The CEO of Chick-Thé-said that whites should do it to fight racism

The mogul controversial rapid catering chain recently offered its solution to civilian disorders.

The CEO of the very popular but controversial fast food chainChick-a Offered a curious solution to the social evils of racism and prejudices that still exist in America. Dan Cathy suggested that the whites shine the shoes and perhaps give a hug to their fellow citizens who are black and even revealed, he has already sent 1,500 brushes of polishing shoes to his staff as an example.

Cathy sat down for a television discussion on the Church of the Atlanta Passion Sunday with the local Louie Giglio pastor and the Lecrae rapper for what wasdescribe By the church as "an open and honest conversation around the way racism has posted our city for generations and we can all take to face the confrontation in our church, our neighborhoods and our hearts." Atlanta has probably been the center of national disorders of civilians lately, most recently because of the assassination of Rayshard Brooks in a region of AtlantaWendy's Parking lot.

Billionaire Conservative CEO urged white Christians to take advantage of this "special moment" of American history, asking them to repent of racism and fight for their black "brothers and sisters" as a result of permanent demonstrations on the murders of the police ofRayshard BrooksGeorge Floyd, and many more.

But it was his brilliant comment of shoes that raised eyebrows when the CEO even went so far as to brush and shine the Lecrae rapper shoes with whom he shared the scene. A video of this moment has been downloaded on YouTube, which you can look here:

The Puck-Fil-CEO said that, in his esteem, whites showed apathy and indifference to racial inequalities because they did not consider the experience of many black Americans. "It's someone else's business. This concerns the police pulling people, it's a lot more than that," said Cathy, as indicated byChristian. "This is the grip of this type of indignity and other expressions of it."

Chick-a At the center of a number of political controversy, as the food chain possessed by conservation remains closed on Sundays religious reasons. More recently, the FAAlaunched a religious survey of discrimination In the Fast LGBTQ Fast Catering Chain folder, which includes nearly $ 2 million in donations to groups opposed to same-sex marriage in 2017 and anti-gender wedding comments that Cathy didIn a radio interview In 2012. Chick-Fil-A representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comments.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Fast Food / News
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