Secret side effects of exercise only 2 hours a week, explains science

It may not seem hardcore, but here's how 120 minutes of perspiration can change your life.

Both theWorld Health Organization andAmerican Heart Association Recommend that adults make at least 150 minutes a week (two and a half hours) of moderate aerobic exercises, such as a fast walking promenade or a bike ride, or 75 minutes of strong aerobic exercises such as running or hiking. It is important to note that both organizations also offer a third option: a combination of a moderate and vigorous activity equivalent just about one of the first two options. Thus, about two hours of moderate and vigorous combined exercises should also be sufficient to meet these suggestions.

Now, these figures represent the minimum minimum amount recommended for the exercise that an adult should engage on a weekly basis to promote general well-being and stay healthy. It's easy to assume that simply perform the strict minimum will not take you far from the point of view of health. After all, two hours of exercise spread over a full period of seven days barely sounds insurmountable. In fact, however, this amount of weekly activity can offer a long list of benefits.

"This amount has been demonstrated to help reduce your risk ofcardiopathy,Hypertension,depression,cerebral accident, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and breast and decrease in cognitive function ","Judith Regensteiner, Ph.D., Director and Founder of the Women's Health Research Center at the University of Medicine Medicine at the University of Colorado in Aurora,Consumer reports. Read more about the secret side effects of the exercise for only two hours a week. And to get good shape tips, do not missThe secret to get a lean body for good, according to science.


You will reduce your risk of cancer

woman hollywood walking in the AM

We are all well aware of how cancer diagnosis is devastating and mortal, but there are scientific reasons to believe that recommended weekly activity levels can help reduce the risk of developing many forms of cancer. This study, published in theJournal of Clinical Oncology, Reports that moderately 150 minutes a week (or shorter if you increase the intensity) is related to a lower significant risk of seven cancer varieties: colon, breast, kidney, myeloma, endometrium and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

A total of seven relevant research projects presented were analyzed to reach these conclusions, including more than 750,000 people. It should also be mentioned that the risk of cancer with reference to these seven types falls even more individual exercises.

"Physical activity guidelines have largely based on their impact on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes", noteAlpa PatelPh.D., Senior Scientific Director of Epidemiology Research at the American Cancer Society. "These data provide strong support that these recommended levels are also important for cancer prevention." And for more life changing exercise tips, see here for theSecret exercise tips to reduce your weight for good.


You will sleep like a baby

Pretty young woman on bed in modern apartment smiling after wake up

Lack of sleep can affirm in virtually all aspects of life. When we do not sleep, we are unproductive, irritable, and in many cases, simply miserable. No amount of movement can replace a good night of rest, but a fascinating study published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine Reports that strongly walk for two and a half hours each week (or running for 75 weekly minutes) "eliminated most of the deleterious associations of bad sleep" among a group of participants regularly manage an inadequate sleep.

More than 380.00 people were followed for a period of 11 years. In comparison with people who sleep badly and do not exercise, those who sleep badly at the time, the exercise of a few hours a week were less likely to develop heart disease, cancer and die early. The deprivation of sleep is linked to aLong list of health problemsThis work therefore suggests that even a few hours of weekly exercise can considerably reduce the harmful impact on the health of lack of sleep. RecitalHow the current insomnia is at this moment, These conclusions feel particularly timely.


You will have a longer life

Senior woman and young woman walking outdoors by sea pier

Finding a little time for only 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise weekly can dramatically reduce your risk of dying prematurely. This is the remarkable conclusion by an in-depth study published inThe lancet. More than 130,000 adults living in 17 different countries were followed for an average follow-up period of seven years after completing an investigation into their usual activity / exercise levels.

Not only are individuals reached at least two and a half hours of moderate much healthier exercise in general that their more sedentary counterparts, this group was also associated with a risk of premature death of 28%. Once again, when we talk about a "moderate physical activity" that can mean many things many people do not even define as "exercise".

"I dissipate the notion of having to issue money to be active", author of Dr. Scott Lear's main study, Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University in Canada, saidVox. "Our results indicate that non-recreational activity - work, household, active transportation - is just as beneficial to reduce the risk of premature death and heart disease."


You will have a better brain


Although it is prudent to say that each organ of the human body is important, the brain can top be the list. Our spirits make decisions and the rest of the body follows. As such, maintaining a healthy mind and strong cognition is absolutely essential for living the best life and aging grasping. It's not a secret thatExercise is good for the brainBut even a few hours of exercise a week have been demonstrated to produce major brain benefits.

A study encompassing more than 2,000 seniors published inJama Open Open Network concludes that even among those who undertake less than the recommended minimum quantity of weekly exercises, each time spent performing a physical activity of the light intensity such as walking was associated with a more important brain volume - equivalent to A brain age 1.1 years younger.

"Every additional time of luminous physical activity was associated with higher brain volumes, even in individuals who do not meet the current directives of physical activity. These data are compatible with the notion that potential benefits physical activity on brain aging can accumulate unless, plus level of intensity or feasible volume, "explainsNicole Spartano, Ph.D, Assistant for Medical Professor at the University of Boston School of Medicine (Busm).

In addition, additional research indicate that the exercise of two to two and a half hours per week canhelp prevent or slowly hereditary Alzheimer and improve the quality of lifeParkinson patients.


Remember: Quality can outweigh the quantity

single leg deadlift

American popular culture generally proclaims that more is better. With regard to exercise, you can be surprised to learn that this is not always the case. Many "experts" of fitness and influencers can tell their audience to live in the 24-hour gym and 7 days a week, but excessive exercise can actually end up counterfeiting. This study published inLancent psychiatryReports Individuals exercising more than six hours a week felt more stressed and depressed than others who kept their fitness routines between two and six hours a week. And for more fitness news, you can use, read on the surpriseSide effect to lift weight only 2 days a week.

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