12 times hilarious the day of the marmot was terribly bad

These grumpy rodents are not always on their best behavior.

The Marmot Day is a notoriously neglected party. Every year, on February 2, we raise a brimot of winter sleep and we evaluate whether or not it sees its shadow. If he does, there are six other weeks of winter. If he does not, it will be a spring at first. It sounds simple enough - with the exception of nothing is simple when treating wild animals.

In addition to these crannobble rodents, the Marmot Day, the Marmot Day also tends to include small town mayors that have zoo's zoo's manipulation experience and rowdy party relatives that do not know How to behave at public events. Essentially, it is a recipe for disaster or, at the very least, a funny local-news title. That's why, for your entertainment, we gathered all day from the Times Marmot.hilariously wrong.

The time a new Arefhog jersey sleeping his big day - and Otis, the hedgehog was to fill.

hedgehog craziest emotional support animal

This happened at the Turtle Zoo in Essex, New Jersey, in 2016. Essex Ed, the zoo's residual marmot, jumped on his observation functions of the shadow, because he could not to wake up. And apparently, it was not because it lacks discipline. countyThe officials said The exceptionally hot December of the city rejected the typical ED hibernation scheme and led it to stay asleep through the holidays.

Fortunately, a lining was available. Otis the hedgehogentered and predicted Six weeks of winter, as well as the fact that Caroline Panthers would beat the Denver Broncos in this year's Super Bowl. He was wrong on both accounts. More luck next time, Otis!

The hour of a Canadian marmot tried to make a risky escape.

Shubenacadie Sam bites journalist while trying to escape.

All margons do not want to be in the limonist - some just want to be free! Last year, Shubenacadia Sam of Canada decided that sufficient enough was sufficient. When officialsAuthorized journalists In his pen after making her prediction for six other weeks of winter, Sam directly manifested the fence of the enclosure and started at the scale.

CBC Journalist Brett Ruskin rushed to catch Sam out of the fence closing, only to be bitten. "I'm fine, by the way,"Ruskin has tweeted after the incident. "The SAM managers of the Natural Resources Department say that I should not need a shot. (I'm not the first to be bitten, apparently.) But also my teeth before developing and there is Fur everywhere now. "

The time as an entire city abandoned the day of the Marmot.


Supporters are not particularly fond of the northwestern dark pacific. But you know what kind of animals are? Frogs. It isApparently why The inhabitants of Snohomish, Washington, celebrate the day of the terrace instead of the Marmot Day. Over the past 13 years, residents have gathered to watch Snohomish Slew predict the next weather situation and make a pair of other local frogs in the "frog breed Lazy River".

Unfortunately for an event intended to celebrate the wildlife fauna, Slew is not even a native frog species. It was shipped from New Jersey to 2010 andThe experts warn that he should never,already Be released in a Washington habitat. Anyway, the inhabitants line the streets to take pictures with Slew and do other activities on the theme of frogs.

The hour of a TaxiderMed Marmot has been accused of copying the predictions of PunxSutawney Phil.

washington dc capitol building

Most of the celebrations of the Marmot Day are able to deviate from scandal. But in 2018, Potomac Phil of Washington, D.C., found himself in a little hot water. (In addition, despite being the only "maritime market" recognized in the capital of our country, Phil is a taxidermic animal that has been donated a store called "Miss Pixie's Ferenhings & WhatNot")

Anyway, Phil makes his prediction annually at 8:30, half an hour after the famous Marmot, PunxSutawney Phil, the fact. And coincidentally, the two phils have made the same predictions over the last six years, reports theWashington Post In an article entitled "A Marmot Day Scandal? Potomac Phil denies rumors of collusion."

When the theoretics started to light that Potomac Phil was a Copycate, his manager, Aaron Denu, made a statement. "There was no collusion between Poomac Phil and PunxSutawney Phil," he says. "Absolutely no collusion." Instead, Denu says he has a methodological way to translate the forecasts of Phil.

"I look at his facial expressions, his posture and his intensity, glare and look in his eyes," he says. And definitelynot PunxSutawney Phil's previous forecast.

The time of a wisconsin marmot in the mayor's ear.

groundhog eating a carrot

The mayor is a difficult job, sometimes cunning by the fact that your city has a marmot. We are sure that the Mayor Jonathan Freund of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, would agree - sinceA 2015 incident In which the local marmot of his city, Jimmy, bit a piece of his ear.

The attack occurred when the Mayor Freund leaned towards Jimmy so that the rodent could tell him his prediction. Like most of the traditions of the Marmot Day stand, only mayors can talk about the forecasts of these rodents and reflect the forecasts of these rodents. Fortunately, the bite did not seem to hurt the Mayor Freund. The Mayor surprised Grimaça - then announced that it would be a spring at first.

The time (s) we went to eat marmots at the edge of the marmot.

turkey dinner

It turns out that before making our local celebrities from our margots, we have dinner. According to a report inCleveland'sOrdinary dealerThe animals were on the menu of the Marmot Day recently in 1913. An article in this year's document noted that 100 marvels had been killed in the city's "marmot hunt" of the city.

The journalist wrote: "If these people are not careful, they will meet again next February without any way to predict how long the winter will last."Time magazineNotes also once a marmot hunt and a feast took place, celebrants would engage in a "punch at the marmot", which is composed of vodka, milk, eggs, orange juice "and Other ingredients. " We are pleased that tradition has changed a lot since.

The Mayor of New York tried to pull the motto of the city away from a piece of corn.

groundhog yawning

If there is one thing you should probably learn in the Mayor 101 (especially if there are homework duties involved), you do not touch an animal that tries to eat. But it seems that in 2009, the Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg missed the memo - and was too close to the Marmot of the city, Sten Island Chuck.

Apparently, when the animal took a little too much time to warm up to the idea of ​​checking his shadow, "[the mayor] tried to give him a mandrel of his cottage with a corn ear, but the mandrel caught corn and dragged it inside to enjoy, "reported theNew York Times. "The mayor has tried twice again, but then, apparently patience, he grabbed Chuck by the belly with both hands before being able to hide and held it in the air so that everyone is seen."

Later that day, the mayor appeared to an event unrelated to a bandage on his left finger. A zoo representative claims that the marmot did not bite the express mayor. "He concentrated mainly on his food," said Mary Lee Montalvo of Zoo Mary Lee Montalvo. "The mayor's fingers could have just been there." OK.

There was scandally concealment of an unfortunate disappearance of the marmot.

Several unmarked tombstones in a graveyard

Okay, this one is not hilarious. It's just sad. In 2014, just a few years after the Sten Island Chuck Bit Mayor Bloomberg, a different mayor dropped him. And unfortunately, the animal died six days later due to "acute internal injuries" "compatible with a fall", reported thePost of New York.

But the worst is Chuck's guards tried to keep his death a secret. "Instead of revealing the sad loss, the zoo - which gets nearly half of its $ 3.5 million in annual financing of the city - told staff to keep the Mayor's office in the darkness of the fate of the Animal, wrote the post. Nobody discovered coverage until the next September.

When they learned death, the Mayor's office offered his most sincere condolences. "We did not know that Sten Island Chuck was elapsed but sorry to hear about the loss," said Phil Walzak's spokesman.

The hour of a polar bear had to fill for the marmot of his city.

Polar bear

When the Milwaukee County Zoo, Wynter, died from March before the 2018 holidays, the Zoo was left without star for his day celebration of the Marmot. Rather than canceling the event, they are reflected in other types of winter winter species that may emerge from their frames in early February.

They decided to Neiger Lilly the polar bear, which was awake and ready to try his paw during weather forecasts. And fortunately, the zoorecently welcomed His newest addition: a motto of a month named Gordy, who will take over for the celebration of the 2019 Marmot Day.

The weathermarmot The movie unleashed madness on the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

bill murray in groundhog day

The year beforeBill Murray's marmot Suffered in 1993, about 400 people showed the Punxutawney Gobber Pommel for the annual celebration of the City Marmot Day. In 1995, more than 8,000 revealing came down on the city. (PunxSutawnewney himself was only 7,000 people at the time.)

"Things have a little Rowdy and the traditional ceremony looked more like a fraternal college party," Oprah said on'The Oprah Winfrey Show' In 1995. "People ran with their shirts to shout," Liberate the rat! Free rat! "

"It's too big," said Phil's manager. Sounds like that.

The time of a new Jersey died at night before the ceremony.


A day before New Jersey Groundhog Stonewall V has been settled to make a prediction for 2016 in the zoo and the spatial museum, it was found dead in its cage. Fortunately, there was no fault game involved this time. "I think it was just old age, Space Parker, a new Assemblyman jersey whose family owns and operates the zoo, saysNJ 101.5. "When we put it in his lair in the fall, he was kind and fat and fleshy." Unfortunately, the event was canceled because there was apparently no hedgehog or polar bears to intervene at that time.

Literally every day of marmot of all time.

winter weather icons

It is worth repeating: no matter how adorable precipitation can be, they are meteorologists less than stellar. According toStormfax AlmanacThe six-week predictions of PunxSutawnewney Phil have been accurate only 39% of the time. In other words, you'd better leave a coin or, you know, listening to yourreal Watheraperson.

Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny / holidays / humor
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