Go to bed past this exact time hurts your health, the study says

Block at a reasonable time can put you on the road to a much healthier lifestyle.

The old adage of "early in bed, early to get up", promising health, wealth and wisdom, can feel quite simplistic. But doctors have longThe benefits of a good rest night And all the ways to get healthier. Now a recent study hasproven thishit the leaves early May at least deliver one of the three things promised in the old adage. Research, which has been published in the newspaperBMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, Proved thatIf you are still going to the midnight bed, you could really hurt your health.

Researchers recorded the exact time at which 635 type 2 diabetic patients type 2I went to bed every night. The results showed that 25% of the subjects dropped at 10:52. On average, while 23% remained up to 12:36. On average. Despite being a slumber change change somewhat subtle - about an hour and 45 minutes - the researchers noticed a huge difference in lifestyles between groups.

Woman sleeping in bed

"Our research [shows] that night owls exercise 56% less than their anti-slip counterparts", co-study authorJoseph Henson, MD, from the University of Leicester, Australia, said in a statement. "This makes it possible to understand the factors that may mitigate a person's propensity to make extremely important exercise."

The researchers have attracted the conclusion that night owls were simply less likely to seize the occasion of working - and thus lead less healthy lifestyles. "The links between subsequent sleep times and physical activity are clear: go to bed late and you are less likely to be active," study the co-authorAlex Rowlands, MD, from the University of South Australia added.

The good news? It's now time to "change your lifestyle for the better, just by adjusting your bedtime," Rowlands explained.

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There is no shortage of scientific evidence that safeguards the benefits of a previous moment. A study revealed thatSleeping even 15 minutes less One night could lead to considerable weight gain thanks to aBoost in snacking at the end of the evening And the "hunger hormone" Ghrelin. And other research found that obtaining your eight hours at a reasonable time canReduce your anxiety levels andIncrease your immune system.

Need help to hit the hay before midnight? Sleep experts recommend that you put your phoneone hour before bedtimeStop eating three hours before going to bed, exchange fancy exercises late at night with yoga or read a fiction, NBC News Reports. And for more to have in your complete 40 wins of esports, checkThis thing can cure your insomnia, a new study says.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Categories: Health
By: liz-szabo
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