What you need to do to walk better to exercise, says the top coach

Here is your walking list to make sure you get the most out of your daily walks.

Take it from me, someone who has helped hundreds of people get in shape and leading healthier lives:Walking Is it not only one of the most basic movement models and activities we do every day, but it's also one of the best ways to burn additional calories and improve your fitness Without overloading or spoiling your gym performance. In fact, here is a dirty little secret: most of the people really in shape that I knew from weight maters, marathoners, crossfitters, competitive athletes - are also almost always dedicated walkers.

But the biggest mistake made by fitness marchers assumes that what they are doing is 100% correct. Believe it or not, there is no "perfect walker", as the walk is essentially controlled. Take a study, which was led by theMotion laboratory at the University of Ohio and published in theBiology letters.The researchers have discovered that, for each stage we take, our bodies work continuously to correct small errors in our kinetic chains. Each step is a portion of stability and too many bad steps can cause pain, embarrassment and even injury. That's why it's important for you to limit the errors you make of walking mechanics. (For more things, checkThe bad walking habits you should stop immediately, say experts on the move.)

I created here a 4-point "walking mechanics" checklist, super-basic to make sure you walk properly. Follow these steps before going out and you will walk further, longer. So read it, and if you want to walk your weight to lose weight, see here forThe 30 seconds thing to lose more weight while walking.


Walking with your chest height, the shoulders back

proper walking posture

If you are sedentary enough or work a desktop job, it is likely that you have a head that protrudes with a rolling shoulder. These poor pose errors can relate to your other motion models, such as walking. Instead of reinforcing this same posture, we mustcorrect this. So, hold yourself high with your chest and shoulders back with your neck in a straight line when walking. And for more ways to be a better walker, learn whyThese are the worst shoes on foot, writes a new study.


You walk with curved elbows and make a good swing

proper arm swing while walking

With a good posture, you must have the good mechanics with your arms. They should be slightly folded and naturally move in congruence with your stride. Let them swing naturally - do not take too much savagely - so you feel as if your arms help to propel you. For more information on walking health benefits, see here for theA major side effect of leaving in one 1 hour walk, said a new study.


Heel steps

heel toe stepping to being a better walker

Instead of being on your toes or drag your feet when you walk, you want to lead your heel on the floor and finish with the toes. In terms of the length of the stride, keep it small to medium length. One of the worst errors you can do is overload. If you can hear your foot striking the floor, shorten your stridestatistical.


Breathe through your nose, not your mouth

breathing through your nose not your mouth while walking

When you breathe, we want to get it out of our nose rather than our mouth. Why? Well, it's better for us physiologically because it filters dust in the atmosphere, humidizes the air and helps improve the flow of oxygen. And for more being a better walker, do not missThe secret turn to walk to exercise, "said Harvard.

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