Why the metro does not secretly want this popular offer

The reason? It's not profitable.

When you thinkMetro, the first menu item that appears in your mind is the subwalk, right? If you have attended the sandwich channel one day between2008 and 2011, you probably probably have $ 5.

The $ 5 Footlong agreement re-emerged sporadically in recent years, and now the metro wants to resurrect the agreement fromJune 9th-The first time since 2018. Now, if this agreement will be available in a metro near you is always ready to debate. The Subway Franchisee Association recommends that its members make an effort fornot bring back The well-liked $ 5 net.

"The $ 5 footlet was abandoned years ago afternumbers attempts to make it profitable for the restaurant", wrote the North American Metro Franchise Association (Naasf) writing in a letter to its members a few weeks ago thatRestaurant Business got a copy of. "Since the first iteration of this campaign has increased traffic sales offset the cost of trade."

Simply set up a $ 520 sub-dollar does not cover all the costs of food and labor because it once on its national beginnings in 2008. In the letter, L 'Association says it will not support any $ 5 net offer available to clients walking at the door or are not related to Combo Deal (think of chips and a glass). This is because the low price makes it difficult for them to break even. For this reason, the agreement will only be available through the subway mobile application.

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While the $ 5 footlet is a good deal for the customer, franchise investors eventually cover the cost of funds needed for the transaction to happen. In the end, no profit is done. This is especially the case when customers choose a more expensive sandwich, such as one withroast beef-For the case.

The slight football of $ 5 that strikes the market during the recession is now trying to return during the pandemic, but after an increase in food costs and labor, the agreement is simply not sustainable franchisees to finance.

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