An exercise better to stop hair loss, says science

Get your blood flowing - and feed your scalp, with this type of particular training.

According toAmerican Association of Hair Loss, about two-thirds of men experimenta kind of hair loss when they are 35 years old. Although a wide range of treatments - both medical and cosmetics - are available for those eager to hold as much follicle as possible, often overlooked is the role thatexercise And the diet can play to help slow down hair loss. Nutritional Deficiency - SpecificallyA lack of iron and other nutrients-The was judged a culprit of hair loss in some of the men. For example, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundationnoted that "The treatment of hair loss is improved when iron deficiency, with or without anemia, is treated."

But according to doctors, physical activity and exercise are a factor of hair loss and prevention. Everything is the question: what kind of exercise is thebetter To help slow down your hair loss? Read it to learn how to use your daily workouts in order to keep your hair rich and full. And for more exercise tips that will leave you surprised, do not miss theseSecondary effects totally crazy about the exercise that you did not know, according to science.


Get your blood pumping encourages hair growth

young fitness woman legs walking in the park outdoor, female runner running on the road outside, asian girl jogging and exercise on footpath in sunlight morning. healthcare and well being concepts

Getting blood circulation in your scalp has been judged associated with a reduction in hair loss. For example,A 2001 study I found that blood vessels are essential for thicker hair growth and have shown that research has shown that physical activity that helps to make blood with scalp can help laser loss of natural hair.

On the other hand, frequent, intenseAnaerobic workouts intended to build a body mass, such as weightlifting, we have been more likely toaccelerate Hair loss for men and women. This may be due in part to the fact that the rise in testosterone we experiment after an intense workout can also increase the level of a chemical called DHT, which contributes to hair loss.

"Although the cardio will reduce the levels of DHT in the blood, an excess weightlifting can increase testosterone levels and accelerate hair loss", the Thomy Kouremada-Zioga hair transplant surgeon, MRCGP, M.B.B, MSC,told express. "I would also advise these men who focus on lifting weights in the gym, to become aware of the amount of lifting they do and, as far as possible, to do more aerobic exercises. "

That is whyGo for a quick walk, a race in the park, or mounting your bike - with great cardio-cardio-is probably the best way to get your flowing blood and DHT levels that fall.


Cardio exercise reduces hair loss by reducing cortisol levels

stationary bike

Anxiety increases the level of hormonal cortisol from your body, which can cause fluctuations in other levels of hormone and can accelerate the calibration process,According to Melissa PiliangM.D., a hair loss expert at Cleveland Clinic.

A2015 study inPlos a Discovered that older men with a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness release 42% less cortisol throughout the day as unfit men. In other words, increase your cardio workout can help reduce your cortisol levels - and, by extension, reduce your hair loss. And for large exercise tips, do not missThe secret exercise trick for more flattered abdominals after 40.


Exercise is the stress killer

happy woman after working out

The truth is that any exercise is likely to be useful in your efforts to slow down your hair loss due to how physical activity reduces one of the known causes of baldness: stress. There is a reason that we describe stressful situations than those who make us "want to tear our hair."According to the Mayo ClinicThree types of hair loss have been associated with high levels of stress:

-Telogen effluvium, in which significant constraints grow hair follicles in a "rest phase" that can lead them to fall on a case of months or pieces when combing hair.

-Tichoutomania, in which the person actually pulls their hair themselves, often as an answer to stressful feelings, including tension, loneliness or frustration.

-Alopecia area, in which its immune system actually attacks hair follicles. Although this is caused by a variety of factors, stress has been judged one of them.

Given the role that stress plays in hair loss, taking part in regular physical activity, which haswealth of research It has been shown one of the most effective ways to reduce stress levels, is also a good idea of ​​those looking for ways to curb baldness.

"Exercise and other physical activities produce endorphins-chemicals in the brain acting like natural painkillers - and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress", "According to the association of anxiety and depression of America. "Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been demonstrated to reduce global tension levels, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep and improve self-esteem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects. "

For example, dermatologist Jeanine DOWNIECovoiseur said This exercises steadily on the ways to "promote healthy hair growth and reduce the likelihood of hair loss related to stress".


But too much exercise can have the wrong effect on hair loss

man with hair loss problem indoors

Oh, and about this telogenic hair loss effluvium induced by stress? We can also cause too much exercise.

"Too many exercises cause early hair in the telogen phase"Dr. Manoj Khanna, Cosmetic and Hair Surgeon, Improve the Aesthetic and Cosmetic Studio. "When the body is subject to extreme stress of exceptionally high hair, enter a rest phase prematurely, called telfene phase. These hairs are starting to fall, causing a heavy hair drop."

So take note. In addition, your post-training routine should also be carefully considered to avoid hair loss practices. Specifically, avoid hot showers after a stroke, as high temperatures can strip the scalp of essential oils and cause inflammation and dry. And for more this, do not miss theseShower errors that damage your hair, say stylists.

Categories: ETNT Mind+Body
By: joe-reid
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