The worst flat of noodles # 1 to order p.f. Chang's

This cheapest option at Chinese bistro can surprise you.

P.F. Chang's was one of the first restaurants to introduce thePackaging of lettuce concept. Pretty shiny, right? Who was back in the 1990s and today, with more than 200 locations at the national level andP.F. Chang to go to Openin locationsG As we go to the pandemic, we examined the Chinese bistro menu. If you order P.F. Takeout of Chang or catches one of their p. The menu items of the Chang House of the Supermarket freezer, there are a few things you should know.

Continue reading to learn the worst flat # 1 to order in P.F. Chang's-and if you think about dessert, do not missThe worst blizzard # 1 to order at the Dairy Queen.

Avoid sodium rapids and.

soy sauce bottle

Just in the front: the vast majority of p. Chang'sdishes are loaded with sodium. US Administration and Drugs (FDA)recommended A maximum of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, although they note that many of us get about 50% more than that, on average. A review of P.F. The Chang menu specifies that many choices go far beyond the 2,300 milligrams of sodium brand.

In addition, read25 foods rich in sodium, you should pay attention to.

Here is why sodium is a problem for your diet.


The FDA says: "sodium attracts water and a high sodium diet pulls water into the blood, which can increase blood volume, then your blood pressure ... [which] makes the working core too hard and the great strength of the blood flow can harm the arteries and organs (such as heart, kidneys, brain and eyes). High incontrolled hypertension can increase the risk of heart attack, insufficiency cardiac, stroke, renal disease and blindness. "

Since a lot of P.F. The Chang menu items are loaded with sodium, we let this nutritional facts our greatest guide determine which P.F. The Chang dish is unhealthy.

RELATED:The surprising effect reducing sodium can have on your blood glucose, a new study indicates

And it can surprise you.


You think Miso, you think the light and healthy, right? Not in this case. P.F. Chang's spicy Miso Ramen Soup is more sodium than any other menu item. Just how much? A salt of 4,210 milligrams. Onlythought On this subject could make you thirst.

There are two other red flags with P.F. Chang's Spicy Miso Ramen (which is only represented with this photo): You can not expect a soup dish to come with 22 grams of fat, but it does. (The good news is that only three grams are saturated fats, which isimportant to understand.) In addition, at 106 grams of carbohydrates, the spicy Miso Ramen to P.F. Chang may look like a large food food, but its effects would suggest that it is not a healthy choice. (If you want comfort, check what we found isThe best soup of chicken noodles.)

Another dish to avoid ...


Another flagrant no-no on P.F. The Chang menu is the Korean Bulgogi steak (again, represented here), with its 1,370 calories, 58 grams fat (which is the full daily oily value for some people), 3,740 milligrams of sodium and 121 grams of carbohydrates.

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And finally, lettuce envelope?

The envelopes of chicken lettuce are delivered with 38 grams of protein (and we are fans of lettuceFor several reasons), but other nutritional facts about lettuce wraps could give you a break: P.F. Chang chicken lettuce envelopes are another sodium marsh, with 1,830 milligrams. In addition, this application we could think of low glaccidity is not exactly the light: it has 27 grams of fat (six saturated grams) and 77 grams of carbohydrates!

A slightly safer bet to P.F. Chang's ...

At the same time the restaurant or the freezing section of the grocery store, P.F. Chicken Kung Pao de Chang is a little more reasonable for your health. P.F. The Chang restaurant menu reveals that this dish has 550 calories, 33 grams of fat, 960 milligrams of sodium, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 39 grams of protein. It is important to note that 17 grams of sugar, we do not say that this dish is ideal ... but a little search before eating P.F. Chang can help you make a wise option when dinner is served.

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