What cleaning your home just twice a week to your body
Here are five very convincing reasons to break this emptiness!

When you hear the phrase "healthy habits", things like exercise, drinking water consumption and nutritious diets are probably in mind. But there is another habit of promoting highly underestimated health: clean your home a few times a week.
Yes, you read that right. Simple cleaning and housekeeping acts can come with major benefits for your mind and body. "Clutter can contribute to depression, reduce concentration, stress and anxiety," saysHolly Schiff, Psyd, an authorized clinical psychologist based in New York and Connecticut. Meanwhile, "an organized house tends to produce more positive emotions like calm and feeling of well-being".
Feel skeptical? Continue reading to reducing the benefits of all the benefits you can reap just by making household tasks twice a week. (Your mother will be so proud!) And for more amazing ways to live a healthier life with minimal effort, do not miss theSide effects of walking only 10 minutes a day, says Science.
Your stress plunges
"The clutter represents an unfinished business in our brain and this lack of completeness can be very stressful," says Dr. Schiff. "Cleaner, organizing and reducing disorder, people are able to control their environment." This creates a more relaxing environment that helps people focus on more pressing problems in their lives, she says. Start with small tasks, suggests a holistic psychotherapistDiane Petrella, MSW. "You can relieve your stress level by eliminating a kitchen countertop, folding the laundry or putting piles of unread unwanted mail in the recycling basket," she says. "One small step can make a big difference." And for more useful advice to live a healthier life, see here for the8 body parts experts say you do not wash enough.
You will get equipment
Most health organizations, including disease control and prevention centers (CDC) recommend to each adult to obtain150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise of moderate intensity-AKA 30 minutes of exercise, five times a week. And guess what: some types of cleaning of the house are quite tiring to count! By the American Heart Association,20 minutes of suction are the equivalent to walk a mile. Take it twice a week and you are on your way to meet your fitness goals without making an extra trip to the gym.
You will increase your cognitive health
There are some evidence that regular cleaning of households can be good for your brain, too much as you get older. A small study of 2021 February published in the magazineBMC geriatrics found that seniors who have held a more family physical activity (including household chores, meal preparation, etc.) have tended to have a larger volume of brain, associated withBetter health and cognitive performance. And for a great way to stimulate your mental health, see whyLook at this movie makes life less difficult, says a new study.
You will improve your cardiac health

Since some types of cleaning of the house rely as aerobic exercise, it is in total that cleaning the house can be good for cardiac health. A2017 study, which followed more than 800 Swedish adults for 15 years, found that the 30-minute sedentary time replacement a day with light physical activity (as, you guessed, housework!) Resulted in a significant reduction the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-mortality. Basically, storage once a day when you have to watch a SITCOM can reduce your risk of heart health problems.
You will sleep better
Cleaning can also help promote better sleep because it helps reduce stress - whichcan affect the quality of sleep. Besides,Wash and change your leaves once a weekcan go a long way to a better sleep. "Simple things like making your bed and sleep on freshly washed sheets and pillows can also help improve your sleep quality, which of course affects our mental health and well-being," Dr. Schiff said. . And for more good healthy life tips, see here for The most effective way to work every day, according to psychologists .