Simple tips to avoid Alzheimer's "murderers", now say doctors

To save sickness, there are simple things you can do that will reduce your risks.

"Forgetting where you are parked your car can be boring. If it happens all the time, it can be disturbing and you may be afraid of a sign of a more serious condition," saysHarvard Health. In fact, it can beAlzheimer. Inhabiting the disease, which is a fatal form of dementia, according to theCDCThere are simple things that you can do this will reduce your risks - and will make you better health. Read 5 essential and simple tips to prevent Alzheimer's "mortal" is now - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Eat a Mediterranean diet

mediterranean platter

A Mediterranean regime "has been demonstrated to help include Alzheimer's progress or to be the progress. A recent study has shown that even partial membership of such a regime is better than nothing, which is relevant for people who can Having trouble to fully adhere to a new diet, "Dr. GAD Marshall, Associated Medical Director of Clinical Trials at the Center for Alzheimer's Research and Treatment in Harvard-Affiliate Brigham and Female Hospital, saysHarvard Health, which adds: "the diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits; whole grains; olive oil; nuts; legumes; fish; moderate quantities of poultry, eggs and moderate dairy products; and red meat only."


Exercise for this long every day

woman putting biking helmet on outside during bicycle ride

The NIH recommends "to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week by performing a moderate intensity aerobic activity (such as cycling or fast walking), or as much as you canto, "to keep Alzheimer at the bay. Why? Since 11 studies show that this type of regular exercise can reduce your chances of relocating dementia up to 30% - and an Alzheimer of 45% for Alzheimer's disease.


Do not be allowed to adulate in these bad habits

refusing alcohol

Stop smoking. Do not drink too much. This type of advice could be in one of these healthy lifestyle, and there is a good reason why: smoking can cause traits or blood clots, which are the same risk factors that contribute to dementia . In addition, "the excessive consumption of alcohol over a long period may result in brain damage and can increase your risk of reliance," explains theAlzheimer's company. "However, the consumption of alcohol of moderation has not been conclusively linked to an increased risk of dementia, it has been shown to provide significant protection against the development of dementia."


Learn new things can help

mature woman playing guitar in her bedroom, Free time and hobbies

"We believe that cognitively stimulating activities can be useful for preventing Alzheimer's, but evidence of their benefit is often limited to improving a learned task, such as a test of reflection skills, which does not generalize The overall improvement of the skills and activities of the daily living living thought, "said Dr. Marshall of Harvard.

RELATED: 5 ways to prevent dementia, declares Dr. Sanjay Gupta


There is no unpressive way to prevent Alzheimer

man walking on beach

"Not yet," Jonathan Gaff-Radford, Mr.D. writes for theMAYO Clinic. "But there are strong evidence that several factors associated with the conduct of a healthy lifestyle can play a role in reducing your risk of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. However, more research is Necessary before any of these factors can be considered a proven strategy to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Population-based studies suggest that the factors associated with good overall health can also reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive decline. These factors include regular physical activity, eating healthy diet and keeping your brain active in lifelong learning. "And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid

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