Doing this with your lawyers could endanger your health, warns the FDA

The agency says that a recent viral hack for fruit storage could make you seriously ill.

Whether you put it on toast, cut it for a salad or crush it to make a new lot of Guacamole, you can only denyLawyers are a must in the kitchen. But for the fruit to be so popular, it is also notoriously one of the most capricious products when it comes to timeing their maturity just so that they do not waste. And although some can extend to make sure they don't become pasty too quickly, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) now warns that doing one thing when storing lawyers could be a potential health risk. Read the rest to see what the recent viral hacking that the agency advises for security reasons.

Read this then:Never prepare chicken like that, CDC warns.

There are easy ways to know if you should eat a lawyer.

young woman in striped shirt holding avocado
Shutterstock / My Ocean Production

Even before running against time to work a lawyer who matures in your meal plan, whoever considers himself a fan of the fruit is not unrelated to the careful selection process of the grocery store involved in purchases. But while the idea of ​​a foaming green lawyer may seem coarse to even look,Eat a spoiled avocado could potentially make you sick. According to Healthline, hike in the fruit can "lead to the formation of potentially toxic compounds", which can clear "a chemical odor and a taste".

If you are looking to say justHow fresh lawyer is, start by looking at the brightness of his skin: the less ripe fruits will be clear green, while darker fruits will be closer to maturity. Giving a avocado gentle pressure is famous for a major indicator of freshness. All lawyers who feel too firm still have time before being ready to be eaten, but all those who feel pasty or hollow have exceeded their peak and should be thrown.

Once you have decided to open your lawyer, you can visually inspect the fruit for signs of deterioration. If you notice mold anywhere in or on the fruit, large brown and black spots through the flesh, a stringy texture or dark streaks in the fruit, it is a sign that the avocado is probably rancid and Too dangerous to eat. "Do not try to save part of a Rance lawyer, fragrant or moldy because it has the potential to make you sick," said Healthline.

The FDA warns that storage of avocados in a particular way has a serious health risk.

Half and whole avocados

But while no one likes to end up with an uncompromising and pasty fruit, doing certain things to prevent your lawyers from spoiling could present a different health risk. In a viral Facebook publication of February has shared more than 206,000 times, a user has shown howStorage of avocados immersed in water In the refrigerator, could keep them perfectly fresh for two weeks, NBCToday reports. But while the tests seem to give inBrilliantly green and edible fruit, officials asked to use the kitchen hack.

"The FDA does not recommend this practice. The main concern is the possibility that residual human pathogens (that is to say,Listeria monocytogenes,,Salmonella spp., etc.) which can reside on the surface of the avocado, can potentially multiply during storage when submerged in the water, "said a spokesperson for the agencyToday.

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Research has shown that lawyers can present more risk of food origin than most people think.

Choosing an avocado in store

When the time comes to eat them, lawyers are often treated in the same way as a banana or orange and are rarely washed within the framework of the preparation process. But according to research published by the FDA in 2018, lawyers can actually beswarming with dangerous microorganisms. After testing 1,615 lawyer samples between 2014 and 2016, the results revealed that 0.74% of its samples were tested positive forSalmonella, while 0.24% of avocado flesh samples and 17.73% of avocado skin samples tested positive forListeria monocytogenes. The two bacteria can cause serious and potentially fatal diseases when consumed.

For this reason, the federal government recommends rethinkingHow you prepare lawyers, Advisor: "Even if you plan to cut the bark or take off the products before eating, it is always important to wash it first so that the dirt and the bacteria are not transferred from the knife on the fruit."

But although it may seem that bacterial problems are only deeply on the surface, the agency says that other studies have shown that the use of the water storage hack can stillPresent a health risk. "In addition, the research carried out by FDA scientists has shown thatListeria monocytogenes has the potential to infiltrate and internalize lawyers in the pulp of lawyers when it is immersed in refrigerated vacuum tanks within 15 days during refrigerated storage, "said a spokespersonToday. "In this case, even the surface disinfection of the avocado's skin before slicing could not eliminate contamination."

There are other easy and safe ways to keep your lawyers fresh longer.

avocado cut into two halves near bowl of guacamole on black surface
Shutterstock / Natali Zakharova

If you always worry about how to keep yourLawyers to turn too quickly, there are still simple and sure ways to make sure they will last long enough for you to appreciate them. You must store undercover avocados on your counter before throwing them in the refrigerator as they are about to mature or become ripe, according toEat well. By placing it in a waterproof hermetic container that can be part of your product drawer, you can see the life of the fruit last up to two weeks.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If you have a half-avocado that rolls on your refrigerator, you can always make sure it remains good for later. According toToday, Apply a few drops of lemon or lime juice to the cut surface of the fruit before covering it with plastic film, ensuring that it presses as much as possible against the flesh to minimize air contact. This tip can buy you a day or two of your avocado one day or two.

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