Case 1 of depression, according to science

All you need to know about mood disorder.

According to disease control centers and preventionNational Health Survey 2019, 4.7% of adults over 18 years old have regular feelings ofdepression, with about 1 adult on 6 will have a depression at a given moment of their lives. While everyone feels sadness occasionally, how is depression different, which is most likely to get it and what is the number one cause? Read to read to learn everything you need to know about depression - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


What is depression?

Mature doctor wearing uniform speaking at camera

Mark Pollack, MD, Psychiatrist certified by the Council and Chief Medical Officer for Mental Mental Health, the Genesight test manufacturer explains that depression is a treatable but serious mental health condition. "It is characterized by feelings of sadness, impotence, despair, negativity, sleep and appetite disturbances, difficulty concentrating and other symptoms of more than two weeks," he saysEat this, not that!


What happens if you have depression

Woman crying

Depression affects everyone differently and can manifest themselves in different ways. The CDC offers several symptoms associated with it.

  • Feel sad or anxious often or all the time
  • Do not want to do activities that were fun
  • Feel irritable, easily frustrated, or agitated
  • Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Wake up too early or too much to sleep
  • Eat more or less than usual or without appetite
  • Experiencing pain, pains, headaches or stomach problems that do not improve with treatment
  • Have trouble focusing, remembering details or making decisions
  • Feel tired, even after sleeping
  • Feel guilty, worthless or helpless
  • Think about suicide or hurt me

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How can I know if I'm depressed?

depressed woman talking to lady psychologist during session, mental health

Dr. Pollack explains that, although there is no blood test for depression, there are screening tools that doctors can use to assess whether a person has the symptoms of major depressive disorder.

"This screening is important because, while 7 out of 10 adults stated that they are more aware of their own challenges of mental health or mental health than before the pandemic started, less than half of the adults are very confident, they can recognize if a loved one suffers from depression, according to theGenesight Mental Health Monitor," he explains.

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What are the contributory factors for depression?

woman stressed at her desk

There are many causes of possible depression. "It is believed that people can be predisposed to depression by a number of factors, including cerebral changes, a family history of depression have undergone the events of stressful life, unfavorable social determinants of health. poverty or have medical problems ",. Pollack states.

If it's the latter, the CDCReports, for example, that "evidence shows that mental health disorders - such as depression, anxiety and PTSD-can develop after cardiac events, including heart failure, stroke and a heart attack."

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What is the number 1 of depression

sad senior 70s grandmother look in distance thinking.

Dr. Pollack reveals that scientists have not yet determined a unique cause. "It can be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors," explains the CDC. Although there is a unique cause, there are causes that are the most common No. 1:

  • Your age
  • Major events of life
  • Personal conflicts
  • Death of someone close to you
  • Your sex-women are twice as likely than men to become depressed
  • Medicines or substance abuse
  • Serious diseases

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Are there ways to avoid depression?

Mature fitness woman tie shoelaces on road

Like diabetes and heart disease, depression is a medical disorder and there are ways to help prevent it. "You may be able to reduce your risk of getting disorder - like going to the therapy with a mental health professional, getting a regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, etc. However, like other disorders It may not be completely avoidable - due without failing the person who suffers. "

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What should you do if you notice any symptoms of depression in yourself or in others

therapist and patient talking
Shutterstock / Blurryme

If you suspect that you or a loved one suffers from depression, you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible, Dr. Pollack encourages. "Depression can and should be treated," he says. They can make depression depression to assess mental health and discuss treatment options, which may include drugs, discussion therapy or other things.

If you use a medicine as a treatment, it emphasizes that it is important to know that only about one-third of patientsobtain a remission of their depression with the first medicine. "When a drug does not work to work for a patient, the clinician can try different medication dosages, modify drugs or add another medicine to what the patient already takes," he explains.

In addition, it is important that you and your family members / love are recognized that depression is not due to a lack of will. "It's a disease like heart disease, diabetes, etc. It is beyond the control of an individual, and it will not be happy to tell them to" get out "or" we are all very sad sometimes. "It looks like someone who suffers from a heart attack that you were" short of breath once you know how it feels. " You should think of your loved one as suffering from a medical condition - and offer the same kindness and support. "

He also suggests to inform you about depression. "The Alliance of Depression and Bipolar Support (DBSA) has many resources to help people better support a person with depression. When you talk to your beloved, you should be ready to listen more than talking more than speaking . You should consider asking your beloved how you can be helpful, "he says.

Finally, he stresses the importance of getting professional help. "It's a critical step to go well," he says. "Nearly half of these is diagnosed with depression or concerned, they may have depression say that it felt shame / embarrassed if others discovered that they were suffering from depression, according to theGenesight Mental Health Monitor. Yet you should not let shame or embarrassment prevent your loved ones from receiving a treatment they need and deserve. And to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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