These bad habits are slowly killing you, says science

You know it's not good to eat bad foods and live a sedentary life. Here are the other big NOs.

There are chances that you know that a poor diet rich in processed foods can end your tragically early life. According to a 2019 study published in the journalJAMA internal medicine, Which followed the lifestyles of more than 40,000 european men and women, there was a higher risk of 14% of deaths associated with each 10% increase in ultraproccessed food consumption.

You probably know that drinking too much alcohol is associated with a fall earlier, which can potentiallycut short life up to nearly threedecadesAccording to a new study. But the decisions that change the life you do go beyond simply the foods and the drinks you choose to put in your body and these daily decisions will not affect you immediately. They accumulate over time. For some of the worst times habits that are scientifically linked to early death during your life, read more and take note. And for other ways to live a healthier and more fruitful life, do not miss these65 habits that can help you live a longer life.


You live a lonely life

Thoughtful girl sitting on sill embracing knees looking at window, sad depressed teenager spending time alone at home, young upset pensive woman feeling lonely or frustrated thinking about problems

You may have read that "Solitude kills. Unfortunately, it is true. Loneliness creates in a mental state in which you brain is high alert and threats considers much more stressful. It also means less sleep, more anger and irritability, and a higher risk of cognitive decline. According to a study of theJournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Loneliness is strongly linked to early dementia. To learn more about the importance of having more human interactions, read on theA big side effect of talking more phone, says science.


You are sitting too much every day

Portrait of young man felling depressed and desperate crying alone in sofa home suffering emotional pain and unhappiness

Yes, sitting is known for bad back and posture, lead to depression, and canYou do a lot more distracted on a daily basis. But it can also affect your life. According to the calculations of James Levine, MD, of the Mayo Clinic and author ofGet up! Why is your president is killing you and what you can do about it, You lose about two hours of life for all hours you are sitting. "Sitting is more dangerous than smoking kills more people than HIV, and is more perfidious than parachute jumping," he explainedThe Los Angeles Times. "We sit on death. For more expert health advice that you are using right now, be sure to read how you canWalk this day a lot every burning more fat, says the doctor top.


You are bummed all the time

Middle aged woman with long straight hair resting on grey comfortable sofa, having sad unhappy expression.

Not happy? You would be wise to evolve things for reasons independent of your level of enjoyment. According to a study published in theCanadian Medical Association Journal, Men and women who suffer from the effects of depression can see that their lives are shortened by 10 years (or more). Depression is particularly insidious for your heart. CNNonce reported, "Patients with cardiac diseases become depressed are twice as likely to die in the next decade than other patients. »


You rancor and give the silent treatment

Offended woman sitting back to lover looking away avoiding talking

If you are too angry or close friends and you repress that anger, it could come back to haunt you. When you are stressed or angry too often, you will experience a flooding of your cortisol, the hormone. According to the study published in the journalClinical endocrinologyHaving high levels of cortisol over time is closely linked to "increased risk of mortality. »


You stay too late at night

Attractive girl is spending time in front of her laptop

According to2018 analysis With more than 50,000 people conducted by researchers from the University of the Northwest, those who were owned or overnight those who have a biological clock later, who preferred to sleep later, later and wake up a risk more 10 percent of dying that those who go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

Whatever your chronotype, if you are not enough sleep in general, you could endanger early death. Get sufficient sleep is associated with lower risk of heart disease, depression and a more stressful life. You will also eat a better diet and chances of exercising increase. In addition, a study published in the journalSleeping Medicine Comments have found that doing less than 6 hours of sleep per night has also been associated with a higher risk of death when using a car. And for health news more breakage, you should read, make sure you know The characteristic personality that skyrockets your risk of premature death .

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