More than 60? Do these exercises to build stronger muscles, say the experts

Bonus: Force-Training is the best way to turn around the clock.

A lot of seniorsthe mistake to exercise less than what they did when they were younger. But we should know better. you could actually, make a solid file for exercise being evenFollowing important more you get older.

"When we are in our teens and 20 years, the construction and maintenance of muscle mass is as simple as it will ever be, explainsMcNamara Jack, M.Sc., C.S.C.S.,Trains. "With the right choice of exercise, the training intensity, and nutrition, our muscles are initiated to effectively increase efficiency, size and strength. But most people, especially those who do not have a lifting story, begin to lose muscle mass of their 30s leave ".

The medical term for what Bailey is described is sarcopenia, or the gradual loss of muscle with age. You can not take care of everything that a lot of cultivating the physics of a bodybuilder after 60 years, but can lead to sarcopeniaa decrease in high quality of life. Balance suffers, bones and joints become lower, and, before long, daily tasks like simply climbing a staircase can feel like a challenge. Like taxes, sarcopenia is inevitable, at least to a certain extent.

"Muscle loss is a natural part of the aging process, but that does not mean you can not do something," saysJosh Schlottman, C.S.C.S. For example, a study published inPlos afound that a training program for six-month resistance exercises "clearly reversed" the aging process among the participants' muscles.

When we talked about fitness experts on the best way for the elderly to start building more muscle, some recommendations stepped forward and many times. To start, do not push yourself too hard. It is important to start with exercises, weights and routines that are suitable for your body and health.

RCHELLE REEDPh.D., Senior Director of Health Sciences and Research for Orangeheory Fitness, recommends that seniors set SMART objectives for themselves. "Smart means specific, measurable, feasible, relevant and timely," she says. "When you start a new exercise routine, remember being kind to you and togetherReasonable objectives. Rather than jumping in the head first, start slowly and in a way that feels manageable with your schedule ".

But that in specific exercises?

We all know that the muscles are built with weightlifting exercises and resistance above all, but many of the trainers and doctors who have spoken we say that it is a mistake of more than 60 years to focus too much on a Specific muscle group. "I recommend reducing the total volume by muscle group that you are doing a day and the combination of several muscle groups in a training session," saysDimitar Marinov, M.D., Ph.D.. "In this way, there is no risk to overrerain a single muscle group and hurt you. Instead, you will do 1-2 muscle exercises and train either half or all of your muscles in a workout. You can do it 2-3 times a week, which will compensate for the decrease in the volume per session ".

For the record, it referscompound exercises, And this approach is advantageous for the elderly for a few reasons. By spreading the strain to reduce the risk of injury while simultaneously targeting and building more muscles. In addition, compound resistance exercises are also attractive to increase testosterone levels, which is essential for more muscle construction and maintenance.

Posted in the search for theEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology revealed that only one month of weight training has increased testosterone levels in men average of 36%. Sure,women can also benefita slight increase in testosterone with respect to maintenance and muscle growth. "The hormones that have an impact on our ability to build and maintain the muscles, such as testosterone, fall by about 1% per year after 40 years composed of the show moves stimulates the body to the advanced production of these hormones and to remedy the decline of age, "Jack McNamara continues.

If you are ready to start, read more about some of the best compound exercises for more muscle after 60. And for more exercise reasons, do not miss outSecret side effect of exercise more after 60 years, according to a new study.



pull up

Pull ups are an exercise for and classic good reasons. TheyTarget the lats, deltoids, triceps, back, and kernel At the same time using nothing but a bar to be preserved and your body weight. Better yet, you can target different muscle areasdepending on your handle.A narrow handle will focus more on your biceps and exterior lats, while a wider handle will work your traps and internal lats. And for some good exercise advice, do not miss theSecret side effects of the weights raised for the first time, says science.



elderly couple squats

A diligent routine squatting canImprove balance, posture, strengthen your core, improve bone density and even helps prevent dementia! Squats do not always come easy, and the correct shape is notoriously difficult, even for some experienced exercisers, but the leg muscle build benefits of this exercise makes it an essential element of any workout.

"This exercise is essential for muscle strengthening in the legs and the lower body. For over 60 years with balance or coordination problems are based on the back of a chair for equilibrium. Stand with your feet width of the outside with your toes pointed straight. Start reducing your hips to the floor pushing them back behind you as you will take a seat. Try to get your legs down pretty low so they are parallel to the ground. Continue breathing throughout the movement that you return to the starting position ", suggests Josh Schlottman.



3 rowing machine

The rower can be intimidating enough for fitness beginners, butIt is ideal For seniors looking to build muscle for some reasons.

"One of the best exercises for construction and muscle maintenance over 60 years old is rowing," says Caley Crawford, NASM-CPT, Director of EducationTownhouse. "The people often associated with cardio, but it is also an excellent exercise of strengthening the force it engages more than 85% of the muscles of the body. Rowing is low impact and works 85 percent of body muscles, which means more bones are loaded and in turn, reinforced. Because rowing is made from a sitting position and individuals are strapped in anchor points, there is no risk of falling during the year. This helps to compensate for the effects of bone resorption and conditions such as osteoporosis. and unlike a bike or elliptical spin, the ERG allows a full range of motion, promoting the flexibility and health of the articulations ".

A study published inMaterials and biomedical engineering Even reports that rowing can help improve elbow, shoulder, and knee movements.


Bench Press incline

young bodybuilder training in the gym: chest - barbell incline bench press - wide grip

A regular bench press really works only the pectoral muscles, which explains why an inclined bench press is the best choice for the more than 60. lifting up with an inclination ranging from 30-45 degrees (which varies somewhat depending on your size and your body type), you will work your entiretop of the chest, deltoids before and triceps.

But, remember: do not push you too hard with weight. Start the light and gradually build your maximum representative over time. In addition, your eyes should be directly under the bar when you sit down to start. And for some other ways to motivate yourself to get to the gym, do not missSecret stuff to convince you exercise, according to experts.

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