subjects of King's College London, Lund University and Alzheimer's disease, including those without symptoms. "This study shows that neurofilament light chain levels have been particularly increased in adults with Down syndrome who have a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's disease," said co-author Andre StryDom, professor of deficiters intellectuals at King's College London. "In addition, we have shown that these people with a diagnosis of dementia after the appearance of Alzheimer's disease had higher levels than those who did not do it. This suggests that the new marker could potentially Being used to improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in people with disease syndrome. As to be used as a biomarker to show if treatments are effective or not. It is exciting that everything that might be necessary is a necessary Simple blood test, which is better tolerated in DOWN syndrome individuals than brain scans. "

"In conclusion, in two large sets of independent data, we have detailed meaningful strengths and weaknesses to use the NFL plasma as a biomarker for neurodegeneration that could be useful in a primary care framework", A-T- he writes. "The plasma concentrations of the NFL are increased on multiple neurodegenerative disorders, but are the highest samples of individuals with SLA, FTD and DSAD ... .Furthermore, NFL Plasma can differentiate a moderate / severe depression of disorders neuro-these, which has direct implications for many disorders. " So cross your fingers that this test becomes widely available and do not miss these7 ways to ruin your body after 60 years, say experts.

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