These colors make you less sexually attractive, say psychologists

Do you have a date soon? These are the colors you should certainly avoid wearing.

There are many considerations that will look for a great outfit, but choose the right color is paramount. After all, if you are looking to turn heads to your next party, you want to wear a color that will put you in the most attractive light. However, he asks the question: what colors are the ones you should avoidat all costs?

Believe it or not, there are colors that you wear that can actually reduce your appeal, say psychologists, and you would be wise to avoid them. Read it to learn more about the colors that make you secret less desirable. (As well as the two colors that can improve your call.) And for more information on the fascinating science of the human mind, check whyMen who wear these clothes are more likely to cheat, says a new study.



Rack with stylish women's clothes and mirror indoors. Interior design yellow

Synonym with the sun, big bird and taxis, the yellow is a color that catches the eye quickly. However, it will not make your meetings life. A study published inEvolutionary psychologyI noticed that men and women ranked yellow as among the least attractive colors to see a potential companion wearing. "In summary, our results have shown that the color of clothing affects the perceived attractiveness of men and women," concludes the study. And for more psychology news, see here forThe incredible side effect of shouting at the top of your lungs.


(A certain nuance of) brown

Attractive stylish young hipster man in a brown trendy t-shirt with a stylish hairstyle in fashionable sunglasses on the basketball court. American guy teenage for a walk.

Sentences such as "it's the worst holding that I've ever seen" or "I have just had the worst day of all time" are projected a lot nowadays, but most of the time it's just An exaggeration. Well, there is there is a "worst color of all time", and you do not want to be caught to bring this nuance to a blind date.

Technically called "Pantone 448 C, "The color can be described as a" terrale, dark brown ", likeTime the dish. It is also described as a "brown olive" and is the current holder of the title of the "the most ugly color of the world". In fact, this shade of brown is so visually repellent that it has even been chosen as the main color for tobacco packagingin Australiadiscourage the habit. (If Brown can keep smokers from cigarettes, imagine what avoiding it will do for your appearance.)



Winter wardrobe showcase. White and gray tone knitwear and hat hanging on a clothes rack. Selective focus, horizontal

Each color invokes a certain emotion in us and, in many cases, this happens on a subconscious level. Gray is not a particularly exciting color and is associated with bad weather, depression and negativity. In addition, a study published inBorders in psychologyThis has studied what emotions people tend to associate with some colors found Gray to be related to sadness. So, any gray may not be the best idea the next time you want to dress to impress.


The context is the key when choosing colors

Colored clothing of all colors of the rainbow / spectrum hanging in the wardrobe.

Life is full of exceptions and some occasions call different colors. "The impression that the color of the clothes gives is also submissive occasionally or the particular scenario. The bright colors and flirtants such as red and turquoise are attractive choices to wear on dates and evenings. However, They are not the best options for a job interview, in which fresh and deep colors such as navy, gray or black work prefer best, "Comments Coach of life Michelle Davies, co-founder and editor-in-chief ofThe best guide of life.

This notion is also supported by research. A study published inResearch and application of colors Led a series of experiences to see if men would prefer that their dates bear red on other colors, as well as what colors women would like their dates to wear. Although some notable findings appeared, such as the observation that women tend to wear blue dates on dates, the authors of the study ended up finishing "color preferences for each individual are intrinsically unique."


However, you can not go wrong with the black

Portrait of a beautiful natural young African woman with afro smiling happiness. Outdoor portrait in sun

Many believe that red is the best color to wear to attract others. Red is definitely associated with love and heat, but black can make it beat when it comes to a universal call.

"Red is traditionally considered the color of love, but more recently research has shown that black and red are perceived as such attractive and that both colors can simply increase the attractiveness in different ways", comments Robin Kramer, Ph.D., MSC, the principal investigator ofa studywho has addressed this subject.

"Although the red can increase the attractiveness perceived by evolving mechanisms, the dates seem to rely more strongly on the black to attract a potential partner, suggesting that cultural and societal influences can play a much more important role in The way people dress that the use of evolving signals. . "And for more science of your mind, see here forThe most effective way to work every day, according to psychologists.

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