Dr. Fauci has just published a new COVID warning

Delta threatens to cost lives.

CoronavirusCases are on the rise of your condition when the Delta variant tears unvaccinated and threatening to restart more mutants. Concerned about spread,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, offered a warning warning warning onCnn. Read six essential tips given to this brand new balloon - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned that Delta is spreading "more effectively" from the person to the person

Waiter coughing into elbow while serving customers in a restaurant.

"This is a virus that has now shown us that it has a very strong capacity for more effective spread of the person to a person than the previous prototype viruses that we have known," said Fauci to Kate Bolduan of CNN. "And for non-vaccinated, it means not only infected. This means that certain proportions of the infected persons will be seriously ill, requiring hospitalizations - and in some cases, unfortunately-death," added.


Dr. Fauci said we can expect more dead

Woman patient receives anesthetic in hospital

Fauci said that those who are vaccinated are protected "very well - up to 90% or more - against hospitalizations, serious illnesses and deaths, and that it" held strongly, whatever the place where Study is - in the United States or in several foreign countries ... thus, although you treated a virus that, because of this extreme feature of person spreading to a person, provokes more infections, including Disturbing infections of vaccinated persons, for those who are vaccinated, he still goes very well against severe sickness, "he said. "Unfortunately, we can not say the same for non-vaccinated people. We can expect among non-vaccinated hospitalizations, and possibly in certain situations, the deaths," he added.


Mr. Fauci said he understood why the Academy would recommend a universal masking

Mother puts a safety mask on her son's face.

The American Academy of PediatricsOne of the main authorities in the country of children's health, recommended universal masking for anyone at school, regardless of their immunization status. "There are many children and other people who can not be vaccinated," said Sara Bode, MD, FAAP, the person-chosen person of the AAP Health Council Committee. "That's why it's important to use all toolbox tools to protect Children from Covid-19. Universal masking is one of these tools and has proven effective in protecting people from Other Respiratory Diseases. It is also the most effective. Strategy to create consistent messages and expectations between students without the additional charge of the need to monitor the immunization status of each. "

With regard to the American Academy of the Pediatric Universal Mask Councils, Fauci said: "It's along the same lines as what we saw with the health authorities of Los Angeles, who, in the general population , said the same thing, that when you have a degree of viral dynamics of the community and you have a substantial proportion of the non-vaccinated population, which you really want to go to the extra step, the extra mile to make sure That there is not much transmission, even revolutionary infections among the vaccinated individuals, "he said." And for this reason, you can understand why the American pediatric academy might want to do that. They just want to be very sure. "


Mr. Fauci said CDC's advice have flexibility if you want to do more

Close-up view of a tablet pc with CDC abbreviation

"The CDC recommendations can be in variance with this, but in all respects, the CDC still lets the flexibility on the part of local agencies, local businesses, local cities and states to use a judgment based on The situation on the ground., "says Dr. Fauci. "So I think the American pediatric academy, you know, it's a thoughtful group, they analyze the situation and if they feel it's the way to go, I think it's a reasonable thing to to do."

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Dr. Fuci said the real world acts faster than science and some people want to be better sure that sorry

Two friends with protective masks greet with waving to each other.Alternative greeting during quarantine to avoid physical contact

The CDC stated that masks are not needed after vaccination. But Los Angeles and other counties are masks for all. Confusing a lot? "If you look at the fundamental basis on which recommendations from the CDC are taken, they are invariably based on clinical studies and data that has been collected and analyzed," said Dr. Faisci. "And the decision is made on the basis of the data. Now, resistance of the real world, when you see trends that occur, before you can get enough information to get a clinical trial or clinical condition where you could say, based on These data, we will make a decision of the local authorities, naturally say that you know, we do not have all the data. We do not have clinical trial data yet. The CDC tries to collect that. And when they Font, they will come with a firm recommendation, but in the meantime we want to play there to be safer. It's an understandable human reaction to really want to be safer rather than sorry. "He said that He understood why this could lead to confusion.

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How to stay safe out there

Young man wearing two face masks.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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