7 popular catering chains that have trouble surviving

The time will say how the pandemic affects these well-known, long-term restaurants.

It's not a secret that thecoronavirus pandemic Disturbed many aspects of life and includes restaurants. Although many do their best to stay in business, offer microphones on the edge of Curbside anddelivery Services to which customers orders happily, there are only some beloved fellows that will not do it on this time standing. And it goes forPopular restaurant chains, too much.

So, who have the hardest time to manage right now? Here is a ventilation of seven catering chains that are difficult to fight. And to make sure you stay in the capture, make sure youSign up for our newsletter to get the latest Coronavirus Foods news delivered directly to your inbox.



Friendlys restaurant
Helen89 / Shutterstock

The restaurant chain is better known forSundae ice cream Get alongside a hamburger and fries. And while the food can bring a wave of nostalgia for customers, it has been responsible for financial difficulties for some time. In 2019,23 locations have been closed, which has dropped by 25% of the locations since 2018. The pandemic does not contribute, like the remaining places in various states such asMassachusetts andConnecticut had to put workers during this period.



IHOP storefront

While thebreakfast chain We know that pys of pancakes in deterioration, you can usually stop at any time to adapt to life during the pandemic has not been easy for IHOP. The chain has seen multiple placesShutter their doors thelast months, with some placescite microphones at edge edge As unfortunately, do not do a lot to improve business.


Tuesday Ruby

ruby tuesdays storefront

Unfortunately, Tuesday Rubis is a casual chain that had been fighting for a while. It is therefore easy to see why the pandemic has just made things more difficult to decline sales andMore closing locations permanently.




Houlihan's is another chain that had already been dealing with difficult times, with his parent company filedChapter 11 Bankruptcy.Landry $ 40 Million Offer To acquire the channel, but the time will indicate if the limited amount of locations will now allow all their open doors.


Joe's Crab Shack

Joes crab shack
Ehrlif / Shutterstock

Joe's Crab Shack currently offers an imprint and delivery, but more of their locations end.A recently closed place After falling behind to pay $ 10,000 from rent because of the pandemic and anotherLocation in Delaware It had been opened for 17 years closed at the end of April. Things are not looking for the casual seafood chain adapted to families.


Dave & Buster's

Dave busters

Dave & Buster's is the ideal channel for guests looking for fun alongside their meals because it serves an arcade and a restaurant. But all their137 places had to close their doors, leave more than 15,000 during this period. Hopefully these closures will be simply temporary.


Hard rock coffee

Hard rock café
Hard Rock Cafe Nice / Facebook

Hard Rock Café ALocations throughout the United States in large cities, as it is often a culinary experience of tourists like to participate when they are on vacation. The chain has seen better days;It has been reported That these restaurants - as well as their hotels and casinos - will take a year to go back to business in the way it was once. TheFoxwoods Hard Rock Cafe Only 68 employees leave because of the pandemic.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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