Simple ways never to age, according to experts

These easy lifestyle changes can help you return the clock.

A body that remains young forever. This concept was stuffed for countless novels and films, not to mention the fervent hopes of many of us. And although the freezing of your physical condition in place is always the trick of science fiction, there are easy lifestyle choices and scenarios that you can do that can prevent the effects ofaging. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Stop drinking soda

drinking soda

There is nothing like the soda fountain of youth. Proves, it's just the opposite. A study at the University of California-San Francisco found that people who consumed more sweet sweet drinks, such as soda, had shorter telomeres, the part of our cells that hold DNA. Telomeres are shorter as they get older; When they become too short, they die. "The steady consumption of sweet sweet sodas could influence the development of metabolic diseases through accelerated cell aging," wrote the authors of the study.


Cut sugar


The effect of sugar on weight gain does not prevent many of us from engaging in a sweet tooth. But if we told you that it can make you look older, you could always believe it? Our skin is supported by two compounds, a collagen and an elastin, which keeps it dodue and young. According toa studyPublished in the newspaperClinical dermatology, when high levels of sugar are consumed, it binds to amino acids with collagen and elastin, damaging them and blocking the body's efforts in repair.



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When you reduce sugar, also aim to reduce stress. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLreportsThis chronic stress can also shorten the telomers. Not only does the telomer shortening process are the literal process of aging, but people with shorter telomeres risk serious illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.


Drink only with moderation

refusing alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates the body and causes inflammation - two shortcuts looking for older. A2019 studyWith more than 3,200 women found that those who drank more than eight drinks per week had more "upper facial lines, under-eye pockets, oral commissions, a loss of volume of surface environment and vessels Bloods "that women who drank moderately or not at all.

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Have enough sleep


According toa studyPublished inClinical and experimental dermatologyWomen who reported frequently had quality sleep had 30% better "recovery of the skin barrier" and "intrinsic skin aging significantly" that women who reported a bad sleep, to stay young , not lesinant on your closed experts recommend seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night. And to cross the healthiest life, do not missCause # 1 "fatal" cancer.

Categories: Health
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