Bad walking habits, you should stop as soon as possible

Abolish these mistakes and you will walk better, faster and more efficiently - everything for the good of your body.

Fun Made: There is no "perfect" hiker, because our Gaits never follow a consistency resembling a robot. A study, led by theMotion laboratory at the University of Ohio and published in theBiology letters, found that for each step that we take, our bodies work continuously to correct errors in our kinetic chains. If we press you forward in one direction, for example, our steps will correct by moving further in this direction. "We are constantly doing little corrections to be stable"observed a graduate student who worked on the study.

Given all our small imperfections while we wear our body on the road, trails and tracks around the road, it is all the more important as you avoid a simple list of non-Nos, which are proven as bad Walking habits for your body, especially if you are a more serious walker trying to go faster, stimulate your intensity and try to burn fat and lose weight potentially. Curious to know what they are? Following five bad walking habits you need to break now. And for another major mistake, you should not do while walking, see here to learn whyThese are the worst shoes on foot, writes a new study.


You walk with straight arms

Two attractive women in their 30s talking a walk or jog together in the outdoors. Cute blond and fit women who are active and working to stay healthy.

A quick physiology lesson: When you walk with straight arms that sway, you slow down. Meanwhile, if you look at someone who is a runner, their arms are always folded and usually about 90 degrees. According to a study published inThe Journal of Experimental Biology, humans tend to straighten their arms walking slowly and fold them running. This is something we do for effective energy transfer in our body.

But if you take fast walks - which are essential to the experience of the benefits of walking to exercise and maximize your Calorie Burn-you have to make sure to bend your arms more like a runner, advise experts in walk. Keep your arms locked up 90 degrees and keep your elbows or closer to your sides. In this way, your arms will lead back and forward, and you will have a much more efficient energy transfer. For more information on walking health benefits, see here for theA major side effect of leaving in one 1 hour walk, said a new study.


You are walking exercise with your partner

couple walking together for exercise

A new study published in the journalApproach and posture I found that the couples who will walk together also end up walking at a much slower pace. If the couple was the type of hand hold? Their speed was still further. "If someone slows down considerably when they walk with someone else, it could deny some of the benefits of recognized health if they walked alone at a faster rate", "noted Libby Richards, Ph.D., MSN, Rn, Ches, Associate Professor of Breastfeeding at Purdue University, who led the study. So, if you want to maximize your walking training sessions, consider going to go.


You are not walking

Correct and bad forms of walking

"Many walkers are injured because they simply do not walk," Bonnie Stein, M.ED., CPT, a Florida-based race trainer, described inPrevention. To rectify, keep your head up so that your spine and your neck are essentially a straight line perpendicular to the ground. Always wait upside down - the tips "Distance experts varies from 10 to 30 feet to come," saysPrevention-And keep your shoulders relaxed, back and inside.

Experts onBristol Nordic Walking Offer this practical mental thing: "Think about your neck in your spine as a whole rather than a separate entity and try to increase the space between your vertebrae, expanding it as the bellows of an accordion." And for more walking for better health, make sure you are aware ofOne of the main side effects of leaving in one hour one hour, for example experts.


You take super long progress

woman nordic walking outdoors with proper form

It's something too common in walkers who seek to increase their speed and cardiovascular form. "Hovering occurs when, during an effort to increase the length of the stride, the knee locks when you reach the lead foot", describe the experts atSportDBC. "The head foot then lands in front of your center of gravity, causing jarring and braking. In this position, the knee is less able to absorb the results of shocks and pain earlier or later."

To correct this, you have to take shorter and faster steps and "make sure with every stride, your foot strikes the ground under your hip and with the knee slightly bent."

Although it may seem counter-intuitive to walkers, "faster and faster steps are the key to going faster", advisesLeslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN and Michele Stantten, in the bookWalk your buttocks!"Shorter and faster steps allow smooth and rolling stride and allow you to move your weight over your front leg and swing the back leg to the front."


Walking in highly polluted areas near a lot of car traffic

light trails on the street in Beijing ,China.

According to a British study of the former participants in the March, many of whom suffer from heart disease, which has been published in the newspaperThe lancet, the walkers who took their walks in a polluted street do not have the experience of all the cardiovascular gains associated with the promenade. According to the study, walking through these polluted areas "prevents beneficial cardiopulmonary effects from walking. Policies should aim to control ambient levels of air pollution in animated streets in view of these negative health effects, "concludes the study. Any walk is probably good step, but maybe do not take a habit in the shape of the fitness that descended from arrears.


You constantly land flat on the floor

A picture of a walker having problems with ankle in the forest

If you hear a smack when your foot strikes the floor, there is a good chance that you do all that bad. Not only is this bad for the smooth transfer of energy requires, but it can also cause pain. Instead, you should kiss the roller of the movement.

"To be a better walker, your heel should first hit the floor, then roll to the ball, then push the big toe," explains Joe Vega, Vega method. And to really pick up your daily walks, see here for4 incredible ways of losing weight while walking only 20 minutes, according to a superior coach.


You do not push yourself enough

woman walking

The key to becoming a magnitude and a lean during walking is to improve your intensity, change your workouts andeven try your hand at walking intervals. The key to better improve to improve your fitness is to make sure you get your heart rate and you work stronger whenever you go out. This, of course, means taking a "fast walk", which is defined by the United KingdomNational health service Like a walk "about 3 miles per hour". For more things about that, seeThe secret turn to walk to exercise, "said Harvard.

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