Do this single simple thing keep your weight down, says a new study

How a metric (index: it's not "10,000 steps") tells you if you get enough meaningful exercise.

As the inventor of the concept of "fitness age"- and a responsible physiologist not to missbreakthrough In the field of exercise research, Ulrik Wisløff, Ph.D., is a person who commands a lot of attention in health and fitness circles. More recently, Wisløff unveiled a concept he callsIntelligence of personal activity (PAI), which is essentially an algorithm that produces a single score that does not only keep your physical activity, but also tells you that "how much exercise is needed for maximum protection of cardiovascular disease mortality and another mortality Lifestyle disease ". In the simplest terms, the better your Pai score, the healthiest and the scale you will be, and the more you will live longer.

This week, a new study published in the June 2021 edition ofLancet Regional Health - EuropeAdvanced Pai search by revealing exactly what your PAI score should be to ensure that you do not only live longer, but do not earn weight. Learn more about PAI, how does this metric work and what it exactly means for you and your own fitness regime, as well as your weight loss goals. And for more ways to live a longer life, make sure you are aware of theTotally surprising things that affect your life, according to science.


So, what is the Earth Pai?

two women walking fast

In 2016, Wisløff defined and detail the concept of PAI in a study published inThe American Journal of Medicine, where he and his team argued that the current government exercise guidelines (such as reaching at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity each week) and popular exercise objectives such as "10,000 Not a day "and" 30 minutes of activity per day "are too arbitrary", waves and deceptive ".

Unlike these metrics, PAI puts virtually any emphasis on your heart rate. (Simply put your heart rate, the better your Pai score will be, and the more you will live longer.) To test the Pai algorithm, Wisløff and its research team analyzed 70,535 participants aged from 20 to 74 people with Participated in a famous health study and that the team argues that the realization of a score of 100 to PAI over the week will reduce your risk of early death. For more good fitness tips, see here for4 incredible ways of losing weight while walking only 20 minutes, according to a superior coach.


Here is an example of how Pai works

cyclist woman feet riding mountain bike on trail

According toPAI HEALTHHere is an example that explains how the concept of PAI in actual global terms. One day, a woman named Dalia crosses 20 minutes of work. It also travels a 45 minutes with a friend in the park. Although it has hit its 10,000 steps - an objective per day of physical activity, its "heart rate has remained low, which means that social benefits in health are limited." When the activity of the heart rate was evaluated by the PAI algorithm, it received a score of 10 for the day.

Another day she repeated thrill on foot for 20 minutes, but instead of walking with a friend in the park, she took her bike for a 45-minute round of 45 minutes at home. Although it reached only 5,500 steps and fell less than 10,000 steps to reach a huge margin, its heart rate was much higher. When his heart rate activity for the day was run in the PAI algorithm, she got a PAI score of 35.

If you wonder how to understand your Pai score, Wisløff and his team released andapp where you enter your activity. Important note: You need a heart monitor.


Now, what should he be your IAP to keep weight?

woman walking

In the new study, published in the issue of 2021 of June ofLancet Regional Health - EuropeThe Wisløff's research team focused on longevity in weight management.

"Previously, we found that 100 Pai per week can give us a longer and healthier life without cardiovascular disease. Our new study shows that Pai can also help people maintain a healthy body weight," researcher Javaid Nauman, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, noticed in theLiberation of the study.

After analyzing more than 85,000 participants from the Trøndelag Health Study,The team found that from a Zero PAI to a 100 Pai (or more) score was associated with a "lower body weight and improved health outcomes".


What is 100 PAIs currently resemble actual global terms?

Face of a female triathlete swimming

"A 100 Pai score can be obtained by combining 60 minutes weekly fast walking, 40 weekly cycling, 50 minutes weekly bathing, 30 minutes weekly dance / aerobics and 20 minutes weekly to run," explains the study. And if you walk to exercise, make sure you are up toThe secret turn to walk to exercise, according to Harvard University Health experts .

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