This supplement can increase your risk of cancer

A health working group recommends that you avoid taking this supplement - it will not help you and can affect.

United StatesThe Working Group on Preventive Services (USPSTF) will not recommend that the taking of vitamins and supplements can prevent cardiac diseases andCancerand will warn that taking a supplement can actually raise the risk of cancer and heart disease, according toA draft declarationposted on its website.

The USPSTF gave most of the supplements one year "I" - for insufficient evidence - in terms of cancer prevention and cardiovascular disease.But, citing strong scientific data, the group will recommend against the taking of beta-carotene supplements.

"The proof shows that there is no advantage in taking vitamin E and thatBeta-carotene can be harmful because it increases the risk of lung cancer in people already at risk, such as those who smoke and also increase the risk of dying of heart disease or stroke, "said John Wong, MD, the Tufts Medical Center, in a statement. Read more and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

Scientists call more study

The new review of the Group of 78 studies showed that no supplement had a significant effect on cardiovascular health. Data on vitamin D supplementation and cancer mortality were incompatible.

The researchers stated that more studies are justified. "More evidence is needed to understand whether there is a heterogeneity through specific populations, or by level of basic nutrients, in the effects of vitamin, mineral and multivitamin supplementation on cardiovascular diseases and cancer results, In particular in people without known gaps and the low prevalence of supplement use and in various populations, "wrote the authors of the study.

On the basis of the latest evidence, USPSTF does not recommend screening for routine vitamin d deficiency for asymptomatic adults. But the group recommends that women who are considering or capable of becoming pregnant take folic acid supplements. (The lack of folic acid during pregnancy can result in severe birth defects in the spinal cord and brain of a fetus, including Spina Bifida.)

RELATED: That taking a vitamin every day made to your body

Other recent studies reach a similar conclusion

The USPSTF declaration follows a 2019 meta-analysis in whichResearchers from Johns Hopkins have evaluated studies involving 450,000 people, determining that multivitamins do not lower yourRisk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, death after a heart attack or cerebrovascular accident, or early death. Their advice: do not waste your money on multivitamins; Get the vitamins and minerals you need the food.

"Pills are not a shortcut for better health and the prevention of chronic diseases," said Larry Appeal, MD, Director of the Center for the Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research of Johns Hopkins, at the era. "The other nutrition recommendations have a lot more evidence of healthy diet, maintain healthy weight and reduce the amount of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and sugar you eat."

However, these researchers also recommended that women's age-old women take a folic acid supplement. So be careful and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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