6 reasons to stay friends after leaving

There are two types of people when it comes to separation. Those who treat their ex as enemies or who pretend that they do not exist and others, instead, who choose to stay friends and maintain a civil relationship with them. Both choices have their reasons. Sometimes the separation is difficult, simply horrible, you don't want to see that person anymore. In other cases the reason for breakage can simply be unforgivable, you feel really injured and makes sense to avoid avoiding the person who caused all this forever.

There are two types of people when they deal with separation. Those who treat their ex as enemies or chefing that they do not exist and others, instead, who choose to stay friends and resign with them a civil relationship. Both choices have their aragiones. Sometimes the separation is difficult, simply horrible, no more minimally sivuole see that person. In other cases the reason of the harness can simply be unforgivable, you feel really injured and it makes sense to avoid the person who caused all this forever. Whatever makes sense. The separations, however, are not always complicated and not said that there is someone who caused them, sometimes they are only sadness because two people don't love anymore. In these cases it is a good staying with that person even after breaking. Here, in fact, some motiviors stay friends even after leaving.

1. Your friendship is stronger than love

There are times when you start with being friends and then you become much more than this. Many people think that you can go ahead only like this, as if you can no longer go back. It's not absolutely true. You could have tried and actually worked, maybe you're better simply as friends. You should not lose that person just because it was understood that it wasn't all roses and flowers, in a romantic sense. Your friendship could be stronger than your love story.

2. live together

So if you've been together for a while, you may also have lived. What happens after separation? What one of you will move immediately and that will start with your life in a moment? Who can you find a new place to live so quickly? If the break has been mutual and does not flowing of the bad blood between you, staying friends is a good option because it is likely that you can continue to live together, at least until the situation is solved.

3. Have children

Separate when you have children can be hard. A lot of couples have postponed everything to the good of children and why they don't want to destroy the family. The separation, however, is completely normal, even if you have children. Both deserve to be with the person you love. It also makes sense to stay friends with their ex, so you can still grow children together. The children will be able to stay with their parents when they want it and they will not see separation like something strange.

4. Work together

Maybe you worked in the same company and you really like what you do. You know that you will see you at work, there is no need to make your moments embarrassing and terrifying each other in the corridors. Staying friends and being civilians towards the other could be the best thing to do so that the work functions smoothly. In any case, you can choose not to see you after the end of the working day and to go each one for its way.

5. you have more beautiful than ugly memories

Some relationships come to the terminus within a couple of years just because they go to weaken. You no longer feel like when you started going out for the first few times, maybe you start being annoyed by this person and all the strangeness of him are now becoming the defects of him. But if you have more beautiful than ugly memories, if you still manage to think of the beautiful moments with a smile in the face, it's probably a good idea to stay friends. You have shared life for a while and went well as long as it lasts, why should you cut you out now?

6. You just want it

And finally, the simplest but perhaps the most important reason to stay friends with his former: because they both want it. No need to talk about why and for how, you don't have to make a pros and cons. If both feel the simple need to stay, friends, you should absolutely do it.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: love / relation
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