A new study reveals the secret turn to get in shape in a few seconds

Researchers reveal the benefits of going all 4 seconds at a time.

Earlier this year, research published in the journalMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise Offered some welcome news for people who are out of shape and seek exercise as quickly as humanly as possible, then spend their day. In short, he found that everything was going on an exercise bike that offers resistance for 4 seconds to an hour-for 10 minutes in total - has been capable of "considerably" to improve their cardiovascular form and build the mass muscular.

Now a new study conducted by the same research team, which published in thesame academic newspaper As the previous study reinforced and expanded on these conclusions, while adding a new twist. Overall, it is a strong case that moves away in intervals of 4 seconds can actually be the ticket for a healthier, stronger and leaner body, even for people considered fit and healthy to start. Learn more about this study and learn what it means for you. And for more exercise tips can use the beginning of the as soon as possible, do not missThe morning exercises, you should not jump after 60 years, says science.


Jump on the power cycle

Mature fit people biking in the gym, exercising legs doing cardio workout cycling bikes

Studies were conducted by researchers at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Texas in Austin. The first study required male and female participants in their 50s and 60s who were considered an adjustment and put them on aPower cycle (Essentially, a stationary bike with a large steering wheel that offers resistance). For 8 weeks, they did training that required them to go to the maximum effort for 4 seconds, followed by 15 or 30 seconds of rest.

It turns out that these rest periods are crucial. "Since exercise is so powerful, your cardiovascular system is always stimulated during your rest periods," Edward Coyle, Ph.D., Head of the UT Human Performance Lab, explained toElementary at the time. "You consume a lot of oxygen and you recover the energy stores you used during sprints."

In addition, the study revealed that the brief exercise was impacted on the metabolic response of the participants and was useful for reducing the harmful effects of the meeting. And for more extensive tips, see theseSecret stuff to walk to exercise, according to experts on the move.


Now the new study

stationary bike

In the new study, Coyle and his team recruited 11 healthy and adapted to young people from both sexes to make a similar workout: 4 seconds of full stress bursts, followed by 15 seconds of rest. They did it to exercise each week for ten weeks, without any other form of exercise. The results were amazing. "At that time, they added 13% to a crucial aerobic fitness measure and 17% to their muscular power, measured by the number of watts they produced while pedaling the bicycle, the researchers found:" ReportsThe New York Times.

Coyle explained to theTimes That this type of workout - a rooted in 4 seconds broke - can be applied to other forms of exercise, such as the stair staircase or sprinting. For more good fitness advice, see here for theExercise towers to thin your body, say experts.


Everything is about HIIT

hiit class

For what it is worth, there is a growing mountain of evidence that represents the benefits of high-intensity intervals (HIIT) or breaches of fast fire exercises followed with short rest periods. According to a meta-analysis of more than 786 studies on the subject published inThe British newspaper of sports medicine, HIIT is the best way to melt fat. "Interval Training and [Moderate Intensity Continuing Education (MOD)] Reduce the two percentage of body fat", conclude researchers. "Interval training has provided 28.5% of the larger reductions in total absolute fat mass than mod."

In another meta-analysis published in the journalSports medicineResearchers have discovered that high-intensity interval (HIIT) formation "" significantly the mass of total fat, abdominal and visceral, without gender differences ", while noting that the exercise that forced people to exceed "90% of the peak heart rate" was the most effective for losing weight. "HIIT is a delicational strategy effective to reduce fat mass deposits, including those of abdominal and visceral fat", concluded Researchers.


Here is an excellent training to try

hiit workout

If you are not sold on the new 4-second workout, consider this incredible One-minute workout . And for more major workouts, see Our full options here .

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