More than 60 years? Do not make these exercise errors, say experts

Here, some high-level fitness professionals reveal a major exercise no-no-no as you get older.

Getting in shape can have a difficult task at any age, but it can feel particularly difficult in the last half of our life, when our bodies slow down and develop more pains and pains. But it's just a fact that sticks to a strong and coherent exercise scheme well to old age is one of the most important things you can do to stay strong-physically and mentally. For example, a recent study published in the journalNeurology found that only six months of regular aerobic exercise allowed a group of older adults (average age: 66 years) perform considerably better on tests of thought and memory.

"Our study showed that six months of strong exercise can pump blood to the brain regions that specifically improve your verbal skills as well as the selection of memory and mental sharpness", author of the study studyMarc J. Poulin, Ph.D., D.phil. From the Cumming Medicine School of the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. "At a time when these results should decrease due to normal aging, these types of increase are exciting."

Poulin adds that it is never too late in life to adopt a fitness routine. "As we all discover it eventually, we lose a little mentally and physically as we get older. But even if you start an exercise program later in life, the benefit of your brain can be immense," he explains .

Of course, all this does not mean that a 62-year-old child should follow the same gym system as a child of 24 years. There are some factors that all older adults should consider deciding on a new training routine. With that in mind, keep reading more about the main exercise mistakes you should not do after 60 years. And for some things you should definitely do, do not miss thatA changing lifestyle tower for people over the age of 60, say experts.


You only lift small weights

Middle Aged Man Being Encouraged By Personal Trainer In Gym

"Avoid thinking that you just need to use little weight. Gone are the days to hit 60 and now using little pink dumbbells for everything because they may not be the strength to build as you think" , explains Alyssa Kuhn, PT, director of physical therapy atKeep adventure alive. "Ongings, as we get older, certain start to fear the heavyweights of the fear of becoming hurt or hurting their joints. In reality, we can not develop muscle strength without challenge. If the last 2-3 reps do not feel Difficult when trying for strength training, (the support of the form in the head does not fall of course!) You probably do not build strength. "

According to Shaun Zetlin, PT,Zetlin FitnessYou should use weights that will make you challenge your actual for six to ten repetitions on two sets. "The benefits of heavyweights are that they stimulate muscle growth, improve coordination, help reduce your biological age through hormonal stimulation and reduce sarcopenia (loss of muscle)," he explains. And for more great exercise tips, do not missSecret mental trick to get a lean body, tell experts.


You do not get out enough

asian female group doing namaste yoga pose in row at the yoga class

Mobility fades with time and as we get older, so it is so important that physically active seniors integrate stretching into their daily routine. According to Jorden Gold, founder and head of the textory ofStretched zoneA regular stretching system can help elderly people reduce lower back pain, improve posture, increase energy levels and reduce the risk of falls.

A study published in theInternational Journal of Health SciencesReports that a stretch course below the 10-week body allowed a group of aged participants to significantly improve their balance and reduce the occurrence of falls.

"If there is one thing, seniors should never neglect to do as they continue to age - it is to stretch," says Gold. "As we age, our range of motion deteriorates, and our muscles and joints lose their strength. For this reason, it can be extremely difficult for the elderly to maintain their mobility. Through the stretching, the elderly can undergo high flexibility, high strength increased and improved blood circulation. "If you are in the market for more great exercises that will challenge your balance and coordination, do not missYour new exercises to end to the balance and stability as you age.


You do not give yourself extra time to rest

woman awake in bed

Rest days are as important as training days for all Avid Exerciser, but the rest is particularly important for the elderly. It is admirable to want to enter the five or gym six days a week, but that work can often do more harm than good.

Still skeptical? Consider the perspective ofRobert Herbst19-time world champion powerlifter. "One mistake people make for the year after 60 years, they do not allow themselves enough time to recover between workouts It takes longer to recover than even when they were in their fifties and certainly their 40s. we must listen to their bodies and know when to pause. This should not be confused with laziness. on off days days, always stay active by walking or you approaching stay in shape and promote recovery, but they should ensure that their body has recovered before the board, especially after the formation of the force. "

Search published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercisefound that older athletes experience a great slower muscle recovery after strenuous exercise than younger adults. So you may need more rest after each workout at a younger age.


You do not see your doctor

doctor in white coat is showing palms

Exercise is inherently inspiring. You may be inclined to continuously intensify your workouts when you start to do more exercise, but do not forget to consult a doctor before trying a new routine and a new approach.The National Institute of AgingRecommends older ask their doctors three main issues adults before beginning a new workout "? Are there any exercises or activities I should avoid," "My Preventive Care are they day?" (Your doctor may recommend a test or balance control) and "make these health conditions affecting my ability to exercise?"

"If someone is an avid or beginner coach, visiting a doctor before starting a new routine or intensive physical activity is a must," said Stephan Baldwin, founder of theassisted living facility. "At any stage of life, we are prone to injury caused by exercise, but the chances of this occurring beyond our 60s are higher. These injuries can have a negative impact on someone's quality of life, it is essential to be vigilant and responsible. "


You lack of daily exercise opportunities

Senior couple in the park on an autumns day

We have all been conditioned to think "exercise" as something that occurs only at the gym or when we wear attire training, but daily activities are also a great and easy way to stay in shape. In simple terms, if any, always opt for some movement on stagnation.

"Fire the gardener, do it yourself," says Cathy Spencer-Browning, VP training and programmingMossaA group fitness provider. "Bring your own shopping bags, park far from the entrance to the shop and get there in a hurry, take the stairs - every time, stroll the phone, do your house chores to the old way down on your knees. in any way, choose movement on the session. this will build the daily strength and a solid foundation to build on. "and for some exercises to avoid, do not miss this list ofThe worst exercises you can do after 60.

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