15 superfoods that can make you magnify

Do not let these super passengers replace you ...

Like Katniss and FinnickThe hunger GamesSome super-passengers are better described as weight loss frenimia than allies. Yes, it's true, some apparently innocent eaters can cause you to pack on books - despite the fact that they are overflowing with nutrients to fight the disease.

There are some reasons that happens. The super passengers are not free of calories (still many of us eat them with a reckless abandonment), no more than all the results of superfoods as healthy as those of their purest form. And then there is the healthy rate we have managed to ruin with pesticides and chemicals. Few people recognize these facts, which is where the problem and weight gain start.

To help you recognize Freney's friend, we have identified a super-career handle that you need to be a little suspicious. Read on to know what they are - and when you're done, make sure to check these30 foods you should never eat after 30 years To keep your health in advanced shape for the long distance!

Because the restaurants ruin them ...



Iced tea

Tea contains antioxidants such as the Gallate epigallocatechin (EGCG), catechins and polyphenols, which have been found to help stimulate metabolism, block the formation of new adipose cells, repair the disease and even minimize cell damage, aging and the risk of stroke. But do not let these facts oppose you to believe that all teas are created equal; It could no longer be further from the truth. Not only are the restaurants and coffee chains serve breweries that have a fraction of antioxidants like the kind you would be at home, they are also generally injected with more sugar than you will find in a halloween candy hide. So, basically what you are left, it's a cup of sugar water with very little - if health benefits. Jump the things your Dunkin 'or Applebee is used and enjoy a cup of powerful cup ofdetox tea at home instead.



Fried tofu

Tofu is a powerful source of protein, calcium and iron - and it is served in many vegan and vegetarian restaurants that tremble people to believe that it's a health food that is worth ordering. But not so fast. Some tofu varieties contain magnesium sulphate, a coagulant shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. In addition, the restaurant cooks generally plunge the blands of soy in decadent sauces or deep fryers to improve the flavor. The resulting dishes are those who can leave you both sick and fat. If you want to enjoy Tofu, do it at home and make sure you look for a package made with a better coagulating agent for you, such as Nigari salts, Lushui or clean sea water.



Tim Wright / Beldshshshshsh

In its purest form, the benefits of coffee are elongated from Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease to help weight loss efforts. But the second you start to tinker with your cupa joe- add things like flavor syrups filled with chemicals, whipped cream and fatty half, you start dimming these health protection properties and adding tons of calories. To harvest most of the benefits of your morning cup, add a splash of milk, a teaspoon of sugar and a jolt ofcinnamon If you need an extra flavor.

Because they are drawn up with chemicals ...



Strawberries in cartons

Before calling our bluff on this one, hear us! The biological and cultured strawberries conventionally obtain their bright red hue from antioxidant compounds called anthocyanas, which have been found to help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and cognitive decline. However, conventional strawberries have a major fault: they are covered with pesticides that can cause a plunge in metabolism and make weight loss more difficult. In fact, strawberries explained the Environmental Working Group (EWG)2018 dozen dirtya list of products with the highest pesticide loads. Your best movement is to buy biological fruits and vegetables as far as possible. Although organic fruits and vegetables have been found to transport pesticide residues (due to inadvertent spray drift in air or cross-contamination in harvest bins), they are always the best option - especially in What concerns strawberries.



Picking red apple from tree

Apples: They are crisp, they are partd, they said to keep the doctor away and they are also the fourth piece of products most loaded with pesticides on this list of dirty dozens mentioned above. So, despite the fact that their skin is filled with flattening fibers of belly and urricsolic acid, a compound believed to increase the brunette grease incineration of calories, this delicious fruit can do more harm than your body than if you tend to to buy conventional varieties and eat them regularly. Even if you do not put weight right away, over the years, as the compound of chemicals in your system, they could wreak havoc on yourmetabolism and size.



Strawberry spinach salad poppyseed dressing

Arriving at the second - most pesticide superfails are spinach. Although this leafy green is full of free antioxidants against radicals such as lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and zéaxanthine; one of the main sources of non-husky iron iron and herbal iron; and provides a significant dose of prebiotics promoting its healthy intestine, 97% of GPE-tested conventional spinach samples contained pesticide residues. Several studies, includinga 2010 study published inCAUSES AND CONTROL OF CANCERThey have established links between pesticide consumption and a higher body mass index.

Because manufacturers ruin them ...



Smoothie bowl

Known as a powerful anti-inflammatory and source of protective antioxidants and omega-3 healthy hearts, the Açai Bay is a powerful superfood. However, most Americans are only going out raw fruit in their mouths. They consume it in smoothie bowls loaded with sugar, bottledsmoothiesSorbets and the shape of snacks, which almost always means that they also get a dose of excess calories and sugar that their bodies do not need.


Walnut butter

Peanut butter in jar

If made with nuts, salt and nothing else, nut butters are a superfail that serves a powerful dose of minerals, healthy fat and downsizing proteins. And even if you are able to stick to a reasonable service size (which is a tablespoon or two, from the end) that will not matter much if you purchased an Icky container filled with sugary and hydrogenated oils added, A type of trans fat made by man capable of raising bad cholesterol levels and promoting inflammation that buildsbig belly and induces a weight gain.

Because you stunned them ...




Prunes are one of these21 surprising foods that melt fat-And for good reason. A portion of four to five dried feathers, three grams of fiber. "About half of it is insoluble, which helps accelerate food through the digestive tract. The other half is a slow soluble fiber, good to improve satiety, reduce cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, "explains Rebecca Scrichfield, RDN. The fruit is also a powerful source of polyphenols, plant chemicals that help prevent the disease. But here's where things go wrong: a cup of dried dried fruits up to eight times more calories and sugar than a cup of fresh stuff. So, if you tend to have trouble controlling your portion size, prunes and other dried fruits can be limited to making your size you get more than good. As a rule, think of dried fruits like a garnish and not like a snack.


Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate bar
Simone van der Koelen / Mourrings

Snacking on dark chocolate is not just a good way to curb your sugar cravings, it's a great way to improve your health - if you stand at a reasonable service size, at least. The superfood is rich in nutrients such as healthy fats, iron, magnesium and flavanoles, which are antioxidants that work with caffeine found in cocoa solids to strengthen the blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. We usually recommend choosing a chocolate bar with a cocoa percentage of at least 70. If you do not look at the percentages and you only read "the dark chocolate" on the labels, you could end up consuming more sugar you do not want. For example, a portion of Hershey dark chocolate kisses contains 22 grams of sugar while the same size of their milk chocolate kisses contains only 18 grams!



Agave nectar

Many people think that the agave is a healthy source of sugar because it comes from a plant and does not point your blood glucose. But the truth is that it is not better than white granulated sugar, which also comes from a plant. In fact, the agave can be worse for your system than table sugar. Indeed, unlike other sources of sugar that have a more peer ratio of fructose and glucose, the agave is 90% fructose. Consuming too much fructose has been associated with health problems such as liver disease and kidneys, high blood pressure and even premature aging. If you have added the stuff to your smoothies and make homemade granola bars to the cup, it can be really bad news. Do you compose about your consumption of this surprising superfood to keep these excess books at the bay! And for a better understanding of added sugars, consult our exclusive guide ofEach additional popular sweetener - classified!


Coconut oil

Coconut oil melted

Über's fashion coconut oil is a powerful source of lauric acid, a single medium chain triglyceride that beats the bacterium of battle and increases calorie expenditures 24/24 in the man of five percent, which is why you add it to all of your Pan frying to your smoothies on the REG. But add a few tables to too many to your daily diet and you can cancel all its stomach-flat effects due to the number of steep calories. To help get a better idea of ​​how much is too much, do not miss these18 ways easy to control your portions.



Avocado sliced in half
Charles Deluvio / Modern

Lawyers overflow with good fats, fibers, antioxidants and nearly 20 vitamins and minerals that contribute to weight loss and improved health. But you must always keep the size of the portions in perspective. Nutritionists consider that a portion of lawyer about a quarter of entire fruit (which contains 81 calories and 7 grams of fat). Take more more than that and you may liquidate the packaging on belly fat.


Red wine

Couple cheers red wine

Thanks to its high resveratrol content and its anti-inflammatory properties, people who consume red wine can be at a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and seasonal colds. But wine glasses these days are oversized, which makes it particularly difficult to stick to the 5 ounce servition, which contains about 130 calories. To make sure you do not do too much, a habit that can lead to weight gain - pour a glass ofgood red wine In a measuring cup, then transfer it to your wine glass. This will help you at the ocular globe the right amount the next time you want to enjoy some vino. However, you should also know it: drink alcohol, even something with healthy properties like red wine, can make you more sensitive to food aromas and less likely to withstand the indulgent tariff. A study revealed that sipping alcohol led to people to adopt an additional 384 calories a day, on average. This means that if you drink three times a week, you potentially issue 17 pounds of fat in one year.


Olive oil

Olive oil
Roberta Sorge / Beldshshshsh

The FDA has recently suggested that the consumption of two tablespoons of olive oil a day can reduce the risk of heart disease. It has also been shown that the consumption of similar amounts has been shown using weight loss. But eat many more than two or three tablespoons and you may find your tighter pants! Make sure to measure your portions to keep your portions. A drizzle here and he can ride up and quickly! But it's always one of the 40 things that healthy cooks always have in their kitchen , sure.

Categories: Weight Loss
By: lucy-caso
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