The Cause n ° 1 of belly fat, says science
Learn what you can do about it.

Big belly Can be pretty stubborn and frustrating. Even if we try to look at what we eat, he sometimes refuses to move! While belly fat is something that many of us treat, many of us do not really understand why this happens and what we need to get rid of it - and the reality is what works for some, can Do not work for others. But the key to understanding our belly fat and find ways to deal with this is to start understanding why it is there in the first place.Read more - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What is belly fat?

We all have greases in our body, and it's a good thing! No, it's really true! "Fats play an important role, not only to provide energy to our body, but also in the regulation of our body temperature and the production of hormones," Rebeca Stevenson, Mr., Dietitian and chief decorated withADAPTWellness Center in North Miami.
But another question remains - how does our body decide where it stores fat? "Some people have fats in their abdominal region, while others have it in their thighs and their hips and in other common areas," said Stevenson. Belly fat is fat accumulated in the abdominal area of the body and is mainly called visceral grease. "The visceral grease is not exact what we see outside, but it is deep inside because it covers the spaces between our abdominal organs," said Stevenson.
Who is at risk?

Unfortunately, we have no direct control over where our body stores fat. It would not be great?! "All the transfer surgeries of the fat would be foreign!" said Stevenson. Some factors may, however, influence bodily greases. These include hormones, family genees, medicines, age, physical activity and diet, according to Stevenson.
When are you in danger?

When your belly fat causes health problems, you are at risk. Prevention, or at the very least, an early intervention, is the key to the key. "Do not wait until your IMC circumference or size reaches a point to make me ask if the belly fat is the cause," said Dr. Brynna Connor, MD, Ambassador of Health You want to tackle this earlier in life and earlier best.
But there are certainly widespread red flags. "If you are masculine, you will want to see your doctor if your size is greater than 40 inches of circumference. If you are a woman, consult your doctor if your size is up to 35 inches, "said Dr. Connor. These are generally of course, but whatever your weight ratio at size, your body mass index (BMI) - these measurements can be a fast gauge so you can see your doctor about belly fat concerns .
What are the health risks of belly fat?

Visceral fats can in particular cause problems with internal organs. "It can increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma and other pulmonary diseases. It can alsoIncrease the risk of developing colon cancerAnd dementia, said Dr. Connor. Belly fat is not just stubborn, it can be absolutely deadly!
The Cause n ° 1 of belly fat is ... diet

There is no way to do it. What we put in our body will play a major role in our belly fat. "Let me start saying that there is not a group of food or food that will increase by magic or decrease the belly fat from one day to the next," said Stevenson. "Weight and body composition are directly related to our energy consumption and expense," said Stevenson. If we consume more calories or energy than our corporal needs, we will gain weight and gain belly fat; And if we consume fewer calories, we will lose weight and lose belly fat. "
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So, what can we do?

This is not the sexy answer, but the best way to decrease belly fat is to make changes in your diet and physical activity. "I'm going to be honest with you, in order to change our body composition, we need to define realistic health goals," said Stevenson.
Start by making small changes with your food and exercise. According to Stevenson, it means priority to nutritical dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, the size of the portion size, the decrease in alcoholic beverages and the manufacture of a physical activity of your daily routine. "Be consistent with lifestyle changes will make the biggest difference in the long run," Stevenson said.
Good bets, according to Lisa Richards, who is a nutritionist and the author of The candida regimeis to limit refined carbohydrates and eat more protein. "Refined carbohydrates have many negative side effects for our health and our belly fat are just one of them. White and enriched breads have undergone a refining process where fiber nutrients and beneficial nutrients are removed and possibly replaced by synthetic versions, "said Richards, who said instead search for whole wheat bread or huing whole grain products.
Richards believes to rely on proteins to lose belly fat, and keep it, is a more effective approach than the restriction of calories or carbohydrates. "High protein foods to eat losing your belly fat and keep it includes lean poultry, fish, nuts, eggs, low fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chia, lentils and the Quinoa, "said Richards.
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Avoid stress

Stress is a great health risk and unexpectedly - this can lead to belly fat. And we do not want to say eating our feelings! Your body produces a hormone called Cortisol that helps the body control and manage stress. "If you are in moderate mode or a situation of intensive stress, your body releases cortisol," Dr. Connor said. This can have a direct effect on your metabolism. When you eat, cortisol can cause excess calories to stay around the belly, causing belly fat.
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Although inactivity is at the top of the pile, bad sleep also has an impact on belly fat. So, try to sleep more regularly at night. InA 2020 studyThese trying to lose weight that extended their sleep of an hour and a half experienced a greater weight loss, a reduced circumference and lower insulin levels than those who extended the sleep of only one half an hour. "Even if you train and eating well, sleep can have a considerable impact on your body composition," saidRob Arthur, a specialist in NSCA certified force and conditioning. Arthur recommends defining an hour of rest that allows you to sleep 7 hours of sleep and have a relaxing rest routine. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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