15 errors that you can not do at the restaurant

Keep yourself and keep others safe while at the restaurant of these common incidents.

Phone, keys, wallet and mask. Newsafety precautions Due to pandemic coronavirus legitimately resumed the way we all interact in public.

With the number ofcases continuing to increase, it's never too late to remind you of common health errors that you can avoid at a restaurant or bar, especiallyIf it comes from reopened recently with a lot of security measures in place. We collected 15 blunders so as not to do while remaining eating.


Leaving your mask on the table

mask before eating

Wear a coming mask and out of the restaurant is great, but make sure to place it somewhere to keep it away from potential germs. This means in a clean, breathable paper or another type of bag. here is15 other errors that you do with facial masks.


Do not use hand disinfecting

Happy young woman wearing protective face mask disinfects her hands with alcohol sanitizer while sitting at table in restaurant on summer day.

It is better to wash your hands with soap and water because it's up to your hands best. But, you should use a hand disinfectant after touching things that others have also been in contact with menus, door handles and chairs. Make sure the brand you use, consists of at least 60% alcohol. Before your next public exit, read on the10 errors that you do with hand disinfecting.


Do not wash your hands before eating

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

It is best to use an old soap and simple water (for at least 20 seconds) to kill all the germs. Then, when you eat and your hands are close to your face, the risk of transmission of the virus decreases,According to the CDC. At the beginning of the pandemic, the handwashing reminders were all on the online place and in the shops, but it can not affect reminding you20 handwashing errors that help coronavirus spread.


Using your hands to eat

man is eating hamburger in a fast food restaurant and enjoying delicious food

Another health error you can not afford to do in a restaurant eat with your hands. They pick up germs of everything you touch, and even if you sweep them or wash them well before eating, it is the safest to use a fork, a spoon or knife. At least they are generally disinfected.

Related:You will not believe that these restaurants insane are disinfectants during Covid


Stay at the restaurant

Couple having lunch at rustic gourmet restaurant

The more you are in a restaurant or bar, thegreater your risk to catch the virus is.Wall Street newspaperSays that prolonged exposure represents only about 15 minutes and that after that, the virus is more likely to spread.

Many restaurants have limits for the duration of each table. So, check out their website or ask when you get there for you to know. Also, avoid these5 major mistakes you do when you go to the restaurant.


Do not stay six feet from other guests

Social distancing rules in practice, alternate seating in local public food courts

Sitting or standing near other guests in a restaurant puts everyone at the risk of passing the virus around. This is especially true when you eat because you can not wear mask. The reopened restaurants have rules in place that the tables must besix feet awayBut if you think you are closer than others, you should move.


Do not wear mask inside and out

entering restaurant

The masks areproved to help slowly The spread of germs by protecting yourself from others and protecting others from you. They are necessary when in the audienceIn more than 20 states, and this includes going in and out of the restaurants. More,America's largest coffee chain now requires all guests to wear masks.


Sitting near the company

air conditioning

Air conditioning units canPush air through an entire room. The close session could mean that even if anyone is some tables and sneezing or sneezing, droplets can always reach you. But it's a mistake that you can easily repair. It is better to make sure there are no vents or AC units near your table and if you are sitting near Windows.


Sharing drinks

Close-up of a loving young couple sharing a drink at home

All you order should stay away from others.Research provesThat the exchange of saliva when sharing drinks or food could mean that you or someone else is infected. This can happen even if you have been doing well since those who are asymptomatic can always pass it on to others. Look for other ways to become sick - here's20 ways you can catch coronavirus dinner.


Not sitting outside

busy restaurant

The CDC says that if you are going to eat in a restaurant or bar,sit out is the safest place possible to enjoy your food. It is a health mistake that you can avoid relatively easily because many restaurants have opened or developed their al fresco restoration options.


Using money

cash payment

Many places still do not accept money, but opt ​​for contactless payment options. Money can carry a multitude of germs (not only coronavirus) so that it is safer to use your credit or debit card and avoid a health error.


Wait near the door

Customers waiting in line

Since restaurants run at a limited capacity, you may need to wait a table more often than you have done before the start of the pandemic. If this is the case, make sure to find a place (preferably outside) at six feet from others that may be expected. It's good advice when you expect to take away. Also,Expect these major changes in restaurants in the coming days.


Leaving your phone on the table

Phone sunglasses left on table

If you really think about it, your phone is in constant contact with your hands and other surfaces. Place your phone on the table after opening the door to a restaurant, touched the chair and possibly the menu infects with these germs. Then leave it as other customers eat, speak and walk can also mean that it attracts droplets of the air.

It is best to frequently wipe your phone to kill any type of bacteria and put it in your bag or pocket while you are at the restaurant.


Using table condiments

basket of condiments ketchup hot sauce mustard

Lots of restaurantsdeleted these elements and others Tables of their dining rooms in order to keep them cleaner, but if your server highlights a bottle of ketchup or mustard, even salt or pepper, it is better to avoid this potential health error.


Seated at the bar


The bars are known to be crowded, closer, dark and sometimes germinal. Sitting in a bar on a stool (many times, they are anchored in the floor and can not be moved to accommodate social distance) is a big mistake of health to avoid in a restaurant. You are even close to the bartender who interacts with many people too.

If you see a bar or restaurant that allows people to get closer and sit at the bar,That's exactly how you report them.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: News / Restaurants
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