If you find this on the ground, do not pick it up, the police said in a new warning

Resist the temptation to grasp this because it could endanger your health.

We have probably taught you at a young age not to take up everything that has ground. But those of us who aremore ecological As adults can be inclined to throw garbage, we see on the side of the street - and sometimes we are also tempted to pick up and pocket certain discoveries that seem precious or interesting.

These instincts generally do not land us in hot water, but the police have expressed a new warning on one of the most attractive things on which you could trip that could end up hurting you. Read the rest to discover what the authorities ask you to avoid resuming if it crosses your way.

Read this then:Do not fill your fuel tank without doing this first, the police now warn.

Police have issued a number of recent warnings.

parking meter
Scharfinn / Shutterstock

Police warnings can be frightening but necessary, especially when the authorities can follow the trends in criminal activity. So far this year, the police have warned the general public of different scams, such as the one who has led drivers to share sensitive information whenUse of parking meters. More dangerous risks are also widespread, including those who put your health and your safety in danger.

On May 30, the Boston police serviceFurnished bar patterns approximately an increase inDrinks. To stay safe, the authorities advised to have covered drinks and never leave them unattended, especially when you head to the bathroom. Drinks are enriched with drugs like Rohypnol, also known as "Roofries", GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate), or Ketamine, said police, which are generally colorless, insipid and odorless.

Now the police have issued another warning on how you may be without knowing it in contact with illicit drugs.

No matter how tempting it is, don't take this from the ground.

person picking up dollar
Blackday / Shutterstock

"Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long, you will be lucky" is a secular age by saying that many of us have taken heart. But the police of the County of Giles, in Tennessee, expressed a new warning to seize money on the ground, even if you think it is your luck day.

Authoritiespublished the warning On Facebook, ask people not to choose money folded on the floor because it could contain fentanyl. Until now, the region's police have received folded dollars reports found on the floor of the service stations. By opening them, the personless person found a white powder substance, and twice, the powder was tested positive for methamphetamine and fentanyl.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and is often mistreated and added to heroin. The addition of fentanyl and increased traffic resulted in a sharp increase in deaths, deaths from 2,666 in 2011 to 31,335 in 2018. Methamphetamine, on the other hand, is aaddictive stimulant, and in 2017, around 15% of all overdoses was linked to this category of drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Police stresses that it is important to educate children about this problem.

children playing on playground
Yevgen Kravchenko / Shutterstock

"This is a very dangerous problem," wrote the Sheriff's Department of the County of Giles, also asking that the parents urge the children not to recover money they find on the ground. If they find money folded somewhere like a playground or a business, children should use a "great caution" and alert a parent or a tutor before touching it.

Take into account this warning, but stay informed.

gloved hand holding fentanyl
Darwin Brandi / Shutterstock

Giles county police included a photo of a penny and a small amount of white powder to illustrate the amount of fentanyl that could be fatal. But while fentanyl is a deadly substance if it is mistreated, briefly or accidentally inhaling fentanylwill not be fatal, according to a study November 2021.

Research, published in the journalHealth and justice, was concentrated on the training of the police on accidental contacts with fentanyl. The study was launched after the disinformation by the DEA in 2016, said the study, which led the officers to believe that the simple fact of touching fentanyl could quickly kill them.

An equally misleading message was published by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2019, which, according to study authors, has the potential to contribute to stress and professional exhaustion, also reducing their Efficiency in the response to overdose incidents. In reality, there are a minimum of risks associated with accidental exposure to fentanyl, according to the study, and when the officers reported accidental exposure, their symptoms were more in line with a panic crisis than an overdose of opioids.

That said, the general public should always be extremely cautious in these cases and be aware of children who could fall on these substances by accident.

Read this then: If you are over 65, police have a new warning for you .

Categories: Smarter Living
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