I am a doctor and that's why Trump should be worried

Studies show that this figure could determine whether you contract (and survive) Covid-19.

Do you have a body mass index on 25? If so, you are not alone. A complete set of 69% of Americans are overweight (IMC 25 to 29.9 years) or obese (IMC 35-39.9) - President Donald Trump, which has just contracts Covid-19. Of these people, 6.9% are seriously obese (which means a BMI of more than 40 years). Although Trump is said "right now", as your BMI increases, so you risk severe infection and death of Covid. Obesity increases the risk of arterial hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic liver disease and various types Cancer. These medical conditions occur much more often in hospitalized people with a serious COVID infection, the main experts to believe that obesity is the common underlying factor.

Click to see the 15 reasons why there has never been a better time to lose weight, once and for all and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Obesity increases the risk of becoming infected by Covid-19

Overweight woman having a heart attack while touching her chest

A recent study in the United Kingdom found that the risk of CIVID-19 infection increased as the BMI and the circumference of size increase. Being overweight, obese or severe obese (having a BMI greater than 40) increased the risk of COVID infection by 31%, 55% and 57%, respectively.


Obesity increases the risk of hospitalization of COVID-19

A recent study This analyzed 387,019 members of the United Kingdom Biobank found that being overweight or obese increase the risk of hospitalization of a COVID infection of 32% and 97% respectively.

AMay 2020 The study published in the British Medical Journal reported that people with severe obesity and obesity were respectively four and six times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID than people with IMC less than 30.


Obesity is associated with other COVID results

senior coronavirus covid-19 infected patient lying on bed in quarantine room of hospital with doctor and medical staffs aking her symptoms of coronavirus covid-19 sickness for treatment

Recent meta-analysis published in theVirology newspaper Concluded that obesity increased the risk of serious covidation infection of a factor of 2.5 and the risk of low outcome of a factor of 2.3.

A recent meta-analysis published in the journalObesity, research and clinical practice looked at 403,535 Covid-19 patients and concluded that, compared to those who have a normal IMC, being obese

  • doubled the risk of being seriously ill;
  • Almost quadrupled the risk of dying;
  • and increasing the risk of respiratory support almost seven times.

Obesity increases the risk of dying of a COVID infection

New York City healthcare workers during coronavirus outbreak in America.

Many studies have reported that the risk of dying of Covid increases with higher BMIs. InMay 2020, theBritish medical newspaper Published a study of 20,133 patients with COVID-19. Those who were obese had a risk of dying of 33% higher.


Obesity alters immunity to other respiratory infections

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

Obesity is known to alter immunity to other respiratory viruses (such as influenza) and reduces response to influenza vaccine. High blood glucose and diabetes, associated with obesity, have also been linked to more morbidity and mortality resulting from an infection with otherscoronavirusExample, those who caused an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the respiratory syndrome epidemic of the Middle East (seas) in 2012.

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Obesity alters the lung function

Doctor check up x-ray image have problem lung tumor of patient.

Be obese results inAltered lung function Because there are large grease deposits in the thoracic wall, the thorax cavity (thorax) and the abdominal cavity (under the diaphragm). This means that obesity makes the chest relatively compressed - so even without being infected by Covid-19, obese individuals must work stronger to breathe.


Obesity causes chronic inflammation

Obese woman at a carnival

Obesity increases the risk of "cytokine storm", an excess reaction of the immune system causes inflammation throughout the body, alteration of respiration and other essential functions. It is seen in some of the most severe COVID-19 cases and can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARD), which can be fatal.

Obesity is associated withchronic inflammation. People with higher levels of BMIs have oftenmetabolic syndrome, a medical condition that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and systemic inflammation (body).

When you are overweight or obese, if you are infected with Covid-19, your immune system is already on the point of infection, which will allow you a higher risk of severe lung disease that may require admission to the hospital. Hospital , critical care and mechanical ventilation.


Obesity increases your risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

The CDC reports that the risk of death isten times higherCOVID-19 Infection in people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.


Obesity causes elevated laptin levels


Adipocytes (adipose cells) produce a hormone called laptine, which regulates the appetite. High duptin levels make you feel full and tell you to stop eating.

Strangely, obese people tend to have higher ductine levels, probably because of the resistance of laptin.High leptin Levels accelerate atherosclerosis, damaging blood vessels and lowering HDL ("good") cholesterol. Leptin is a cell signaling molecule that triggers the production of inflammatory cytokines and triggers the inflammation waterfall.

The good news is that laptin levels fall with a weight reduction.


Be obsese damage the gut


Many studies have shown that obese people tend to have aBad eating habits, often eating large amounts of rapid restoration and transformed food.

This diet causes changes to theGUT Microbiome, increasing the "leaks" of the meter of the Gut. This means that bacteria, viruses and toxins can go from the intestine in the bloodstream, exacerbating systemic inflammation.

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Belly fat creates inflammation

gaining weight

Fat is not an inactive tissue. In reality,visceral grease (or belly fat) produces a large number of cytokines, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and the tumor-α necrosis factor (TNF-α). EatRich diet in fats has been demonstrated to increase the production of these cytokines.


Fat can literally poison your organs

doctors appointment physician shows to patient shape of liver with focus on hand with organ

Lipotoxicity Occurs when you consume as much diet as the greasy cells can no longer store. Excess fat flowed into the blood, liver, heart and kidneys. These fats are toxic and can cause damage to the organ as a disease of the non-alcoholic liver, heart failure and renal failure. Twenty-five percent of the American population would have lipotoxicity.


Obesity increases oxidative stress

Infectious doctor exam and screening for new corona virus(novel Coronavirus 2019 disease,COVID-19,nCoV)that pandemic outbreak

Obesity causes an increase in levels ofoxidative stress, which can destroy the tissues and alter your immune system. It also has very specific effects to Covid-19. Oxidative stress can prevent red blood cells from freeing oxygen, and it seems to increase damage to air bags in the lungs. It also stimulates blood coagulation, which can lead toMicrovascular thrombosis, an often mortal complication of COVID-19.

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Covid-19 could hide in fat

Young overweight caucasian adventurous teenage girl with blonde hair looking out at the ocean, while leaning on the wooden railing along the beach

Some researchers suggested thatCOVID-19 can use The excess tissue adiposse (fat) as a cache where it can reproduce, facilitate viral loss and transmission of infection.

There are some evidence that people living with obesity worse worseSymptoms of COVID than those with a normal IMC.


How can you stay healthy

Women walking and exercising smilling and happy

If you are overweight or obese, you do not need to define unrealistic targets. Just lose 5% of your body weight. Truly. Simply lose5% of your body weight Reduce insulin resistance and relieve oxidative stress-two major health benefits.

In addition to that, do everything you can to prevent you from installing-covid-19: wear your face mask, test yourself if you think of coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, that works only races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, hasnd to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer Dr. Fox Online Pharmacy .

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