The secret turn that makes virtually every exercise better

Why try your hand to "stretching antagonist" can do wonders for your routine.

There are many ways to modify conventionalexercise moves to get more. A my favorite methods for getting more elevators, for example, isUsing representatives quarters. Depending on the year, weaving in a one-quarter-added representative at the top or down some movements, such as a squat, or a raised-death - is a great way to make your muscles more difficult to work Longer.

However, there is a simple but extremely effective force training technique that is simply not enough spoken (in my opinion): "stretching antagonist".The antagonist extends designate the act of stretching theopposing muscle to the one you actually work - just before and between sets"And it can do wonders for everything you are doing training the strength of the force.

Related: 3 proven workouts to change the shape of the body

Let me explain. For example, let's say you work your biceps. That, in really nervous fitness terms, are known as youragonist muscular. Yourantagonist The muscles (the opposite of your biceps) are your triceps. Why are they opposed? Well, they share an articulation, your elbow. One of these muscles pulls your forearm, while the other pulls your forearm. They work the same part of your body incontrary The directions and are thus the Yin and Yang muscles to your arms.

In any event,research Toshow stretching an antagonistic musclebefore Working at your agonist muscle can help your antagonistic muscle relax and when you do it, you will increase the range of motion and flexibility of your body while allowing your agonist muscle - the one you actually use - to work stronger . You will find that you are more powerful and you will be able to raise longer.

You will find below two great exercises that take advantage of the stretching of the antagonists. In one, you make squats, you have just stretch your hamstrings. (Yes, hamstrings and quadriceps are opposed.) In the other, you will work your back after stretching your PECS. Read it for complete instructions. And for more good workouts, see whyScience says it's the best abs exercise you can do.

Stretch Antagonist: The Hamming Stretch

hamstring stretch

Before doing a squat, perform a stretch of hamstrings. Start by lie on the ground with your little back flat. Fold the knee you do not go while holding that being stretched around the mid-height cooking. Keeping your tight core, you completely extend the knee you hold to get a stretch of hamstrings for about 20-30 seconds before switching the sides.


Exercise: Dumbbell Gobet Squat

Dumbbell Goblet Squat

Now that you have bulk hammies, take a dumbbell at the end and hold it. Keeping your torso standing and your heart tight, sit on your heels and hips until they are parallel to the ground, then come back, flex your glutes and quads at the top.

Angoniste Stretch: The Pec Stretch

Pec Stretch

Find a solid surface, wall or door to place your elbow and hand. With your elbow with 90 degrees, pull your blade shoulder blade and press Front. As you lean, make sure to keep your articulation on the shoulder drag forward and online to avoid over-stretching your before. You should feel a chest section at the end of the movement. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Exercise: the sitting row

seated row

Now that your PECS are loosened, take the fastening on a sided row machine and place your feet firmly on the footpad. Pull the handle, then straighten your legs completely. Keep your chest height, turn your elbows back to your hips, tightening the back and lat of finishing lat. Straighten your arms completely and get a stretch in your shoulder blades before making another representative. And for more exercise tips, see here for theSecret exercise tips to reduce your weight for good.

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