These states see a huge increase in Delta hospitalizations

Hospitals are overflowing here.

COVID-19 [FeminineHospitalizations reached 100,000 people for the first time since January. Doctors stage outgoing. The nurses are exhausted. Look beyond the titles and you will see more and more dying or hospitalized Americans due to a serious illness caused by the coronavirus delta variant. If you felt invincible last year, please reconsider. "I think most of us thought once we crossed the winter or that people started to be vaccinated, we said, okay, the worst is behind us. We are not going Treating this again, "said" Expert Ashish Jha said hello America. It did not take place because "we have never been waiting for a third of the Americans to choose not to be vaccinated." As a result, the following 5 States have overflow hospitals; we even beg the tourists not to come. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.



Sunrise View of Portland, Oregon from Pittock Mansion.

"" Every day we see that the boxes unfold the one after the other, then as soon as we clean the room, we get someone back ... it's the worst we've ever seen. "This is what the Carson Nurse of the ICU said at CBS News' Janet Shamlian on Wednesday at the Regional Medical Center Snape in Medford, Oregon, where CVIV-19 patients filled the hospital" reportCBS News. "Shamlink reported a constant turnover in the hospital's intensive care unit, but not because patients improve." "We have patients waiting to get support for life," said ICU Somnath Ghosh. "The recovery is so fast, it's sad enough."



Photo of the Millenium Park at the blue hour time

"Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker restored a mask mandate for the state, requiring masks inside for residents because it says that the state is" short of time while our hospitals are short of beds , Reports5 Chicago. "The new mandate of indoor mask, similar to the mandates already rendered in Cook County and Chicago, will begin Monday and requires facial coatings in interior environments, regardless of Covid's vaccination status." "The Illinois will join several other states that have returned state-wide domestic mask requirements, regardless of the immunization status, in effect Monday," Pritzker said. "Masks works. Period."



South Beach in Miami, Florida

Florida has the most people hospitalized at more than 17,000 people. "Southern Florida Covid patients fulfill ICU beds at previous tariffs. A new dashboard released by the Palm Beach County Thursday reveals that only 4% of ICU beds in its 17 hospitals are available. In The County of Broward, only 3% of the ICU beds at its 16 hospitals are available, its dashboard shows, "reports theSun Sentinel. "Through the state, the situation is just as dark. Patients with COVID are not married and many fans, only 5% intensive care beds are open to new patients, depending on theAmerican Health and Human Services Data."

RELATED:I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta



Historic City Clock at the Intersection of Main Street and Texas Street at Night Houston, Texas, USA

Texas has 14,000 hospitalized people with COVID. "As the variant of very contagious Delta of Covid-19 propagates and sends unvaccinated Texans to the hospital with a serious illness, hospitals are subject to enormous pressure to make room for a growing number of patients", reports theTexas Tribune. "Hospital staff has never been in a shorter offer, reinforcing tension on all departments, including emergency rooms, respiratory therapy and even a workforce and delivery . Without the ability to take new patients - and just as small resources elsewhere to transfer them to - doctors The fear they should start making heartbreaking decisions about care to save life as much as possible. "

RELATED: You will now need a vaccine to get into here


New Mexico

A group of hot air balloons rise above the red sandstone of Red Rocks State Park near Gallup, New Mexico, and circle around the Church Rock formation

"The Democratic Governor of New Mexico Michelle Grisham has announced a temporary indoor mask mandate following a 90% increase in COVID-19 state hospitalizations over the last two weeks ", reportsNewsweek. "In addition to the mandate, Grayham has announced mandatory vaccinations for all staff working in care facilities and schools." "We can not continue our economic recovery and our positive economic background if we do not have COVID case control in New Mexico State," Grisham said. "We will use masks and vaccines to bypass the spread of COVID and see if we can not rebalance where we are like a state, especially given the delta variant."

RELATED: You are now mandated to wear a face mask in these 8 states


How to stay safe out there

Woman wearing face mask looking at camera showing thumbs up after getting the covid-19 vaccine.

No matter where you live, follow the foundations of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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