A powerful! These are the 6 fastest and effective ways to remove weight

This time we will share 6 of the most effective and fast way to get rid of weight! What ways are there?

Everyone will want to live a healthy life. Especially in this pandemic season, the Covid-19 virus is vulnerable to attacking people who have low immune because of being overweight. Therefore, one way so that the body remains healthy is to achieve ideal body weight. This time we will share 6 of the most effective and fast way to get rid of weight! What ways are there? Check first list below.

1. Do hiit sports

On the first list there is HIIT sports. Why do you have to sport hiit? And how do you do it? According to health experts, HIIT sports orHigh Intensity Interval Training Become the most effective sport for diet programs and lose weight. Because HIIT is a sports method done with a fast but intense duration.

Actually, all types of sports can be done with the HIIT method. Examples are like jogging for 10 minutes then continued by running fast or Sprint for only 40 seconds. Repeat the activity for 4 times and you have finished HIIT sports. But generally, HIIT is synonymous with Cardio. For example, like doingSide lunges, Jump Lunges, Jump Squats, Plank, Burpees, andMountain Climbers. Of course each of the movements there are rules, namely doing 20 seconds and breaks 10 seconds. Interested in trying it?

2. Stop eating sugar andJunk Food

Sugar seems to be a flavoring material that is most commonly found around us. Drink tea plus sugar, drink coffee plus sugar, even white rice contains high sugar levels. Wow, bother too! For someone who runs a diet program, it is very important to reduce, or even stop consuming sugar. Why is that? Because in addition to reducing the risk of diabetes, stop eating sugar can also eliminate weight.

Please note that sugar contains calories that can provoke ghrelin hormones or hungry hormones. So that it can trigger hunger and make an appetite enlarge. Really important right? Well, besides stopping sugar, you are also obliged to stop eatingJunk Foodor food that lacks nutritional value.

What's the example? Many famous culinary brands sellJunk Food Around us, but we don't want to call a brand here. However, the food menu exampleJunk Food is just rice and chicken, fries, ice cream,hamburger, andpizza. Wow, everything is delicious huh? Yep, but you have to stop consuming it to diet quickly and effectively.

3. Consumption of nutritious food

After distancing himself from high sugar food andJunk Food, then the next step is to eat high nutritional food, especially food containing fiber, protein, and healthy fat. The nutritional food can help burn bad fat and replace it to be healthy fat so that it can become a source of energy and lose weight.

Some examples of foods that contain healthy protein are egg whites, yogurt, nuts, soybeans, seafood, and cheese. While high fibrous foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, wheat, and nuts can make the body feel full longer. While healthy fat is found in olive oil, avocado, and coconut oil. Meanwhile, drinking water before eating can also reduce appetite so it doesn't eat over!

4. FastingIntermititene

On the fourth list there is a way of fasting, especially fastingIntermititene, what's that? In general, fastingIntermititeneis a regular short-term fasting so as not to consume too many calories. There are 3 Most Popular Methods for FastingIntermititene. The first is the method of 16/8, eat-stop-eating, and diet 5: 2. How to?

Method 16/8 is a method that we often encounter from people who are on a diet and avoid eating over. Usually, the perpetrators of this method do not have breakfast and only eat in a period of 8 hours, for example from 12 noon to 8pm. While the eating-stop method is a method that fastes not eating all day on the first day, then eat normally on the second day, fasting again on the third day, and alternately again. So this method is fasting in an interval. And the last method of 5: 2 more regulating calories levels that are insuled in the body. So 5 days of eating normal and 2 days of eating only 500-600 calories. Well, that's 3 fasting methodsIntermititeneWhich most popular, where do you choose?

5. Avoid stress

The next way of course avoids excessive stress. Because prolonged stress can increase cortisol hormone which can increase appetite so that it makes the mouth always chew food.

Therefore, as much as possible to avoid prolonged stress. Even dieting intensely can also trigger prolonged stress. So do a diet method that is effective, safe, and does not cause stress as we explain in the discussion points this time!

6. Sleep enough

Last point and no less important is enough sleep. Simply mean according to the exposure of experts about the period of sleep. Usually adults need to sleep for 7-8 hours per day. So if you do it, the body will burn more calories and equivalent to the amount of weight. Wow, it's really cool!

In addition, sleeping enough also makes it full for longer because it can produce leptin hormones that reduce excessive appetite. Sleep enough can also avoid eating midnight!

Well, that's the 6 most effective and fast way to get rid of weight. Do you know other ways? If there is, let us know in the comments column!

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