Commandments of a good wife: 10 things that are better not to tell her husband

Relationships are romantic friendship, stretched for years, with its victories and defeats, joys and bitter moments. On this path, it is always necessary to make a choice and take difficult decisions, and often about somewhat soak.

Relationships - Ceromantic Friendship, stretched for years, with their victories and defeats, joyed by bitter moments. On this way, it is always necessary to make a choice and take a state decision, and often about somewhat soak. What is better not to tell her husband, read in our material.

That you actually think of his parents

No one is perfect, and his parents too. Whatever they were, they need to be respected, because without them would not have your beloved. Even if you do not have a good relationship with its senses, you should not pour oils into the fire, because it will still protect them, although it knows all their shortcomings.

Former - taboo

If you do not want to get your relationship, never speak with the husband about your former. Reprobably, at the stage of the courts, gave him a minimum of information about his breath, so there is no need to support these conversations. If you are constantly giving your ex, for a man it will mean only one thing: you have a feeling to him, then what is the meaning of your relationship? Do not wear old wounds, apply today's day.

On the success of other men

Never, hear, never speak a loved one, which is a good man - your best girlfriend, even if the truth. Similar comments are very painful for a man's self-love, and Cenyak does not motivate on new disturbances.

About attention and compliments

Often, to evoke, women are telling how they were at the center of attention or which compliments of removing men were taken. Indeed, it can raise a degree in your relationship, but if your husband is a pathological jealousy, you will only be worse. The best is to know that you are beauty without waiting for confirmation of the side.

About their complexes

You will not find a woman who considers myself perfect. Complexes pursue us from childhood, but it does not think that they can not be overcome and the more so that you must know your second half. The worst option is to complain to your husband. So you think of a bear service, because he and himself can begin to notice what you spoke to him. Best is to take yourself in your hands and start the struggle with property imperfection, and the man will be delighted with the result and your grain.

Health problems

You can be sure: no one loves those who are constantly complaining, dissatisfied and negatively watching life. You do not need to focus on problems if they are, of course, it is really very serious. Men like lightweight, smiling women, whose problems. Why destroy this illusion?

Secrets of your girlfriends

Want to lose authorship in the eyes of your husband - tell him the secrets of the girlfriends. He not only accidentally tell someone else's secret, but also to think that it is his secrets you are easily telling third-party people. So it's best to keep your mouth in the castle.

Other people's relationships

You can be sure: gossip and information about other people's relationships to your beloved is not interesting in it. It's a spam that it automatically filters and can even disobey you at this moment, so do not insult. Leave such conversations for a friend with a girlfriend or mom.

The secrets of your children

For young children, the nearest person. And if they ask something to keep in secret even thaw, so do it. It is very important for them. If you do not want to lose the best friend in the eyes of the child, securely conserve the secrets of your children. This trembling period is the property to end very quickly.

Open Difficult Damage Wasted Years

Never say aloud that regret it married, if, of course, do not plan to part. After all, after such phrases, the relationship is even worse and this is the beginning of the end.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love / marriage
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