The 4 best colors to wear if you are introverted, according to experts

Making your energy with the colors of your clothes can help you feel more anchored and comfortable.

Raise your hand if you are introverted! Although the word can sometimes evoke a vision of someone who is anti -social, it really refers to the way you reconstitute energy - and introverts do it alone as opposed to others, like extroverts. Although there are a myriad of factors that contribute to the way in which an introvert can feel in a given situation, a small but important aspect is the color of their clothes .

Lisa Lawless , PHD, CEO of Holistic wisdom , says that introverted people can have more social anxiety or feel the need to mask more in social situations, which can be exhausting. "This is why using soothing colors that reflect their personality and their preferences is a good basic rule," she said. To find out what specific colors can help introverts feel more anchored, centered and comfortable, continue to read.

Read this then: The best color to wear with your birth stone, according to stylists .


A young woman with curly hair wearing a sky-blue t-shirt drinks coffee in her kitchen
Wayhome Studio / Shutterstock

According to a 2021 study led by SOOOCHOW University in China and published in the International Research and Technology Journal in Engineering ( Ijert ), blue is the color most associated with confidence.

"This is why many banks and press organizations use it," explains Lawless, adding that it is a big shade for introverts because it "allows them to enjoy color without attracting a lot of attention to themselves". And by giving off vibrations of trust, you will always be well received by others, even if you feel a little shy.

Color consultant Jill Kirsh Recommends that those with dark brown hair, black or salt and pepper wear cobalt blue. She says that those with golden brown or red hair should opt for Turreur blue and that hot blondes should try Aqua. Those with gray or ash blond hair should put on perwinkle or cadet.


Portrait of mature man with relaxed carefree expression in v neck sweater
Istock / Johnnygreig

Green green vegetables, such as Sage and Seafoam, can provide reflection of the peaceful behavior of an introvert, while light gray tones can give a feeling of quiet strength, notes without law. "Pastels can provide a feeling of color while not crushing the introvert or those around them." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

These can also include soft roses, lilacs and blues, which create an air of in-depth and comfort. Kirsh likes mint green for those with blond hair or gray hair and avocado green for those with golden or red brown hair.

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A smiling young woman wearing a beige turtleneck sweater with gold hoop earrings and her hair up in a bun.
Watch Studio / Shutterstock

If you are an introvert, you may want to try to put it in neutral. Lawless recommends shades found in nature, such as cream, tanning and brown. These are well -known soothing colors, and it's a good choice if you don't want to be the center of attention (for example by wearing a neon pink dress).

As for what exact shades could seem best to you, Kirsh recommends gray charcoal for those with dark brown, black or gray and camel or ivory hair for those with hot blond hair.


Woman Wearing all Black Outfit
Dmitry_tsvetkov / Shutterstock

Lawless says that sometimes introverts prefer deep or daring colors, which can give them a feeling of balance. "Black is often carried by very introverted people because it allows them to feel their own power and offers a feeling of earth."

In addition, a 2021 study published in the Color search and application The newspaper found that black is the most attractive color that can be worn. Amber Lee , an expert in relation and CEO of Select the date company , previously told Better life that it recommends this color for the first dates. "" The black is elegant , sophisticated and chic. ""

At the end of the day, however, Kirsh maintains that everyone can mainly wear all colors, introverts and extroverts. "It's just about knowing your best shades of this color," she said. "When you trust all your color choices, your attention is directed outwards in the world in relation to yourself - developing shy, reluctant and uncertain in the way you meet others."

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