10 quick restoration control errors

Make sure you get the best possible meal while keeping safe as you enjoy your preferred order.

Sometimes a trip toDrive-thru For a hamburger and fries is just necessary. And while we are currently living in a world where catering in a sit-down restaurant is out of the question, most fast food establishments still allowCustomers to order via delivery and Drive-Thru. So, if that pleasant for yourGo-to fast food meal I will not leave, you can always order this good meal.

But you want to make sure you orderThe right way, sure.

Here we have gathered the biggest quick restoration mistakes you just made for the next time you find yourself at The Drive-Thru, you get the best and the best experience.These fries are worth, after all.


You change your order to the window.

McDonald's employee handing customer food through the drive thru window

There is a big mistake that you should never do, no matter when you arego to the drive-thru, and it'sChange or add more items to your order When you are already at the cashier window to pay. Ask if you can add a glass you have forgotten or commissioning another milkshake slows down the process for you, customers online behind you and employees too. Overall, it makes your job more difficult because they must then go back to the entire command to charge you the extra items and that you are waiting for everyone longer. In addition, this is more time than you spend in front of these workers when we live in a time when social distance is essential and that the amount of contact with others is imperative.

If you really want something else, just get down, go back online and make another order is the best!


You just eat from the bag.

Man eating an hamburger while driving car

Hey, it happened to the best of us: you are super hungry and once the delicious smells of this bag of food sliding in your car, you reach and fly fries. But if you can wait for you to be at home to start eating,please to do.A study showed This coronavirus remains infectious for 24 hours on cardboard surfaces, and it can be able to survive on other surfaces, because it is something that is always tested. So open the food bag and dig it without properly disinfecting the surface or you probably your best choice if you try to play safe! It brings you to our next point ...


You do not wash your hands.

man eating sandwich

According to the CDCYou have to wash your hands with soap, foam the back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails for 20 seconds. So, going directly from McDonald's to your kitchen and eat your meal without washing your hands simply not something that anyone should do now. And likeCORDIALIS MSORA-KASAGO, MA, RDN, Certified Dietary Nutritionist and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticstold us in a previous article, "Before eating, or even taking a bit of french fries nibbling, wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand disinfectant. If possible, take the food out of the bag and use a plate and utensils. "


You do not take food on the containers he entered.

empty McDonalds containers

Again, all this amounts to not want to eat something that can have dangerous germs on it, but it also helps control the portions. Taking food on the containers, he served it and putting it on a plate helps you to see how much the food in front of you and will allow you to think about the control of the portions.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


You pay with money.

fast food drive thru

Another way to have another way to spread germs and it is obvious to what Covid-19 quickly spread to people around the world. Instead, pay with a credit or debit card, or even better, if you can pay in advance via an application, it would be ideal.


You do not make any meal changes.

Big Mac and fries

We get it, you do not necessarily enter your favorite fast food for a healthy meal. But it is important that you try to get as many nutrients as you can at each meal. Then maybe exchange a lateral control of fries for a salad (as long as it is notan unhealthy salad!) Or even apple slices;skip the soda and go fora water bottle instead of; try one of theVegetarian options; Perhaps not control a large size of, well, anything on the menu. The small modifications are all that we ask here!


You use tactile screens to place your order.

drive thru sign

Although dinner experience is no longer an option, there is always a chance that you can meet a touch screen. Whether it's a reader, or your favorite of your local fast food allows customers to come inside and place their order of shooting this way, you may have to have to use a touch screen. It isyet another surface that the germs can linger. AsCedrina Calder, MD, a doctor's physician and expert in health and well-being,told us in a previous story, If someone with COVID-19 cough or sneezes, "the breathing droplets containing the virus can land on surfaces or objects nearby", it is possible that you can get Covid-19 by touching surfaces or objects where the droplets landed and then touching your mouth, your nose or eyes. "

In short, turn off the touch screen!


You are too narrow in the line of other customers.

Mcdonald's line

You are probably not the only person who wants a hamburger. So, if you are online waiting for your order, make sure you areuprightat least six feet apartOther customers are waiting to order their food.


You order more food than you can eat.

cheeseburger piles

Your eyes can sometimes be bigger than your stomach and if you end up on order, it's good. As long as you do not eat everything in one session! And the best way to prevent this from happening is to practice conscious consumption habits - stop eating when you are full and save the remains of food to eat the next day.Leftovers are always a gift that continues to give. Speaking of remnants ...


You do not store enough remains in the quite fast refrigerator.

leftover french fries with a little tiny bit of ketchup

If you come home with your booty by hand and go to eat - afterWash your hands correctly And the disinfection of surfaces, that is to say and you have food remains, your first instinct could simply be to let it sit on the counter while you know in this meal that you just enjoyed. But you do not want to leave these remains sitting for too long, asPrepared foods left at room temperature For more than two hours, one can cause a disease. So, you will want to make sure that all foods you do not eat are immediately stored in containers in your refrigerator.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Restaurants
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