The worst foods for women over 60, according to science

It's time to exchange these culprits in your daily diet.

As a woman has reached her 60s, she is in a very different life chapter. She worked hard and is ready to really focus on herself. And the easiest way to start is fromLook closer to his diet.

His palace probably changed a bit of his youth and has focused on the diet of your body in the right way. So, it does not make sense if it wants to eat differently now! Nobody wants to eat foods that will only come to delight painful pain,weight gainAnd the aging process, right?

Ladies, it's time to rid your diet from all foods responsible for unnecessary quantities ofadded sugar, saturated grease, andsodium You do not need to consume daily. Some foods are simply a total of non-go once you have reached beyond 60 years.

To make sure you are on the right track, we gathered the worst food for women over 60. Keep them out of your kitchen and charge them on any of theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Sugary drinks

colorful bottled soft drinks

Take a look in your refrigerator - It's time to clear one of these sweet drinks! This includesa soda (at the same time regular anddiet),Juice which are not all natural, andIced bottle tea and lemonades. If you look closely at the nutrition tags ofthese drinks, you will discover the big problem:sugar.

See,Studies have directly linked Regular consumption of sweet drinks tocardiopathyand heart disease is theCause of death for women in the USA.

More,a study This followed 80,000 women over the age of 22 have even found that those with a sweet drink had a higher risk of drop development to develop than women who rarely drunk these types of drinks. ThisCoca-Cola Just not worth it.



French fries with ketchup on dark background, top view

Spuds who are fries in oil? Those who get a jump.

A study in theCanadian Dietetic Practice and Research Journal Discovered that the heating oil at the point of smoking during sugar fried can simply decrease the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. And it's actually healthy fat that help feed your skin and your joints. Fries like fries can also result in weight gain, so this dish is just a loss loss.


Bakery products purchased in store

packaged baked goods

When you are grocery and tapPackaged treats, you will want to leave these shelves. It is not secret that cookies, cakes and muffins are loaded with added sugar. A report inClinics in dermatology I found that glucose and fructose can actually compromise collagen and elastin that support the elasticity of your skin.

These bakery products could contribute to wrinkles! You are always better freeCook something with yourself, As you can control what the ingredients go to these desserts.

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hot dog with ketchup and mustard

Sorry for all the fans of hot dog and bacon, but you will want to reduce a little. They containnitrates, a common preservative that you will find in healed meats. What is the big problem with nitrates? Well, according to aAlzheimer's Disease Journal to studyThey have been linked to an increase in age-related deaths, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson.


Pizza at Pepperoni

pepperoni pizza

And in case you wondered, it means that Pepperoni Pizza is better avoided too. These pesky nitrates that we mentioned? They are known to be inflammatory andInflammation can accelerate the aging process. It's not even in the character in thesaturated fat, Which one isterrible for your cardiac health.

If you are in a mood to a slice, keep yourself away from meat trim and load instead of vegetables.


High sodium foods

potato chips

Foods rich in sodium must always be on the list "Do not eat often" of anyone. Not only is aHigh sodium intake associated with higher risk of high blood pressure, cornHigh sodium foodsCan prevent you from retaining water and feel bloated.This can result In your skin looks swollen and tired, and overall, trigger dehydration. Who can accelerate aging - no thanks!



refusing alcohol

The motto, however, the glass of wine or a cocktail at a special occasion is the currency. You do not want to hurt anything, especially alcohol.

A study This involved more than 300,000 women found that the average risk of being diagnosed with a woman with breast cancer increases by 4% with each additional drink a day. The more a woman drank longer during his life, the more she risks breast cancer - especially if she was starting to drink before her first pregnancy, the study also noted.

If you drank more alcohol when you were younger, take this as a sign to slow down now!



hot coffee in white mug with beans

Ok-Do not panic for the moment! You can always enjoy coffee in the morning. You will want to stop drinking later in the day if it's something you often like to do.

A to study found that people aged 65 and 70 took 33% more to metabolize caffeine compared to young adults. This means if you drink coffee later in the day (let's say 4 p.), When you decide to bed, there is a good chance that your body is still treating it. This caffeine will keep you awake!

Slumber can have tons of negative effects, including more poor quality of life . It's something you should not face a woman in her 60s, right?

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