30 easy ways to combat stress

Because your health depends on it.

Being too stressed is bad for you. What bad? Well, really bad. As,Shaved-Off-your-life Wrong,cruelly aged you-insidious and out Wrong. And yes, our collective stress is getting worse than. A US psychological association survey revealed that one in five Americans said he felt "extremely" stressed.

Although there is no evidence that the world in which we live is less stressful at any time, you can feel encouraged by the fact that stress can be managed in a variable and easy way. You will find below 30 techniques for the fight against feelings subject to feelings, suggested by experts, who are guaranteed to help you lighten your charge. And for more tips beating your stress, it is important to know the20 errors that will only be composed of your stress.

Do not sny - you will lose

curtains stressed out

If you hit the first thing in Snooze, you start your day stressed. "For most of us, it's counterproductive to wake up," saysRussell Rosenberg, Ph.D., Director of the Atlanta School of Medicine and Technology. "People define their alarms to get out of one hour in advance and it wakes them up every 10 minutes, fragmeting their sleep. It's stupid to chop the last hour."

The relationship between stress and sleep is reciprocal, says Rosenberg and fatigue faces still more challenging constraints. "You will not think like clearly, and decisions will come slower," he says. Instead, sleep as late as you can handle, but let yourself be a 15-minute buffer. Then use these minutes to let your mind wander, instead of disgusting. If you have trouble getting up in the morning, consider nap. Our writertried every morning for a week and it changed his life.


morning workout run stressed out

Think about a brief racing circuit or strength as a rocket fuel to feed you all day. Researchers in Denmark have found that people who work only two hours a week - just 17 minutes a day - are 61% less likely to feel stressed. "People who exercise before stressful encounters, report tips lowered in arterial pressure during events because their blood vessels are relaxed," saysRod Dishman, Ph.D., Professor of Scientific Exercise at the University of Georgia. Transpiration before the job can mean less sweating - and fewer feelings of being too stressed once you have chrome. Need inspiration? Try our exclusiveHow to stay skinny for life: training.

Make a list

journal, over 40 stressed out

Make a long list of things you need to do might seem stressful in the short term, but do not have an agenda can finally be more expensive from the line. "Have a lot to make a feeling of healthy pressure to reach more focus," saysDon Weoimore, J.D., founder of the Productivity Institute. Wetmore suggests over planning your day by 50%.

"A project tends to develop with the time allotted," he says. "Give yourself one thing to do, and it will take all day. But give yourself 12 things, and you will have new." And for smaller ways to relieve stress, tryTell this word that will stimulate your mood by 25%.

Use delays and hoons to your advantage

stressed out man waiting at airport

Sometimes things do not work how you imagine, and just get you noticed totally. "Stress is caused by the expectations of a level and reality of the other," says Wetmore. "When your expectations fall from reality, you feel stress." You can leave this hugle derail your day, or you can watch something like a delayed train or canceled flight as an opportunity to check something about your list. "We all have a list of important secondary things to take care of," saysDavid Allen, author ofDo things. "Delays like these are a good time to make this call to your mother you turn off." For more secrets of the success of the company, follow these20 new rules for successful participants.

Workload triage

stressed out woman working at laptop

All tasks in advance do not require the same time and effort. So what should be done first? The little things you can eliminate in a short order, or a strong lift? "If you can finish the task in two minutes or less, do it right away," says Allen. If it's a bit more intense, save it until you have had the opportunity to get urgent missions away. All the time, throw Spotify and create a playlist. The researchers at the University of Windsor have found that people who listened to their favorite music felt more positive and have done better on tasks requiring a creative contribution.

Become familiar with discomfort

distracted couple commitment

Most of us think about anxiety as something to avoid, but it can actually feed positive change - if you know how to use it. "Anxiety is a natural emotion that lives in the gap between where we are and where we want to be," saysRobert Rosen, Ph.D., founder of healthy companies and author ofJust enough anxiety: the hidden driver of the success of the company. "We need to reframe how we look at anxiety. It's not something to flee, but something that can be used as a productive energy." It's just one of these25 ways to be happier now!

Resist the urge to compare you

Handshake, Interview

A concern with the comparison of us against our friends and our rivals is often a losing proposal. "People who have a problem of anxiety get lost to judge," saysMel Schwartz, Ph.D., a psychotherapist in Westport, Connecticut. Schwartz says that we are measuring to create an order in our lives, but by doing so, we lose our humanity. "The critical voice is enslaved," he says. "To escape, you have to accept and love who you are."

Be comfortable with saying no

woman eating pastries with cat stress stressed out

Although we did not want to have the reputation of being lower than a team player, agree to take too much could be a disaster recipe. "Do not give a quick" yes "to anything," saysMarty Seldman, Ph.D., author ofSURVIVAL OF SAVANDE. "People still Lowball the time a task will take. Suddenly, you are overcome." Instead, practice the art of "no non-no," says Seldman. "Say," I do not have time to commit to that, but let's have lunch and I'll tell you what I would do. "Approaching a request like this, you will meet as a favorable and keep your schedule realistic. While you are there, work these8 game evolution strategies Each boss should know In your daily routine.

Do not maximize on caffeine

woman taking coffee to go stress stressed out

Caffeine is ideal for overcoming the bump, but it can eat too much and you can raise your stress levels and hormones associated with them. Instead of coffee, try tea. In a British study, people who drank four black tea cups throughout the day experienced a decrease of 47% of cortisol, a stress-related hormone.

Binding your archnemesis friendship

Co-Founder, business partners stressed out handshake

Have an acrimony towards someone you work is, to put it lightly, not ideal. Unless you are a real masochist, you will probably avoid this person, you will detract from a situation you want to go out.No Bueno. "The avoidance adds to the long-term stress. It can reduce the stress initially, but possibly things left unattended with you," saysMario Alonso, Ph.D. "By facing problems and acting on them, you take control. This feeling of empowerment will reduce stress." It's just one of30 life skills Every man should know.

Minimize interruptions

Procrastination, hiring

According to a study by the University of California, an interruption costs you on average 23 minutes before returning to the original task. In fact, the researchers say that you temporarily cut from the e-mail can dramatically reduce stress and perfect your goal. Your best bet is to walk a little. "Working elsewhere", says Allen. "Sit in an empty conference room where you can disconnect and people will have trouble hunting. Changing your environment can be the best thing to do."

Do not power stress with bad foods

They call comforting food, but the thought of heading to a meeting while you curse yourself to inhale a cheeseburger and giant fries is the very comfortable antithesis. When it comes to food, go with a clearer option. And although it is good to control your carbohydrates, do not eliminate them completely. "The carbohydrates make the brain frees the serotonin from anti-anxiety elixir," saysMike Roussell, Ph.D., author ofThe six pillars of nutrition. Roussell recommends combining whole grains, fiber-rich carbohydrates and brown beans, for example, with lean proteins such as turkey, shrimp or Tri-tip steak. "The protein helps stabilize your blood glucose, making sure you dig through the rest of the day with great energy." These are not the only foods with surprising medicinal properties - Store your kitchen with these20 incredible healing foods!


smoking first heart attack stressed out

Leaving the butts was the change of way of life n ° 1 mentioned by each doctor and researcher we talked about. But even occasional smokers should be suspicious: research shows that with the first cigarette of the day, the heart rate will increase from 10 to 20 beats per minute. Blood pressure will increase 5 to 10 points. All that to say: If you are a Junky nicotine, you can expect to stay really, really stressed.

To discuss

Team, business team, leadership, smart word stressed out

Let's face the daily grinding can sometimes be an insulating and even dehumanizing experience. In addition, studies show that social support is a key factor in stress reduction. With regard to working pressure, it is enough to share thoughts with a colleague will do the turn. In fact, researchers suggest that the mere presence of a friendly face facilitates stress. In a study at the University of Tokyo, researchers have discovered that rats being given an electric shock had lower body temperatures and stress hormone levels when accompanied by another rat that does not have any been zapled. The rats that were shocked in Solitary became crazy. If you give a rat ass on your stress levels, be ready with a smile. Find a reason to smile with these25 ways to be happier now!

Breathe through a nostril

woman happy to be alive. At beach. Happiness is great for longevity. stressed out

His name is the breathing method of Nadishudhi Alternate-Nostril-Nostril, and she has a deep and immediate effect on the body, saysKavita Chandwani, M.D., M.PH. It describes the technique: hold your closed right nostril with your thumb; Breathe through your left nostril. Without letting your breath, cover your left nostril. Exhale through the right nostril, then inspire through this nostril with the left nostril covered. Close your right nostril and exhale on the left. Do this for a minute. The more breaths are long, the better. The closure of one of the air passages takes you to take more more, deeper breathing (this requires them basically to breathe from the belly), which calms the nerves, slows heart rate and reduces blood pressure.

Sub-traffic, surpuredess

Meetings, productivity, more time

The boss wants you to improve your goals. But after pushing the numbers, you realize that what he asks is a scope. The competitor could be quick to rally - but check your enthusiasm. A more modest target could help you in the long run. "Manage early expectations. In this way, you will not escape tons of work and find disappointing results," says Seldman. It is better to exceed the modest goals than falling too coarsely aggressive. People are happier with an unexpected good news than with foreseeable success, say to researchers at the University of Florida. Take stock of these25 Life Change Lessons Super-Successful Men.

Plan meals of the week

man cooking, 20 phrases to say

After making decisions all day, the last thing you want to do is determine what to eat on the fly. "Taking decisions in the grocery store is incredibly stressful, especially when you are not prepared and hungry," saysJulie Morgenstern, an expert in productivity and the author ofWork. So decide what is for dinner in advance. First, choose a night of the week to make your purchases. (Wednesday is the least crowded, according to the National Supermarket Association.) Then create a list of essentials, such as eggs, milk and butter. Then make a second list of all the items you need for any actual cooking you or your family plans to do this week. "This is the list you are updating and turn," says Morgenstern. "You can schedule in 15 minutes when you have the model defined." If you live in a place of service by a grocery company like FreshDirect, even better. Use the convenient application and have the food of the week waiting for you when you come home.

Transition from work that you at home you

Marriage, couple, sex stressed out

How to manage this transition is crucial. You can start by doing one thing to report the end of the day of work, which puts conference calls, endless meetings and flights of emails to bed. Pour a drink, put on someMiles Davis, do everything that brings you to work mode. "One of my patients immediately changes clothes," says Mogel. "He reports that" Businessperson "retired for the evening and it's time for the family." To be able to retreat and do more things you like is only one of the40 best things about being in your forties!

Agree on who does what

couple-dancing-outdoors, stress relief stressed out

Like most family-related issues, housework is a collaboration, which turns less on efficiency than emotion. "Start with her," saysAudrey Nelson, Ph.D.co-authorThe Gender Communication Manual. "Ask your thoughts, feelings and ideas about how these tasks should go. The more mutual and shared decision-making process, the better." Even if you have each of the housework, there are times when one of you has more pressing tasks - extra work of the office, critical calls to do. So register with her to see if there is something more, she needs you to take. "You could ask him that the rope she hates the most," says Nelson, "and trade with her every few weeks."

If it feels good, do it

gardening stressed out

Once you come home, get out in your yard or other greenery nearby. In a recent study, the researchers in England have found a direct link between time spent in the green space and the reduction of stress levels. (The Japanese calls that "forest mailing".) If you are a Slicker city or it's too cold / hot / rainy / shortly, take 15 minutes to do something you like. Play with the dog, observe the YouTube clips of people falling, all that floats your boat. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have discovered that study participants who engage in pleasant activities have shown a reduction in blood pressure and cortisol levels. To make the most of each day, start checking these incredible50 things you have to do before dying.

Establish a place for everything

propose stressed out

"Cleaning takes a fraction of time if you have an organized infrastructure," says Morgenstern. The more you can reflect, the better. "You may need three pots, not six," she says. "When it's clear where everything happens, no room should take more than eight minutes to clean."

Give and receive support

couple in kitchen, friendship, 20 phrases to say stressed out

Use the dinner preparation time to request your wife or spouse about their day. New research from Florida State University on more than 400 work couples revealed that men and women with support spouses focused better at work, were less likely to go home and reported more satisfaction with the time spent with their children. To prevent burning home fires, check out our exclusive guide of theSecrets of the best relations!

Designate a cleaning time

cleaning car stressed out

Find a weekly block: "batch like many of your shopping and tasks in this hour or two," says Morgenstern. "The routine compartment has household tasks and these disposals to consume your time. The routine frees you from stress."

Look forward

still single, young man, texting, phone, dating apps stressed out

It would be tempting to turn off your brain after dinner, the counters are cleaned and the kids are in bed, but before doing it, take 15 minutes to think about the to-dos of tomorrow. Most people put this little detail for the morning and it never works. "It's the biggest productivity error of all," says Morgenstern. "The day already hangs on you." Plan tomorrow more two: the three-day arc will keep you focused on the largest image, you will better become better at the delegation of work, and you will feel instantly less stressed. For more successful advice from people who know, follow these25 richest things still do!

Have sex

kissing couple lovers

"Sex is a powerful stress-buster," saysDaniel Kirsch, Ph.D., President of the American Institute of Stress. "It releases endorphins and induces deep relaxation." First step? Relax. Being emphasized orgasms of women and men's erections. Suggests taking a shower together or offering a massage, saysDebby Herbenick, Ph.D.the author ofBecause it feels good. (And if youreally want to kick a notch, consider trying part of the30 best sex toys that will improve your love life.)

But if you are still not mood, do not swear. "Too many men have sex when they are not really mood," she says. "And then they have problems that they panic and that anxiety extends them next time. Make a rain check. Women do all the time - men can also."

Get your 8 hours

coffee nap happy and energized woman in bed

Sleep sound allows the body to recover and regulate arterial pressure more skillfully, saysKa-Kit Hui, M.D.Professor and Director of the Center for East Medicine of the UCLA Medicine School of David Geffen. In this spirit, follow the remaining tips to make sure you give your stress absorbing a chance to fight to treat everything you put in a day. Get enough sleep is only one of these50 ways to watch younger in your 50s.

Pre-game for Sleepytime

stressed out woman on bed reading a book

Are you a custom creature? You should be. By doing the same thing every night for at least one hour before bedtime, you schedule sleep triggers. These triggers could include writing in your sleep diary, have a cottage cheese snack or do something else on this list. Over time, your brain will start associating these things with bedtime and will quickly stay in sleep. Before you know, you will feel less stressed.

Watch your devices differently

stressed out cell phone in bed

Your late Netflix habit could make it harder the good rest. According to recent research by the National Academy of Sciences, the blue light emitted from electronic devices such as your computer, your iPad or your LED television can affect melatonin production, sleep hormone, which negatively affects the quality of the quality of the quality of the quality. Sleep and leads to your stressed feeling. . If you can not taste your late technology habit, download a free program called F.Lux. Throughout the day, the software gradually changes the light emissions from your blue electronics to a warm red, a hue that minimizes the stimulating effects of blue light. Unfortunately, it can not do the same thing for your TV, then you will simply need to return. Or carry blocker blockers.

Institute a wake up time and a bed bed

woman waking up punctual stressed out

Of course, it will take some get used to it, but as a result of a coherent sleep schedule reinforces the body fate cycle, thus promoting a better Shuteeye. Similarly, define your alarm clock to go at the same time every day helps you sleep better too. According to the psychologists of Kansas State University, sleeping from time to time once a week - can reset your body's internal clock to a different sleep cycle, making it more difficult for head after crawling in bed.

Stop trying to fall asleep

couple waking up in bed, good morning, 20 phrases to say to her

Do you already have "trying to get hungry at lunch time? Of course not. You are hungry or you are not. It's the same with sleep. To help eliminate stressed feelings, focus on the present. Calm your mind by stretching arms and legs. Concentrate on slow and determined movements. Repeat. It is important to remind you that while sleeping is the best way to rejuvenate the body and mind, you can console with yourself with the idea that a concerted rest is better than throwing, from Turn and check the clock. And try these 10 ways to sleep better tonight -Ill'ils will help you get the best Shuteye of your life.

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(Top Photo: Joshua ear )

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