This simple walking workout is an incredible fat burner, explains the top coach

Here's how to transform a fast walking into an effective weight loss workout.

Never listen to anyone who tells you thatwalking is not acoaching. "The walk is a very good exercise form and can help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals," John Ford, a certified practice physiologist who owns and operates JKF Fitness & Health in New York.NBC News. "I do not make fun of walking. In fact, walking is the suggested training on the run for many people. The walk is a lower impact exercise and can be done for long periods."

Contrary to popular belief, it is also an effective way ofburn fat. In fact, according to a study published in theJournal of Exercise Nutrition & BiochemistryResearchers who have studied the effects of the march on obese women over a 12-week period revealed that it wasabove all In force to target and reduce visceral greases - otherwise called belly fat, the type that increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease - while also contributing to improving the response of insulin of the body. Researchers recommend walking for anyone suffering from obesity or metabolic syndrome, or anyone who does not have an earlier experience with exercise. "

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If you want to try your hand in the walk to lose weight, we contactedRush wilking, CFSC, a popular Nike trainer, a rumble instructor and creator of the applicationAsh made on requestFor his suggestion of a simple walking workout that serves as an incredible fat burner that you can try at home. According to Wilking, the key to burn fat while walking is just going longer. "To walk, where your heart rate remains a much lower rate and therefore has time to access the energy of fat, a longer workout session will be considered a greater combustion."

So, read it for the three parts of Wilking "60 minutes walk of 70 minutes", which we have included below.

12 minute warming block

woman walking

For a minute, walk at a faster pace than normal, followed by 30 seconds of high knees or kicks (when you bring your heels to your back). Take this total of eight times, alternating between the high knees and the kicks of heel.

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40 minutes of work of "work"

woman on treadmill

Walk for 3 minutes at a fast pace, then 2 minutes at an easy rhythm. Do this 8 times total.

8 minutes cool

Woman walking

Walk at a slow pace for 8 minutes.

For more major workouts ...

woman workout

Do not miss our collection of the30 workouts that you can do in just 30 seconds! And if you are always on the fence about whether or not you should walk more, be sure to read onThe major side effect of walking every day, according to science.

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