These states are "on fire" with COVID

Florida leads the way to the entire.

ThecoronavirusThe reconquest due to the delta variant and 100 million unvaccinated Americans. How was it so bad apparently so fast? "Part of the challenge we have is the fact that we have to live our daily life. And I think most of the United States is made with the pandemic," says Michael Osterholm's expert virus. "They do not believe that it's more about them. They put in their time. And of course, the challenge we have is, the virus is not yet done with us." "States with lowvaccination Rates are on fire, we have to have more shots in arms, "saysDr. Leo Nissola, an immunologist, an immunotherapy scientist and a medical contributor to the CBS. Read it to see how bad it is and what states are also problems - and to guarantee your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Florida has the most covid business right now

Drone Aerial View of Downtown Chattanooga Tennessee TN and Tennessee River

"Florida records more COVID-19 cases than any other American state, such as hospitalizations in some areas increase the fastest rate since the beginning of the pandemic", reports theThe Wall Street newspaper. "The state represents a new in five infections in the United States and 73,181 cases recorded during the past week, according to disease control and prevention centers. Florida had 341 cases per 100,000 people during The past week, only two years to Louisiana. The weekly total of new cases reported by Florida jumped more than quadruple between July 1 and July 22, reaching its culmination since mid-January. Deaths in Florida Total 319 over the last week, most states, with a rate of 1.5 per 100,000 people, the highest fourth, according to the CDC. "

"All these things together are a recipe for the data we see", Jason Salemi, epidemiologist at the University of Southern Florida, told the newspaper. "It's a cause for concern ... the speed with which the indicators went up."


The cases of Missouri's Covid have come to reach six months of height

St. Louis downtown city skyline at twilight.

The Missouri was touched hard because the vaccination rate is so low."Springfield, where the Fair of the Empire Ozark will take place on July 29th to August 7th, is in Greene County, one of the Covid's hotspots of the state", reportsCnn. "The Hospital of Mercy in Springfield recorded 148 cases of Covid-19 positive from Thursday, a height of all time, Sonya Kullmann said, spokesperson for the hospital. The County of Greene currently has 4 663 cases active at Friday morning, according to its website. In cases is caused by theVariant of Delta Fast Propagation; 95% of these cases were in non-vaccinated people, "said Kullmann. "


Arkansas sees a greater increase in a day of death of viruses since March

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA skyline on the river at twilight.

The Republican governor of Arkansas is not the only one to implore people to be vaccinated. "A doctor of Arkansas gave an emotional advocacy for people to have vaccinated, describing" regret and remorse "on the faces of dying patients with COVID-19," reportsInternal business community. "Speaking of a coronavirus unit in the Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville, Mr. Michael Bolding said he wanted people to see the faces of these patients. The video, posted on Facebook on July 16, a Shared more than 6,300 times. Baseding said the patients knew "that they would be short for this world because they did not get their vaccine."

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Louisiana Covid Hospitalizations Stay other surgeries

Colorful homes and historic architecture in New Orleans, Louisiana

In all states, we have justified: "You see these main challenges in the health system," explains Osterholm. "Due to the fact that we have vaccinated" so many people over 65 "we do not see that the population almost all of them in hospitals and intensive care units of the ICU. But we see is Many younger. They do not "turn so sick as often, but because of the pure number of them, they literally cause serious challenges in our health systems. "

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How to stay safe out there

Female Doctor hands holding vaccine bottle and syringe.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a facial mask which adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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